Chapter 151: Confrontations 4 (Daegyeol)

I woke up to Sung-Rok of all people hovering over me as I slowly regained conciseness in Seon-Ho's yangban. He just looked over at me and smirked as I began to sit up and dressed myself appropriately just as I could see a physician packing up his toolkit. "Doctor? What happened to me? Why did I suddenly pass out?" "Congratulations, you appear to be pregnant, around 2 moths it would seem. Your husband here must be very proud of you." "My husband?" "I couldn't be more happier indeed doctor, I shall be sure to give my wife plenty of bed-rest after this." Sung-Rok suddenly pulled me into his arms until the doctor left. "Husband? Husband! Just what the hell are you thinking about? Since when are you my husband!" "Since you are pregnant with a fatherless baby and you probably do not want that sort of attention on you right now." "What do you mean? Obviously your Young Master is the father of my baby…our baby…his first baby." "Nope." "What do you mean nope? He is the only man that I have ever been with and…" "Hui-Jae, who exactly are you trying to fool? I know that the Young Master has never even touched you before. Have you really sunken t delusional levels to claim a man that you hate as the father of your child." "What are you talking about…" "Jae, the Young Master tells me everything as to update me with our plans for success, even if that means prying into our personal lives. Seon-Ho has never laid with you, so whom have you slept with? Who really is the father of this child?" "How do you know…"

"Jae, listen to me and listen well. The only girl…woman that Seon-Ho has ever touched in his life is Yeon. They are both currently locked in his quarters together and are doing…what husbands and wives do together I suppose."

She was finally serving him, after all of this time. She may as well have taken her virginity as well…she was serving him as a wife when he refused touch me or accept my advances at all in my long days and lonely nights. But Yeon, he upgraded her status in his own eyes with the new clothes and money that she had, he visited her every single day under the pretence of some scheme or another and he may as well even take her to the Hot Springs together. Is she the next Yang Guifei or something? The reincarnation of the Chinese King's most loved concubine? Most concubines and mistresses wouldn't even be able to accept a fully furnished home to live in and Yeon, just seemed to have it all waiting for her whilst good women like me worked our entire lives to be noticed and we were still left with nothing. And why? All because I was born into a brothel? The brothel was the heart of the community, no matter how controversial it was; it was an underground for lowborn and noble-folk to mix and mingle together and to be seen as equal for all of the nights that were used up there. I wanted to become the owner of my own brothel so I could attain power by keeping the secrets of the noblemen who infiltrated our establishment to indulge in excessive pleasure and degradation of the likes that were unacceptable by the laws of society and Confucius. But now I could see that all of my plans to fund such a place were hindering me from becoming the very best person I could be, living in the luxury of my future husband who already had everything set up for me…but he was giving all of my dreams away to somebody else, someone who was very undeserving of it since she had murdered the man whom all of this wealth originated from. And now she was sleeping with my man? After he gave me his word that he would never even look at another woman when he had me in the first place? Why? Why were men such cheats and liars? Why wasn't I worth everything that she had? Why?

"…maybe it was bound to happen all along; I mean, he is always watching her, asking for her, making her serve him in every way like a husband would…" I couldn't take this anymore. I felt a bubble of anger rise up inside me that I could not control. As long as Sung-Rok kept talking about my dead lover's sister who was ruining everything for me, she had taken my life, my dreams and my wishes without even asking for it, which was the worst thing of all. I used to manage an entire brothel, the largest in our kingdom, and I even used to manage Seon-Ho himself when he came over. I made sure that he was dressed and fed well when he used to visit me and now…I was in control of nothing. I was already an orphan just like Yeon was, but the fear of losing control, the fear of loosing my only back er who I was slowly developing feelings for whether I liked it or not coupled with the fear of abandonment, neglect and loneliness and now this unexpected pregnancy. It all just lead up to myself finding the closest weapon that I could find and smash it over Sung-Rok with all the anger that I possessed within me. And once I got a taste of my first blow, I just couldn't seem to stop myself. I kept going at it over and over again until his head become a bloody pool that poured all over my shoes and the hem of my chima. And who knows what else I would have done if that stupid girl Ae-Cha hadn't of walked in looking for Yeon. I barely had time to hide the body, which I was sure was putting unnecessary stress onto my baby before she walked in and screamed at the sight of a little blood on the floor. And for alerting the entire household, she had to be punished for it.


