Chapter 38 The Shopping Date

"I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist."

-Tamy Faye Bakker-


“How could you do this to me!?” Tristan was furious when he barged into the family’s house living room and saw all of his family members in there including Zain. He had heard the news about Zain’s proposal to Julia and he was furious.

“Tristan, lower your voice in this house.” Marcus reminded him firmly. Tristan was crying his eyes out. He stomped toward the family and had his attention faced toward Zain.

“I only you a while back about her rejecting me and you suddenly proposed to her. Why would you do that? Don’t you ever consider my feelings at all?” He asked.

“I told you all if fair in love and war. You already had your opportunity to propose to her and she rejected you. The two of you weren’t even in an official relationship. I have same right and chance to be with her as you do. I proposed and she accepted me. She chose me.” Zain replied back calmly.