Chapter 7 AT WILL

Chapter 7: At Will


[Astrid, I think I'm going to die. How can I help? I haven't had time to see how beautiful Errel Lake is.]

Astrid's life would never be the same without hearing that voice of real sadness. She hugged the girl and used her body heat to keep the girl's body from getting colder. When the girl died, she held her and looked through her clear eyes at a small piece of sky through the tiny prison bars. "Astrid, I haven't been to Errel Lake," she told her. " I saw how beautiful the lake was on TV, in the paper, and magazines. I don't have enough money to open a small homestay near Errel Lake, even if I get out of jail. I just want this impossible dream to come true before I die."

Astrid still remembered the girl's longing eyes when holding her before she died.