Chapter 50 The War Is Coming!

It was later in the evening, after the fight I wanted to run over to Colten to see if he needed my help. But Bruce took me by the arm and pulled me away, he knew what I wanted to do and didn’t like it. I was now in the bedroom with Bruce, everything in me was telling me to leave this room and go to Colten. But Bruce’s eyes were on me for every second, as though he knew exactly what I was thinking.

This meant the evening just dragged on, it felt as though time had slowed down or even stopped in a sense. All I could do was remain in the bedroom staring at the wall, while Bruce’s eyes burned holes into me. I think he knew something was going on between me and Colten, I’m unsure if he knows Colten is also my mate. That’s probably why he went so hard at Colten on the fight today, he wanted to prove that he was stronger. There wasn’t a single chance where I could have slipped off to see Colten at all, Bruce literally didn’t leave my side the entire night!