Chapter 91 CH 91: Two Families

(Author’s POV)


“Cherry?” Eric chuckled and shook his head, “She is a nut job. Has been like that since she believed that her biological father is Lucas Knight”

Laura held Vincent’s hand tighter while looking at Eric, “So, she is not?”

“I don’t know. Lucas was not interested to know. He just wants to be with your mother Helen, and you of course” Eric then turned to look at both Henry and Liam, “Lucas loved you both like his own sons. He always talked about how proud he was with the three of you. You meant the world to him”

A tear escaped Laura’s eyes which she tried to hide them. Vincent raised his finger to wipe them away, “Hey, it’s going to be fine, sweetheart”

Laura turned to look at Vincent and nodded, “What if she is really my half sister?”

“She would want to have a claim on Lucas’ assets and wealth” Henry said and clenched his fist, “I’m not going to let that happen. She is not a Knight”