Chapter 175: Marking Territories (Yeongto Pyosi)

"Good morning kisaengs, would you mind taking a walk around the courtyard with me?" "Good morning Yeon, but I am afraid that it is far too early to…" "But it might be worse if the other girls think that you are unwilling to see me in case you feel guilt towards me, That will make you feel as if I am forcing you to interact with me," I replied with a sickly sweet smile on my face. In just barely 2 weeks I had become the most favoured 'companion' in this brothel along with Hyeon and we were the most paid women in this establishment, not that we were giving any percentage away to the Madame like all kisaengs do. I had a firm hand on this place since i treated the girls better than any of the seniors could. There were sill plenty of women who had set themselves against me, but that would all change once my brother came to the rescue once again and helped me out. But until then, I had to make my new status known before anyone could harm me again, as well as completely remove all corrupt people from this pace that had any close links to the Princess Consort who threw me in here. But the only way to remove the Madame of this place was to remove her senior pawns first. But…but if he was here with me, this would be a lot easier, I cannot lie. I was so obsessed with protecting my men and keeping him at a distance and now? I was damn near loosing my mind without him. But what was the guarantee that he would want anything to do with me after this. It was winter now; which symbolised the end of many things, including relationships. I could only wait and see now where my fate would lead me…back to him, hopefully.

"You know ladies, this winter reminds me of a story, would you like to hear it? I know that this place lacks such luxury to hear such pleasant things." "My Lady is leaned and educated, despite her original appliance suggesting otherwise, we would surely like to hear it." "Have you ladies heard of the story called 'The Human Swine?" The looks on there faces when they close colour upon hearing those words were so priceless that it almost made everything that I had been through in here worth it. But I carried on so that they could not come up with an excuse to escape me before another banquet was being held. "I cannot remember all of the details, but I vaguely remember, but it happened during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Gaozu of Han. His Empress was severely jealous of his Consort Lady Qi and took her revenge on her as soon as she became the Empress Dowager. She cut off her hands and feet, gouged her eyes out, cut her ears off and used a special poison to turn her mute. She was then locked in an outhouse and named this punishment 'the Human Swine.' Lady Qi was one of the most beautiful women in the Kingdom at the time, if not the most beautiful woman back then, so it is truly pathetic and sad that she ended up like that. The Express was unbearably cruel and in the end, she still didn't earn her husband' love for even a single day. But she only has herself to blame, since she was deluded by her own favour even if she was at the top of the rank. Only women can hold such useless grudges that end up with results that can only harm oneself… My Lady? Are you alright? Someone! This kisaeng has fainted and needs to return to her room, immediately!"

"Why would you tell such a gruesome story?" "Gruesome? You consider this story to be gruesome and yet, this brothel is funded and run by a jealous favour righting woman who betrays her own sex by kidnapping the women that her husband is interested in and forces them into prostitution? If a home does not have high walls, if people are not seeking pleasure and perversion, then would there be nay need for power struggles at all? Will there be ruthless competition for favours and hatred. Since ancient times and for the power of the throne and/or fortunes, killings between fathers, sons, brothers and so on have been established. And the people praise them for being brave and intelligent. But for women? Women who already have little power and rights in this world that is dominated by men, their competitions are narrow, small-minded and reek of desperation. Even if there are similar distinctions between position and power, dignity and contempt. But this too is set up by the minds of men who can never fully understand the minds and hearts of women. It is all so funny and pretentious. But anyways, you may attend to your friend since i must not have recounted that story correctly and causing her to be frightened to death. But…there is something to be learned in this; despite the false arrogance and determination that you women have, ruthlessness does make determination great. Just a few days ago I was a maid and now i am the most favoured woman in this high-end establishment and making the most money, just for myself. If anyone thinks to offend myself or Hyeon here, then I can simply have them thrown out of here, must less administer the Human Swine punishment. And not even fr myself, but for the children in this brothel who are constantly harassed and bullied by everyone in this world."

