Chapter 169: Betrayal 1 (Baesin)

Imagine my shock when I had realised just what my so-called family had done to me; as I woke up in what looked and smelt to be a brothel. My head was sore from whatever is was that knocked me out and my clothes had been torn, obviously to bring shame onto my appearance. My hair was all out and open and I had blood seeping from my head, but that didn't seem to stop all the women around me from staring pointedly at me, whispering and starting to pick apart to the fullest extent if I didn't kick them away from me. Growing up with my brother and my man, so I had very limited experiences with dealing with other women. I had put some in there their place with my words, but that didn't look like it would work with a whole building full with them. I brawled with as many women who I could already tell where looking down on me and taking advantage of my current state and who tired to steal the limited accessories that I adored on myself because I missed my man. Very soon, I was fighting with almost every women here, including the people in charge. I grabbed the nearest sword I could find that one of the men dropped and I went at it, until I almost took everyone down…until I heard a voice that I hadn't heard since I was at the Nam residence that put a stop to the fight.

What sort of woman had I become after my memory loss? I had overthrown the tyrant Lord Nam-Jeon, I had gotten myself educated whilst running a business, and I had put down my own extended family members . I even gave my man the plan to expose my brother's former lover to them both so that they could realise her true colours and leave her behind where she belonged. No wonder my man couldn't help himself but to scheme over me, even if was naturally offended by the idea. I hd hidden my true nature for over a decade just to help my brother, but not even I could have imagined the skills that I was able to pick up on during my time in the Nam Manor. I was in all of the right places to help everyone and after what I had just been through with my embroideries, I really thought that was the end of it all. But it now turns out that there was more to my story than I had originally thought. There was no way that my brother could have known about any of this and hid it from me, I would never have forgiven him if that was the case. So I very much doubted that he knew anything abut this at all…and that was why I had to stay here, for his sake. I had no memories of the woman who had bought me into the world, but just as my father was my King growing up, my mother was my brother's Queen and he was just as devoted to her as he was to myself. I had to figure this out for his sake, even if it meant him hating me and distancing himself from me if it came to that. But I wasn't planning on staying here long at all, not long enough for people to question my disappearance. In fact, I should be done with this place by the time that I was expected to return to the palace.

I surrendered as soon as the people in charge found me, but I didn't let anyone abuse me either. I was still kicking and screaming by the time I had been thrown outside and made to kneel for god knows how long to atone to form my crimes, but at least no one dared to mess with me again. I couldn't believe that such a coincidence had occurred, but at least this way I was thrown into here and I wouldn't be accused of being a mad woman who just barged into a brothel to become a worker or god knows what else just to achieve my goal and ruin myself in a society that I no longer cared for…but my loved ones were still a part of me, so I had them and their reputations to consider, not to mention my brother. I had every chance to escape even though they kept these useless guards around me who were all suffering from bruises and bloody noses from my hands. I saw my uncle come out, along with his daughter who looked a little frightened to approach me. I saw Ae-Cha's sister approaching me with a sick little smile on her face before she began to taunt me. But I didn't let her affect me at all before I began to reply to her with the long rants that my man had about her to me. She was an unattractive, incompetent and a desperate maid who clearly wanted nothing more than the wealth and luxuries that Seon-Ho insisted on spoiling me with that I had never asked or wished for a day in my life. I couldn't help laugh at her reaction before she tried to lunge at me again, but I gave her a good kick in the stomach right on time as well as a bloody bruise before the guards took a hold of me and started separating us. She looked completely shocked like she wasn't expecting it, but when she tried to lunge at me again I somehow caught hold of her hair and I pulled her as close to me as I could get to tell her exactly how much Seon-Ho loved me, in full graphic detail. The look on her face was completely priceless before I let her in on another little secret I had been holding onto a few weeks now, not even realising that Aerum was watching us in the shadows.


I had lost any hope at all of returning to the Young Master now this secret was laying heavy on my heart. I knew that the Young Master valued children almost as heavily as his father did…it would be a simple enough job to kill Yeon and get rid of her unborn baby, but that baby's flesh and blood also a part of the man that I truly loved more than anything else in this world. We shared similar pain and I was a complete fool to think what he wouldn't do to find her after he came back from the war. As much as I hated to admit it, now more than ever I needed her if I wanted to obtain him…and take my rightful place by his side…but I decided to leave matters alone until he came back, then I would do something about it, just so she knew her place. I was sold into slavery whilst she was born free, I couldn't deny that, but her epilepsy made her no better than me, and she was delusional if she thought otherwise, especially after everything she had put me through.

I was lost in my anxiety, guilt and apprehension that I didn't even realise that my ally had followed us in here! I was so shocked that my jaw almost hit the floor, did I really deserve this right now? I had barely gotten rid of one problem and now I had another problem that I had no idea how to deal with. She was still a lot more powerful than me, and she was also in love with my man's best friend just because she deemed him fit enough to become her husband now that he had a more than honourable place in the palace. But when he needed support the most after the demise of his father, she was nowhere to be seen. My father was to blame, and all the men around him who preyed on his weakness. The only men I had ever witnessed to fulfil not only their destinies but their promises were the Nam's. I want't a greedy person who forget themselves and who wanted the world, but I just wanted one single good man to replace all the hurt and pain that I had been through.

They situation that I had just created was already beginning to fall apart at the seems and I was almost giving myself a panic attack about how to handle the situation. I had already filled in Aerum about my little crush but she seemed to completely forget my warning and started telling her everything as soon as she realised that she had found yet another enemy of Yeon, but one that came from the same social circle as her. I could immediately see where this whole situation was headed but I decided to stick around for as long as I could to get as much as I could out of her power for a long as I could whilst I rebuilt myself entirely so I would become a person worthy of him. Not even he would dare to run over to a brothel and just abandon his plan, right? I was just panicking before, but even a man like him knew that he would face the ridicule of the world if he did such a thing. There was no way that they could get married now, not after this scandal. She couldn't even work in the palace and she couldn't even dream of becoming a concubines even if she wanted to. I wanted to put Yeon through the same plain that she put me in, I wanted her to loose her main support as I had done with my family and I wanted her to walk on a tightrope with her life hanging in the balance as I did. I wanted her to feel isolated, abandoned and neglected, just as I was. I wanted her to live in her own hell and never wake up from it, never recover from it and never even think about the Young Master ever again.