Chapter 77 The Fire that Burns

Grace’s POV

Riven and Alice didn’t stay long after that but went back to their hotel. Jason wanted to catch up with Jack for a while and they hung around the bar. I stayed for a while but sensing that they needed some “boy”-time, I excused myself and went to the office upstairs.

Pax was eager to know everything, and I told her the gist of things. She relayed messages from the pack while I worked and soon after, Chris came upstairs and took her home.

I still grinned at the way they were together.

Chris totally looked like the put-out older brother, who was forced to deal with his annoying younger sister – and secretly enjoyed it. There was always a joke or two in the air, and the best part was that she didn’t seem to be so afraid anymore. Sure, she was still as submissive and subservient as ever, but now she put up boundaries and talked back from time to time. Not to be rude, but because she’d been spending way too much time with Chris…