Chapter 54 CH 54: Making Her Fall For Me

(Vincent’s POV)


I stared at Laura and her new boyfriend who I was planning to soon punch his pretty face. The images of me breaking Calvin’s bones were playing in my head, repeatedly. He did not deserve her.

She was mine.

“Have we met, Miss Knight?” Rachel asked Laura which I knew was going to cause her some trouble. Part of me wanted to hear how she was going to answer that question.

I smirked while looking at her. Loving the look of her face trying to get out from the problems she created herself.

I did not get it on why she had to fake her identity when she married me. What was her motive of doing all that? I could understand she was in hiding from her enemies. But, I would have protected her if she just told me the truth about her situation.

“Of course, we have met, Miss Brown. I was at your wedding” Laura answered with a smile so calmly like nothing was wrong.

She was good. Really good. Didn’t expect her to lie through her teeth so easily.