Chapter 23 CH 23: More Lies

(Vincent’s POV)


The sun was shining bright on early morning. The birds were singing songs that was meant to cheer our hearts. Perhaps, it was not working for me. Those bird songs were painful to my ears.

What cheered my heart at that moment was the liquor and painkiller medicines to soothe the pain I was feeling on every part of my body. I felt alone. I felt like a failure. What was wrong with me?

Lying face down on the comfortable pink coloured unicorn shaped float, I let the water in the pool drifted my body aimlessly. My eyes were half open but my mind was not seeing what was infront of me. It was playing an image of my memories with Rachel.

The woman that I vowed to spend the rest of my life with when I first met her. I would not be alive if she had not jump from her boat to save my drunken younger self that was drowning in the waters, a decade ago. I snickered on that thought.