Chapter 147: Domination 2 (Jibae)

"But I…I can control my jealousy and possessiveness! I can…" I could just see all of my plans in making based off of his support just vanish into thin air. All of my hard work, all of my anger and plans of revenge for killing his only best friend…I knew that Hwi would kill me for going up against his sister, but her death at the hands of her only love would have condemned Nam Seon-Ho both in this life and the next! If anyone was going to be reincarnated with the Seo's in the next life, it was going to be me and me alone! And I was close, I was so close to making that all happen! So why now…why was he done with me? Already? After lowering myself to be with the outcast of our kingdom? Who was he to comment on my background at all? I wasn't a kiseng and he knew it! "Do you have any idea how much determination that I have mustered to confess this to you! Do you have nay idea what I have faced to love you! Why won't you give me any hope after everything that we have been through?" "Because we both know that you do not love me at all! You do not even understand me! Do you know what kind of person I am? What I think about? What my dreams are? You do not know me and you never even cared to know! You do not know me but I know everything about you! If I return your feelings, then you passions will cool down. You wouldn't become this resolute at all if it weren't for the fact that you hold me responsible for Seo Hwi's death and you want revenge for it! You have the mindset of a kisaeng even though you claim not to be one; you love conquests like these and I hate them! I do not waste time on challenges that have no meaning to me at all! My heart, whatever is left of it anyway, belongs to someone else, someone that I intend to marry and give a good life to." "You listen to me, Nam Seon-Ho! I will kill anyone that you bring int this home and you shall never marry anyone apart from me! Do you hear me!"

I left him right there and then to find this girl that was playing the zither for him, to put her in her place and make an example out of her for ruining the only prospect of marriage that I had. I had no-one else who took me as seriously as Nam Seon-Ho did, not since Yeon's visit in the palace that made everyone's head turn. It had been a few week since then and still everyone could not stop praising her talent, her beauty and her intelligence. I had suddenly been replaced as the beauty of the village and by someone who was of inferior brith to me, and disabled at that with her epilepsy! I couldn't come to terms with it, even if she was my lover's sister. I could only hope that Seo Hwi could forgive me in the afterlife, but everyone should know their place in this Goreyo Dynasty of Korea.

She was easy enough to find in the only school in the village, although Yeon was nowhere to be seen. That suited me well enough as I would get to her as soon as she returned to Seon-Ho's home with the help of my best friend Hwa-Wol. I had the help of some servants that I had collected on the way from other brothels I knew to practically kidnap her as soon as she stepped foot outside of the school and I put her in my carriage back to my man's yangban where I immediately had her confined to some unused outside quarters whilst I had my servants prepare dishes for the Young Master for dinner later on.

"Please! Who are you! What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment! I haven't eaten anything all day and I…" "Very well, since you haven't eaten anything at all, I shall serve you my tea." I replied whilst sitting on a table right outside her quarters with a full set of tea and snacks that I took from the kitchen. I had a young female servant throw my piping hot tea right in her face though the window. "I wanted to share this with you at first, but it is a shame that you do not seem to appreciate my kindness!"

"Why on earth is Ae-Cha sweating so much? And why is she even locked up here when her own family is probably looking for her? Her noble family whom I understand is an investor of the Ihwaru brothel? How exactly do you suppose her family will take this news, Hui-Jae? Someone please give her a handkerchief." I could not believe that Seo Yeon actually had the guts to face me like this in the absence of her dead brother. I hadn't seen her at all since the week before the military exam about 5 years ago now and…maybe it was due to guilt that I still couldn't look at he directly in her face. So I chose to engage with her with my head trend away from her as I focused on Ae-Cha begging me for her very life.

