Chapter 45 Alliance

Point of View: Third Party

* Many years before when the organization was yet to be established and all of them were in their youth*

“Sir, please. I didn’t do anything wrong. I am innocent.” A crying omega is pleading in front of the officials who are sitting on the higher ups chairs with their heads held while Alaric and Charles are standing there. their heads are bowed and hands clenched into fists.

“Guards, take her and flog her with 100 times with the silver-coated whip.” That omega she-wolf cries for mercy, but no one listens. Everyone knows what happened but no one says a thing and sided with the strong side instead of giving justice to the weak.

After that, Alaric and Charles go spar training. They are perching their anger on the higher-ups with the spar. They are in the middle when Jennie, Charles’s sister comes in. when she sees them fighting like this. she understands something must have happened that riled up their anger.