Chapter 145: The Maid (Hanyeo)

I had picked out a nice suit that I could afford in the market place when the YoungMmaster was busy and I couldn't wait to put it on, along with all the accessories I had found littering the streets as noble children threw them away if they were toys. Now that I had finally dealt with that bitch I could finally put in time and care for myself to look presentable for the Young Master. i had been caring for him all this time alone every since she had abandoned him and now I hoped to add a new look so he would finally notice me and my worth. Nobody knew him or how to take care of him like I did and he wasn't the type of person to let new people into is life easily unless it was for work. I had also tried to find the flower scent that Yeon used just in case I needed some more encouragement. …and maybe the same ribbon that she used in her hair…and maybe a few other things, just in case.

So imagine my shock when she came walking through the door looking like a goddess with my master pulling her into our room that I had painstakingly prepared only for the both off us. I had gotten really excited about me having my own proper bedroom for once and next to the Young Master so I could serve him and look at him to my hearts content. But of course this bitch couldn't let me have anything nice to myself as she was immediately brought to the room I had just made. I couldn't exactly read the look on her face but I think she felt conflicted. And that was fine by me! I would help her out in any case so she could leave us alone for good. I knew that there was a chance that the Young Master would stop me but I finally had him to myself, if only this orphan would stop seducing him with every chance she got! But this girl was no longer the meek little girl that followed the Young Master around everywhere she went; for the moment I launched into a rant of how she should leave us alone she actually grabbed my face with her nails digging into my face and reminded me that I was just a mere servant and that I should know my place. The bitch even threatened to turn me into the village guards herself if I didn't stay in my place, and that I should count myself lucky that she hadn't turned me in already.

I was completely stunned into silence and I could tell that the Young Master was not expecting that either, but he didn't look angry at her. On the contrary, he looked like he liked what he saw. And from that point on I was completely ignored again, as she started making herself at home in my damned room without even asking for permission. I tired to object to the Young Master but he just told me to sleep outside or get lost for all he cared as he tended to that bitch himself before getting on with his work. I was left alone despite my hard work and new outfit to witness two people who looked like they were not really talking to each other still take care of each other. As soon as she settled down she started serving the food that I had made, but as soon as she saw him make a face she proceeded to make her own food for him while he dumped the food I had spent hours making outside like it was trash! She served him tea, snacks and then dinner which she made flawlessly without any help at all. She managed to make a meal with quite a bit of side dishes as well with the groceries that were left over from when I cooked and had managed to make him a proper meal. She even stayed behind to help him with his work which was something he never allowed anyone to do. He took pride in his position and the work that he did and didn't let anyone near it apart from his man Sung-Rok. They had the luxury of being in each other's company, conversing with each other and forgetting all of society's rules between the sexes as they got so comfortable with each other to the point where she was practically hanging off of him! And he didn't even care! I once made the mistake of brushing my finger against his and he almost threw me out of the room right there and then if that bitch hadn't intervened to give me 'justified' reasons as to why she was 'letting me go'. So I had no choice but to try and beat her at her own game first, as if Hui-Jae was going to allow me to leave the Young Master's side at all.

"I have a few things of my own to tell you first." "Sure, go on." "I would like a raise." "For what exactly?" "Since the household that I am in charge with has increased in size, isn't it reasonable for me to demand a pay rise? I am exhausted by keeping up with you're…" "My what? You haven't done a single thing at all since I came into this home; I am the one who is cooking, cleaning and even tending to the Young Master whilst getting on with my own schoolwork, and you do not see me complaining about getting any pay at all."

That little bitch! That was why she was overtaking my job? So that I wasn't justified in getting any pay at all? That was her game that she was going to play against me? "The fact that the Young Master himself keeps you under his roof at all in exchange for the little work that you have done baffles me at all. I can do everything that you are supposed to do for free for the Young Master, so why is there a need to keep you at all? And before you say that I have no right to interfere in the Young Master's household, he is the one who has personally trained me in these matters for him, so I even hold the authority to fire you if I deem your work to be unfit for the home of a nobleman. I can even do the food shopping myself…." ":You can give that job to Ae-Cha in exchange for a roof over her head, you cannot do everything Yeon and you are not a damned servant!" Hang on a minute, what exactly was going on? Was the Young Master actually agreeing with her into letting me go? After everything I had done for him? But why? This girl was….a child compared to myself and Hui-Jae, so why was he desperately hanging onto every single word that she was saying? Didn't this upset the balance of societal hierarchy? Nam Seon-Ho was Yeon's senior and responsible for her in her brother's absence. So why was she talking for him? Just who the hell did she think she was?

"I have led a pretty busy life and I knew how to pick up after myself. You haven't even signed a contract with the Young Master, so you have no right to claim a pay rise or anything else here. I shall manage the Young Master's household from now on, so you can pack everything you have and return to the brothel that you came from, or you can choose to stay with Sung-Rok who needs his own company anyway. But there is no reason to bother the Young Master anymore, not now and not in the future."

I had lost the battle this time, and I had no idea why she hadn't reported me about my crimes yet but I doubt that it had anything to do with the Young Master. She had probably gotten the idea that she could torture me in the Young Master's presence on the account of their 'relationship'. I tried to busy myself so I could spy on them until the young master had practically fallen asleep on her lap admits the pile of papers that surrounded them. She waited for him to fall asleep properly before she started tending to him that I had not witnessed before. She almost fully dressed him before she just lay down right in front of him and watched him for a while, tracing his features as if he belonged to her…before she made her way out of the door. I tried to stop her but she actually slapped me before i could get a word out, dragged me outside of the place and managed to hand me off to a neighbour she knew 'that was in desperate need of a maid! So she had already planned to get rid of me to come between myself and theYoung Master! I was so entirely shocked by her levels of deceitfulness that I couldn't utter a single word o move for that matter until she turned around and left to god knows where…oh no…Maybe she was going to go back to the Young Master? To seduce him properly? Now that I was out of the way?

I ran to the door as soon as I could to try and make my way back home by his side where I should be, but before i could make my escape, 'my new employers' beat me to it. They ordered their own maids to not only stop me, but to bound me and get me ready to start serving them in the morning. I couldn't even write out my report to Hui-Jae, I could only hope that she would reduce me as soon as she visited the Young Master so I could kill this bitch after everything she had put me through in a single night.