The time soon came for the Alpha King to arrive, I join everyone else who was standing in two file lines but left a walk way in the middle. I stood there alone for a few minutes, before I feel someone stand on my right side. I turn my head to the side to see Harvey stood there smiling at me, while someone on my left gently places their hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to the other side to see Colten, his huge smile looking over at me as he went. For the first time in a long time, a real smile fills my lips as I look at the two men.
“It’s lovely to make your acquaintance again Eliana” Colten smiles bowing his head in a weird way which makes a chuckle leave my lips, this is the first time I’ve seen him joking around a little.
“We were over there and saw you, we decided it would be better if we came to stand with you, so you looked like you actually had friends” Harvey jokes being his annoying self as usual, I laugh hitting him on the arm slightly while looking forward.