Chapter 36 Hello Again, Colten!

The helicopter slowly starts to descend, with every second that passed different waves of emotions start to take over my body. Yes I was so excited to see everyone, especially Harvey, I couldn’t wait to tell him my wolf has woke up! But as I start to think further, I grow rather nervous. I haven’t had a proper conversation with Harvey for awhile, but also Colten. What will Colten think about me now? Should I practice how to smile? I knew if I did that though, Bruce would question me and I couldn’t tell him the things I was actually thinking about. Last time I was face to face with Colten, he told me we were mates before I had to leave with Bruce. I take a look out of the window, where the shadows of the people below start to get closer. My heart begins to race as I think of Colten, I didn’t think I would be this excited to see him.