Chapter 83 CH 83: Protect Her

(Author’s POV)


The sound of the riders following Vincent’s car were getting louder and that had made Laura nervous. She was breathing fast while holding on to the seatbelt protecting her body. Her eyes were watching the side mirror hoping that Vincent could lose them.

But, they were getting faster.

“Vincent, can you go faster?” Laura said with her eyes not leaving the side mirror. She opened her mouth to breathe as she was feeling nervous.

“Laura, sweetheart. Calm down. We are going to be fine” Vincent said with his eyes focused on the road.

“Fine? Define fine? They are getting closer, Vincent” with trembling hands, she sent a message to her brothers and Marie stating, “Code Black”

Vincent then pressed a call button on his screen that flashed out “Frederik”. A dialing tone was then heard where a man answered, “Hello, boss”