Chapter 77 CH 77: A Daughter

(Laura’s POV)


Few hours after talking to my brothers, I was in tears. I did not believe what they had discovered. It was indeed heart-breaking. I could never have guessed it.

“It can’t be. Dad would not do this to Mom, not like this. He can’t. This is betrayal to all of us” I closed my mouth with my hand and turned to look at Henry who seemed to be looking uncomfortable.

His skin looked tan from sunbathing. I heard he just came back from a holiday by the beach. Strange that my best friend Marie too had a tan. But, that was something I was not interested about at that moment.

“I have checked and authenticate those pictures. It is real, Jules. All of them” Henry sighed and rubbed his chin. “You need to place that bug in her house. We need to prove our theory. It is a possibility”