Chapter 41 Wax-On, Wax-Off

Grace’s POV

To my surprise, it wasn’t hard to convince Jack to train me. But whereas I expected him to begin with some “wax on, wax off”-karate stuff, I was seriously surprised when he ordered me to learn about my abilities as a witch first.

“I think I have that under control,” I said as I easily conjured a ball of fire. Not that it looked anything like what you saw in the movies, where it looks like someone had turned into a human torch or something. My hand more or less just glowed red as solar storms like flares rose and fell on my command. If I wanted more, it turned into a lava-like whip like some kind of “Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth”-thing…

But Jack gave me one of those “Oh, yeah?”-looks that he was a master at and I put the fire away, already knowing where he would go with this.

“How did you kill the beta?” he asked--- just as I’d predicted. And as he had already predicted, I didn’t know how. One moment he was charging towards me and the next---