"Hui-Jae! Just what the hell do you think you're doing!" "What am I doing? can't you see what I am doing!" "Ae-Cha? Seon-Ho? What is going on?" "Yeon! Go to your brother and stay with him! Do not come into my study at al! Men! Come and take this girl away and call for a physician!" "Young Master! Moon-Bok has arrived. Shall I…" "Hwa-Wol! Have Moon-Bok examine the girl and stay with her please! And nobody enter the office!" "Seon-Ho! What are you doing! I am not finished with her yet!" "You ungrateful little…I have kept everyone away from here to keep your last shred of dignity! But I guess that you do not want that either! You just want to cause trouble when things do not go your way, right?"

"Cause trouble? I am causing trouble? You confessed your love to me, you chased me all around our village and you separated me from my lover. And then you started taking care of me, you supported me and you fulfilled every single wish of mine. You did all of this, and then you just toss me aside for a young penniless orphan who is disabled, your best friend's sister that you betrayed! You left me with nothing and…" I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence before he grabbed me by the throat and he pinned me against the wall behind me so violently that I slammed my head against it, nearly giving myself a concussion. "You watch your damned mouth about what you say about her! Disabled or not, she was always my responsibility from the moment that Hwi allowed me to get close to her, even before her memory loss."

"Is she really that important to your grand plans that you are willing to abandon me? Even though I am an orphan?" "We are all orphans here, none of us are special. You hung your talent over my head and you failed to deliver, so I have no choice but to cut ties with you. Yeon has helped me more than you ever could have in my plans and it is far more beneficial to have her in my life than you. But women are even more competitive than men and there is no room for more than one in my life." "Did she tell you that? Did she have you get rid of me?" "Yeon…Hasn't said a single word against you. It is I who cannot stand the sight of my best friend's lover helplessly clinging onto me when I had no romantic interest in you in the first place!" "So…you never…but with Yeon…do you love her? Is that what this is about? You are the one who never touches me…because of her? Working whilst being accompanied by a beautiful woman is such a pleasurable and carefree thing whilst you leave me alone in my quarters? How can you do this to me?" "Because I have never wanted to be with you, not romantically. I wanted your talent and you will not surrender it to me, so what more do you want from me?" "I want the truth from you. Are you…in love with Seo Yeon?"

It was at this moment when he released his grip from my throat and instantly turned around as soon as I asked him this so that I couldn't see his face at all. "I have just completed a major job in the palace, I have a bigger promotion waiting for me but you know me. I have t finish up my old work and can do it here, where she is. I still have to make my own foothold in the palace and do so many other things, and it is purely a coincidence in my work and nothing more…" "But you have touched her? You? The most paranoid person that I know and the most guarded, you gave yourself for the very first time…to her? Why? Is it because she is younger than you and I am older? Is it because she is submissive and I am not? You can control her in ways that you cannot with me? Is that what you need? Dominance?" "Fi or goodness sake woman! Do you have any idea how delusional and rude you sound? My personal life has nothing to do with you at all!"

"I won't believe you anymore! You do not have a personal life at all! Everything you do is tied up with your plans along with everyone that you interact with! I have started to look forward to seeing you after the passing of your father and I wait for you every single day and how do you treat me! You were the one who promised me the world and is this what your word amounts to? Nothing at all!" "You are far to hysterical to carry on a conversion with! Just get back in your carriage and go home!" "No! Wait! You cannot leave! With answering me questions, you cannot leave at all! You must clear this matter up with me!" I completely lost all control again and before I knew it, I found myself launching myself at him and physically beating him so ferociously that I must have blacked out or something. I could only remember starting to hit him before I was pulled away by someone so hard that I landed on the ground once again.

"You told me that you don't love her, but you lied to me…you lied…"