Chapter 121

“How is he doing?” Nicole asked the doctor who was standing next to her.

She felt her heart was crushed inside. She couldn’t stand looking at her child on the hospital bed. She wished that she was just the one who felt his pain. She didn’t know what happened, but she felt like she had been a terrible mother to her child.

Her heart tightened. How she wished she could just stay home and be with him, but she knew that she couldn’t. This was just one of the things that she couldn’t do because she was a single mother. She had to sacrifice a lot of things because she had to work in order for them to survive. Though she was trying to see to it that she was not neglecting what her child needed.

She wanted to cry but she held her tears. She knew that the tears wouldn’t help her make the situation better. She just had to be patient and the situation soon would change. She just has to stay tough.