Chapter 6 The Transformation

"Transformation is a journey without a final destination."

-Marilyn Ferguson-


“Good morning, beautiful. Are you ready to start your first transformation?” Julia heard a voice calling her name and when she opened her eyes, she saw her grandfather standing beside her. Julia gasped in surprise.

She was not used of having someone else entering the room in the morning. While she was still bedheaded. Her grandfather had worn a suit. She turned her head to check the time. It was still 6 a.m. Too early for her who was used to waking up at eight.

“Mr. Howler, you started me.” She gasped.

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me grandpa? I know you are still not used to it, but you should practice it more until it becomes second nature to you, my dear.” He stated calmly before tapping his cane twice. A maid entered the room with a glass of water and another glass of milk. Julia rubbed her eyes and asked what it was for.

“You need to start drinking water first thing in the morning instead of coffee.

This is a cup of goat milk that’s very healthy for you. Breakfast wouldn’t be ready until another hour so you need something to fill in your stomach first.” He advised as Julia took the water and drank the milk. It was better than she thought. At least the milk didn’t smell or taste like actual goat.

“God, I feel like a little child. I appreciate it but next time the milk will be unnecessary. You mentioned something about transformation. Is it about the hairdresser, tailor and spa?”

“Yes, you are right. The tailor will arrive in thirty minutes to take your measurement.

I suggest you take a shower now and make yourself appear more presentable before she arrives.” Even though he used polite words, she knew it was basically an order. She was not used to such structured lifestyle and started to doubt if she made the right decision.

At the same time, she also knew she couldn’t just give up and go back to her old life.

Not when she finally had a chance to elevate herself in ways she couldn’t before.

After they all left, she headed to the shower and changed into one of the wardrobe which had been prepared for her. It seemed like her grandfather knew her taste and love for neutral colors such as cream, pink and beige.

Almost every outfit she had in the wardrobe was in those colors.

He wasn’t lying when he said he had done a background check on her. It was a bit scary, but it was useful for her in the end.

After she was done, another knock was heard from the door.

This time, it was her grandpa and the tailor they mentioned. She was a woman in her late forties. Well dressed and looked a bit eccentric in a typical fashion designer way.

“This is Martha. She will be taking all of your measurements and create some custom dresses for future events. Martha, I will leave both of you alone for now.” James spoke and the old woman nodded. Once her grandfather left, Julia was left with this woman. She was a bit unsure of what to say, but the woman smiled warmly at her.

“Don’t worry, dear. I will create stunning dresses for you. Now, will you please undress for a few minutes. I need accurate measurements.” Julia was feeling so uncomfortable.

She wasn’t used to undressing in front of strangers. She didn’t even wear bikini at all because revealing so much skin made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. But it had to be done and she slowly undressed and had her measurement taken.

It took around ten minutes and once she was done, Martha thanked her and walked out from the room. A few minutes after the woman left, James returned to the room.

“Now, let us have breakfast. After this, I will personally accompany you to the beauty salon and spa to finalize your transformation.” Julia was not sure what to expect. She ate her first meal there, which was absolutely wonderful, but it was not something she was used to eating.

“What’s wrong? Is the cooking not to your taste?” James asked.

“No, it’s delicious. It’s just, I’m not used to eating these kinds of food.” She admitted.

“Don’t worry, you will eventually get used to it.” Breakfast was quick and she was already on her way to the salon. The owner was a feminine looking man who appeared delighted upon their arrival.

“Mr. Howler. I’m so happy to see you here. Oh la la, is this your grand-daughter? My goodness, she is stunning as expected of your gene. But darling, you can definitely use some makeover.” The man was a lot chattier than she expected.

“I will be leaving her in your capable hand, Brad. I want my grand-daughter to turn up as a magnificent woman.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Howler. I will make her even more stunning than she is now.” James nodded before taking a seat on the guest room.

The hairdresser, Brad, asked her to sit down so he could start. He began by observing her face shape and tested out a few different styles by messing around with her hair a little bit. He seemed to find one that he liked and asked her if she was fine with having medium length hair.

“It’s okay. It’s almost time for me to get a new haircut anyway.” She told him. It would also be a symbol for a new beginning. Cutting hair is a sign of getting rid of bad luck in various cultures. It was something she needed.

An hour later, the haircut was done and she was looking so different. He did not dye her hair, but gave it some minor highlight and it made her appear a bit more fresh yet mature at the same time.

Her previously long hair was cut to the shoulder with a bit of layer. He gave her some conditioning and blowout as well which made her hair look so much neater than before.

The most drastic change she had was the bang.

He gave her a bang which made her appear more mysterious and feminine at the same time.

“Look at you now. With this hair, you look ready to run the runway. Why don’t you become a model instead? You have the face and body for it. So stunning!” Brad exclaimed at his own work. Julia couldn’t believe the woman in the mirror was her.

James walked in a few minutes after she was done and he was stunned by her drastic transformation as well. From the look in his eyes, he approved of it.

“Now, you look more like a Howler. Nothing wrong with your parents and being a Smith. But this, you are definitely my grand-daughter now.” He seemed so proud of it.

“Well, I thought a change would be good. You are very skilled, Brad. Thank you.” Julia praised the man who smiled brightly in return.

“Don’t mention it! From now on, you are my special guest. Don’t hesitate to come again more often. I will give you a huge discount since you are James’ grand-daughter, okay?” He winked and Julia smiled.

“Julia, now it’s time for us to head to the spa. Let’s go.” Julia nodded and they headed to the spa. This time, Julia got herself a full body and facial massage. It lasted for almost three hours, the longest she ever stayed still in one place beside working. By the time of it, she felt refreshed but a little bit sore at the same time from all the treatments done.

By the end of the night, she almost couldn’t recognize her old self from before. She had transformed into something else. A woman of the Howler family. It frightened her a little bit, but she knew her physical change was only the beginning.

She had been assigned to work for the family’s company starting next month and she couldn’t wait to finally show her talent again and made her own income. Although Julia was sure, with her new family, she didn’t have to work and would still get money. She didn’t want it though, she wanted to be useful.

To prove herself to the world, especially those who have hurt her that Julianne Howler was a woman one couldn’t mess with. Yes, she was entering her villain era and would show up as a better version of herself.

That night before bed, she spent a few minutes in front of the mirror and spoke.

“I’m going to make my enemies regret what they’ve done. Just you watch me.”