Chapter 14: Humiliation and Torture

*** THE MORE ASTRID considered it, the more violently she shook her head, "I don't want, Mr. Smith. I do not want to be transferred to the Public Relations Department. It's my fault; I know I made a mistake; please forgive me, Mr. Smith," Astrid begged. " I've already spent three years in prison and paid for it. If you return my bank card, I will immediately vanish from your sight, travel to a remote location, and I promise I will not appear in front of you again."

Astrid was only concerned with pleading for forgiveness, but she was unaware that Glory, who was also present, had widened her eyes in surprise when she learned that Astrid had served three years in prison. Glory was not originally from N City and only moved there two years ago, so she was unaware of Astrid's situation.

The long-term Marcus employees were all aware of Astrid's situation.

Marcus squinted his long, narrow eyes...

Was she still planning to flee from him?