Chapter 9 The Butterfly

"Open your heart and mind like the wings of a butterfly. See then how high you can fly."

-Zeenat Aman-


It had been nearly two weeks since Julia first moved into her grandfather’s house and if there was only one lesson she could learn was reality was a lot more different than her expectation. She did not come there to be a spoilt grand-daughter.

No, she was there to be prepared to be an heiress. It meant a lot of lessons on various subjects she never learnt before. Starting from something small such as dining etiquette to business.

Her two weeks had been jam packed with a tight schedule she barely even had time to breath. Julia was sure she had learnt more in those two weeks compares to four years of her university study.

“I need a break, I can’t stand it anymore.” She sighed as soon as she had the slightest chance to breath. It was six pm and she had just finished her last lesson for the day.