Chapter 13 The Executive

“The only mistake you can make is not asking for help."

-Sandeep Jauhar-


"Today will be your first day at work. I know you are nervous but you don’t have to worry. All the staff there have been directed to assist you. Whatever you need to know, they will tell you.” James reminded Julia right before she walked out of the front door.

“Wait, I thought you were coming with me? Don’t you work in the office too?” She questioned. James chuckled as he explained.

“My dear, when you are in my position, you have more responsibilities on your shoulder as well as more free time. I am the boss, I can take vacation whenever I want. Everything has been leveraged, You will understand how it works soon, but everyone needs to start somewhere and you are not ready yet to take over my position.” The car’s door was opened and Julia entered it. James gave her a short good luck before having the door closed.