Chapter 68 CH 68: My Girlfriend

(Laura’s POV)


Morning arrived and the sun was shining on my face from the bathroom’s window. I had just finished showering and was ready to have breakfast with Vincent and his parents.

Tied my hair in a ponytail and applied light makeup on my face. I had to cover some of the love bites Vincent had placed on my chest and one on my neck. “Damn it”

I smiled at the mirror recalling the long conversation we had while drinking a glass of champagne, the night before. We spent time to get to know each other and I was surprise he knew quite a lot about me. He did like me. And that sent butterflies in my stomach.

We had then ended the night with another round of sex which I was getting better at. He was gentle and understood my body better than I did. And the thing he did with his tongue was amazing.

The thought made my heart racing as I recalled our passionate love making.