Chapter 29 CH 29: New Deal

(Laura’s POV)


“Are you alright? Oh my God! Why are you at work today? You should be at home resting” my best friend Marie Lee came barging in to my room endlessly talking to me. Sometimes I wondered how she could breathe and talk for so long.

“I’m fine. It is not the first time that someone pointed a gun at me” I said casually while signing some documents to hand over to my secretary, Felix. Many wondered why I hired a young man with lack of experience to be my new secretary to replace my soon to retire secretary, Ruma.

Simple. I trust him.

And trusting someone was a luxury for me.

“Did you hear a word that I am saying? Hello, earth to Laura” Marie waved her hands infront of my face that was not showing any emotions to her.

“Did you find out who leaked where I was going yesterday? It was only Felicity, you, Marco and Ruma, who knew where I was going for lunch with Calvin. I sighed and sat back on my chair.

Of course, my first guess was Felicity. But why?