Chapter 44 CH 44: A Love Confession

(Author’s POV)


Laura was seated next to Calvin as he drove his Porsche out from the site of the resort. The interrogation with the police went smoothly especially when he knew who the chief of police was in Bloom City.

They had taken everyone’s statement and held the attackers under arrest. Ray found a way to be involved in the interrogation which surprised both Calvin and Vincent. They had underestimated Ray’s potential.

All the time during the reporting process, Calvin saw how Vincent had looked at Laura. It was the look that Calvin had not seen him showing to a woman before. Not even for Rachel.

It had bothered him and for once Calvin was jealous. But, they were best of friends and had agreed no woman would be the cause of them ending their friendship.

For a moment, he thought he was not wrong. In the first place, Vincent never confessed his love for Laura so that had given Calvin a way to claim her heart.