Chapter 10 CH 10: Welcome Back, Miss President

(Laura’s POV)


“So? How do you feel, Miss President?” my best friend, Marie Lee whispered in my ears and winked at me. I kept my serious face not giving a hint of a smile as we walked back to my new room.

Everyone at the Board room was watching me as they praised me being named as the new President of Knight Corporation. “Welcome back, Miss President”

Those words made me feel like a heavy weight being placed on my shoulders. At the same time, I was victorious.

But, the game had only began. I was just getting started. My enemies were still out there waiting to take me down. And this time, I’m ready b*tches!

I had mixed feelings as I was announced as the new President of Knight Corporation a while ago. I should be happy and proud of our hard work for the past several months, to convince the board members to vote for me as their new leader to drive the company to success.

I hope my parents in heaven would be proud of me taking back what was rightfully mine.