"What…what are you…" "I am declaring that bullying will no longer be tolerated for as long as I am here, and even long after I am gone." "Gone?" "I wonder how this place will survive without me at all." "No! Please…you are right! You are in high favour and I shall…we shall never disrespect you again!" "My Lady, you have always acted so sure of yourself. I wonder where all of this sudden guilt is coming from? I was only telling a random story…" "please! You cannot leave here! Whatever the issue is, we can discuss that later on after the banquet!" "My Lady! seriously! What has brought this on, all of a sudden? His historian Sima Qian wrote about the 'Human Swine' as if it was the worst punishment in the word, but it isn't. He himself didn't even really know what 'Human Swine' was at all, for example in the Tang Dynasty. Unfaithful concubines who were made into 'Human Swine' and then soaked into a wine casket. I believe the punishment was called 'Drunken Bones' or something like that. Even though it was cruel, it only goes to show that bad actions always follow up with bad consequences. Take your friend for example; I thought that she had a strong stomach, but her boldness appears to be hollow. But you? You are neither cruel or vindictive, not really. Your friend who tortured me since day 1 turned out to be quite weak but you just watched and did nothing at all."

"If she really offended you, you could have just kicked her out. But you did this to instil fear in us both…if you have something to say, then you can just say something to me directly?" "I knew you were never as slow as your little friends here in this brothel; you can meet me after the banquet to discuss a deal that I have for you."

I walked away with such confidence in my stride, and yet as soon as I walked away, my face dropped in sadness. i was never such a vicious person before and as an orphan girl, and i had to carry the reputation of my brother on my shoulders. I had become such a bitch in this place that I was digested with myself, even if it was purely for my survival. Now i was getting a taste of what my man had ben put through for years and it was no wonder that he just couldn't help himself but t just barge into my life like he owned it whenever I tried to distance myself from him for his sake. I was going crazy without him and…and I was angry every single day that we were parted after such tumultuous times and loving promises. I was more angry than i had ever been in my entire life even though I had been put through more devastating circumstances than simply being parted from a loved one…

"If you like the flowers of the 'Coupling Joy' trees that you keep staring at, we can pick at them in summer and make then into sachets, cousin." "These things can only be kept for a while, but not eternally. Even if we do make these into sachets, they will wither away eventually." "What is wrong, cousin? What is bothering you so?" "I have taken a poisonous bite of love's apple; the kind that makes you want to do everything in your power to protect your man by keeping your distance and then going out of your mind when he is no longer in your sight." "You mean, your brother's best friend? The one who was with you at the banquet where you exposed our cousin?" "Yes, the very same one. Forgive me Hyeon if i have ever offended you, I actually have no idea why I am acting this way at all. My temperament has changed here greatly and I am finding it hard to control myself, i only know how to use my anger to my advantage…" "I can put up with anything as long as i do not have to serve any men, that is enough for me and i owe you greatly for helping me out." "You say that you owe me, but are you willing to repay me for helping you out?" "What do you mean? I mean, yes…I…" "Hyeon, I need you to answer me a question that i will present to you with full honesty. I know that we haven't known each other for too long and you find this intrusive and maybe even offensive, but I have told you that i do not plan on staying here for long and you have nowhere to go after this. You have been a great friend and confidant to me, maybe even the first friend that i have ever had. And as we are distantly related, i am responsible for you here, so I need to make a plan for you when we both get out of here, since my plans may not necessarily end here and i cannot take you everywhere with me forever."

"What is it that you want to ask me?" "You refuse to sell yourself and you have no support in life, so what if i get one for you? To keep you safe and well as a way to repay you for keeping me company here…and even getting revenge on Kim Aerum if you want to consider it. I know that you have a gentle temperament, but you cannot be so nice forever…"

"Yeon, please be frank with me, what plan do you have for me?" "Hyeon, if i can marry you off, will you agree to it? It will be a far better fate that being stuck here and honestly, I fear that people who are aware of our friendship can use us against each other." "Yeon… I mean…I guess so. I already entrust my life to you here and you have taken care of me well. But who? Who would want to marry either one of us when we come from a place like this?" "Someone who has a crush on you? Or maybe even more than a crush? Someone who will treat you well at least, as best as i can offer you under our circumstances. This is a rushed decision, but I need t ensure your safety before it is compromised on my behalf." "I guess it is my only option, but who? Who has a crush on me?" "Hyeon, will you marry my brother, Seo Hwi? Will you all him to take you out of here and provide you with a safe haven? Because i promise you that you will not be able to handle what comes next for me in a place like this."