"She will not be able to appreciate your kindness I am afraid…" "Well since you are in the mood for tea, then why don't you join me in my quarters? Since the Young Master himself who is the only person of nobility in our circle has no problems with her and gave her a roof over her head and shelter, who then are you to do anything to her at all? Unless you want him to attain ab ad reputation when it comes to houseguests? Which I believe is something that that he will need in future? I may stubborn and rebellious myself, but you are always obedient as a non-kisaeng, right? If he finds out about what you have done in his own home, I am afraid that he will misunderstand you…"

"Just who the hell do you think you are? Do you think that you are still his sister in name only? How are you threaten me? I think that she is feeling cold in this weather and she needs another cup of boiling hot tea on her face this time!" "May I join in for some tea? Since this is my residence? Do I really have to ask for my own tea from my own houseguests? Who gave you the courage to act so atrociously? Yeonnie, go inside already and keep Hwa-Wol company." "Seon-Ho! I was paying attention to your new houseguest." "It really is cold indeed, you should find another residence that isn't cold enough for you to catch a chill. Leave at once…" "leave? What are you talking abut, leave? You all should leave instead, why am I the one to leave? All of you, leave now!" "Do not go too far Jae, all of us will look bad if you continue to be like this."

"Do not even think about leaving in my presence, Nam Seon-Ho, for I know exactly where and who you are heading to." "Do not speak in riddles, you know that I cannot stand in." "You do not need to pretend in front of me, for I will never hurt you. You still have a long way to go and I do not want you to ruin everything for some unknown orphaned girl." "What do you mean by unrelated orphaned girl? I know her most of all for nearly 2 decades. How are we related then?" "You cannot use an inferior girl to expand your future!" "I am grateful for your reminders and intentions, but you worry more than usual." "Why can't you understand my intentions! Seon-Ho! Wait! Where is he going? It is my first day here and he won't even accommodate me at all? Who does he think he is when he is with her? That slut? How dare she compete and fight with me! Let us see which skills she truly possesses and…what is it? What are you doing? Why have you brought these dishes back? I told you to…."

"Madame, he refused to touch these dishes at all! He sent the Young Mistress Yeon into the kitchen as soon as she arrived home to cook for him instead." "What about the letter that I sent him? Along with the food? Did he even read it?" "He tore it up in front of the Young Mistress Yeon…" "No! He will not ignore me! He has never ignored me before! It must be you ignorant servants who has offended him in some way! Look! These dishes are damned near cold! How can you expect him to eat this! Get out! In fact, as long as he doesn't eat my food, then none of you can eat anything at all! He…he really didn't leave me with any letters at all! It must be you servants who do not obey me at all now! You actually dare to go against me!" "Madame! Please forgive me! I haven't done anything at all!" "Really! As a servant, you dare to go against my orders! I will let the Young Master know about this personally! You are all so shameless! If I hadn't of taken any of you in, you all would be living much harder lives!"

"Who allowed you to shout here like a banshee! Is this is the etiquette of a noble lady worthy of a noble lifestyle! Tolerating you all doesn't mean that I fear you! You are merely taking advantage of the Young Master's power! Who do you think you are! Who will protect you from now on!"

I couldn't believe that this girl who was young than me really had the guts to slap me across the face as if I was nothing. Where did this girl get her boldness from? Certainly not from her meek brother or her tame friend Seon-Ho. How dare she forget her place in this world as a lowborn who is under me in terms of everything! Money, family and even social status! Did she really forget who I was and what power I had on my own? Without Seon-Ho!

"You shameless woman! You have no real title, and yet you dared to go against me! Hw dare you take advantage over such little favour from the Young Master! I do not believe that he will fall for your tricks forever! Not everyone will ingratiate themselves with you just because you killed your guardian's father! You haven't worked a single day in your life and you think you can stop me from doing whatever I want! Tell me, what have you done to gain his favour, other than try to seduce him just like you would before you lost your memories! And I am not your servant whom you can mistreat at your own will!"

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE! What is all of this shouting about! Why are you still here Jae! And how dare you shout at Yeon! Be gone! And do not come looking for me ever again!"