Chapter 163: The Banquet Part 1 (Yeonhoe)

The day of the banquet came a day or two later and we all got ready for it. The village itself had undergone a long-awaited makeover in order for the Prince, but it was more than that The Goreyo Dynasty was slowly coming to an end and the Joseann period was slowly coming into fruition under the influence of the Third Prince, which meant stricter laws were now in place and there was a lot more room for corruption since there was a centralised government that was now responsible for overseeing legal administration, military and the performance of national rituals. It hadn't happened yet, but it was going to at the turn of the century, which was only a few years away. And with that came a lot of problems in my new job that I had started, although I was being constantly denied my work by my senior at work, who just so happened to be the father of Ae-Cha's ex-lover and Yeon's tutor's son's friend who accompanied her to the brothel that day. They were both upset with me because I had blocked their access to marrying Yeon. But now my most important job that wrote up laws about this nation was in the hands of a corrupt scholar who wouldn't let me make a single move? Very well, I was going to let his son go after the whole brothel incident, but since he had become nuisance for me, I had to think of a way to make both of these idiots pay for messing with me and even thinking that they can continue in their plans to steal my woman.

"Aren't you going to sleep anytime soon? I can feel your anger from a mile away." She put a pillow under my head and started undressing only my outer robes as she covered me with the thickest blanket that she could find. She lit an incense stick that smelt really good before she undid my hair as gently as she could without waking me up. She…she even gave me a brief massage that managed to undo all of my knots that I had suffered for years. I had to cover my mouth in order to hide my gasp before she was finally finished. And despite her bed being made and being dragged on the opposite side of the room, she lay down behind me, but she was close enough that I could feel her gentle breathe on my neck. It was a slow sexual torture as the image of her long fair legs were stuck in my mind. I had never touched a woman before, but she was unbelievably soft, it was as if she was made from silk. I couldn't even remember the last time I touched or smelt something that good…probably ever.

I remembered her first days under my father's roof when I had never been left alone with her until that point in my life. She was my first female guests and as I was in a panic, I barely remembered everything that her brother did for her…only to wake up in the same 'comfort' I had given her just a few hours later. I woke up in her bed, covered by a blanket and I had some ointment next to me along with some piping hot tea that she had apparently made herself for me. For the first time. I had absolutely no idea how to react to my first…act of kindness in this home, but I decided to accept out of pure curiosity and nothing more, back then at least. It wasn't the bitter tea that my father liked to have, it was sweet and fragrant and it totally took me by surprise. Sweets were totally banned in the mansion so I had no idea how I did it…but the fact that she went that extra length for me actually managed to touch me amidst all of the crazy things that were happening in that moment. I remember going to my mother's abandoned quarters for the first time since…well I knocked on the door to make sure that she was settling in well, but the first thing she asked me was if I was ok. It completely took me aback to the point where just left her alone after that for quite a while…

I woke up oddly refreshed in her room as I heard her walk around, most likely from bathing. I made my way to her as she was brushing out her wet hair and I took the comb from her momentarily as I began to brush out her long hair for her in silence for a couple of minutes before I got called out again. I went to her wardrobe and I picked out a fancy outfit for her to wear to the banquet. She looked horrified and she tried to give me 1000000 excuses but want't having it at all. I made the servants tend to her to their best capabilities despite all of her protests. But even I almost changed my mind when I heard that Ae-Cha was coming along with the men I was trying to put away. There was no escaping this girl; she practically stalked my every move from the moment that she was kicked out of my home. She had worn a little too much makeup today and was overdressed in so many pink fabrics that she almost looked like an exotic animal. I could only curse my luck as I knew that I was about to draw more negative attention to myself with this girl hanging on my arm if she came anywhere near me.


This was a rare opportunity for us, as he tried to avoid me as much as he could, even when I was waiting for him in his own home. I had tried every trick I knew to get is attention; I had started cooking for him, sewing his clothes, serving him meals, talking to him about his work in the palace but he just wouldn't open up to me at all. In fact, he looked so uncomfortable around me and he wouldn't open his mouth at all. I tried to ask him about our future but he just always replied that he was unsure and didn't say much of anything else at all. But whenever that wretch of a woman was in his line of vision his eyes immediately latched onto hers and nothing else could get his attention. But not even I could make our their relationship; half the time he indulged her and the other half he could be mean to her if he wanted to be and he was a few times when they had company around. But what bothered me the most was that he…he acted like he owned her. Like he had a right to her; he could be mean and demanding at the same time all day long to her but…they just clicked, as if they understood each other deeply. Another thing that I had noticed was that she had never talked down to him once at all. In fact, she used childish techniques to coax him, like praises and rewards; somehow that I knew his father wouldn't stand for if he knew about it. She always gave him seductive smiles and treats which he took without hesitation, as if he wasn't worried that he would catch something just from touching her.

Even though he was a half-breed he had potential, potential to take our people of noble status as high as they could and eradicate the people that his own mother came from; the lowborn and the poverty stricken just like that whore Yeon who would do anything to pass themselves onto men just like my Seon-Ho so she could possess the life that I had. I hadn't felt this happy in such a long time than I intend to savour every moment as I made my way towards him. Although he wasn't as capable as other men who had courted me, he had a very promising career and his private audiences with the Emperor alone made him special…and the fact that he didn't willingly court me really annoyed me…and hurt me. I was the most beautiful noble woman in our village that came from a well known family that have had generations of men serving the royal family. But I guess if I was the one who had to chase him a little then it wound't hurt anyone, as long as I got the husband that I wanted. I wanted him to see the woman I was and I wanted him to only see me, want me and be near me at all times. On the rare occasion I did happen to see him training…topless…and I was more than ready to consummate my marriage with him.

I reached out my hand to him, I wanted to put it not his so he would at least take the intuitive to hold it or do something romantic at least. Even if he wasn't ready to admit his feelings yet, I knew that he would eventually, and I know that it was being delayed because of that whore. I almost did it….when he suddenly stepped out from in front of me and he stared looking around everywhere anxiously as if he was waking on eggshells. "What's the matter my lord? Are we waiting for anyone?" 'No!" He snapped in reply as he made his way to the banquet without me. We hadn't been alone for even a few minutes and he was already running away from me. I tried as hard as I could to keep up with him…only to almost collapse onto the ground when he stoped unexpectedly. He looked like a man possessed when I realised who he was looking at…or what I thought he was looking at. For a moment, just a moment I thought I saw Yeon of all people, dressed up in a very expensive white and blue outfit. I had to ruby eyes a few times to make sure that I was't seeing things but she was no longer there. I had been around the girl so much that was starting to see her everywhere now, especially Seon-Ho.

We made our way through the market together where we had everyone's attention until we took our seats and started what I hoped was one of many outings we would do together as a couple. Now all I had to do was to wait for the men to kidnap Yeon and then all of my dreams of starting a family could come true. And as for Kim Aerum, she could have Seo Hwi to herself as long as I got dibbs on his best friend who would let me live in luxury for the rest of my life.