Chapter 129

Yeisha failed to convince her. She made a lot of excuses like she had to buy something for a friend who was inviting her for dinner tomorrow night. Though it was true that she would be going to Fuentabella’s place.

Nicole just couldn’t tell Yeisha that it would be for Mr. Fuentabella and Monica.

Just like what happened to her and Monica, she and Yeisha exchanged numbers and then separated ways. When she had a lot of things to carry in her hand, she decided to call the driver to help. After that they entered the restaurant and ordered their meal while waiting for the driver to come.

She hadn’t been staying so long at the place but it seemed that she was able to encounter all the people that she knew.

The world was really small. It was indeed small because of all people, it was Andrew who had been a way for her to be closer to Ashley though she knew that Ashley had nothing to do with all the things that happened to her a couple of years ago.