Chapter 15 CH 15: In Control

(Laura’s POV)


I might have looked calm and confident standing on the podium talking to hundreds of corporate leaders with deep pockets. I looked fearless. I looked strong.

And definitely, beautifully dressed for the occasion.

But, what I truly felt at that moment was totally the opposite.

I needed to hide the old Laura and unleash my true potential. I’m the new President of Knight Corporation. The face of my huge company with thousands of employees that looked up to me. Hoping for me to succeed.

Seeing the faces of those who were on my side and those who believed the lies that Carla had spread to them, I knew I needed to convince them all to believe my story. I will be the one in control of the situation.

I would never be that same girl who would just let Carla push me around like I was a coward. Not anymore. I will fight back!

At that thought, I smiled.