Chapter 177: Fear & Faith (Dulyeoum & Mid-Eum)

"What is going on with you? Doctor! Quickly, she is acting hysterical!" "I do not want to be Human Swine! Madame! Please save me!" "Human Swine! What on earth are you talking about! "I do not want to become Human Swine! I do not want to be in anyone's way! I do not want to become a pawn anymore! " "Who will turn you into Human Swine? Who will harm you?" "Her daughter…her daughter will turn me into swine after we tortured her…and her mother…she wants to make me into Human Swine for it! Can't you see, Madame! She will kill us all for every hair on her mother's head that we harmed! She will turn me into Human Swine! And you! And all of us here!" "You let a mere babe of 20 years old, half your age to threaten you? Are you being serious? What can that young girl do to us?" ":What do you mean? She has ever man in this town under her spell!" "That is only the men, the weaker sex. Her skills do not work on us women, and it never will! Servants! Tell me exactly what has happened!" "Madame, she fainted after taking a walk with Seo Yeon in the courtyard this morning! And she has been like this ever since we revived her!" "She really threatened her enough to turn her mad like this? An epileptic orphan girl of 20 years old?" "She was with the other mistress, but she wasn't shocked like this. In fact, they stayed being longer to talk privately…" "a private meeting? Between my kisaeng and a cunning babe like her?" "I do not want to become Human Swine! Save me, please, somebody save me!"

"So she is trying to clip my wings here by destroying my most trusted women here? Very well, we have orders to sell the quieter girl anyways. And as for this old hag, she can no longer torture victims on my behalf anymore. She has become insane and talking coherently and refuses to leave her bed! Dispose of her and…no wait. Seo Yeon has preformed witchcraft on every man in this village who pay her without even touching her, then we should expose her black magic by seeing how much she has disturbed the peace of this establishment. Let us see if she can get out of this predicament now…" "But Madame, clearly her own guilt concuss has driven her insane, what if Yeon can prove it." "Who can believe the words of a witch? But first, let us see what this private meeting is about."

"…I thought that I told you to come here after the banquet?" "Forgive me, but I just couldn't help myself and we still have a few hours to go before the banquet starts." "Very well then, please seat yourself nicely and allow me to serve you some tea." "I still have a hard time believing that a strong-minded girl like yourself lacks basic manners, you even knowtow too hard for a noble-woman. Look how hard your hand is shaking to pour in a small cup of tea." "i was a low-born for over a decade and have not had the time to learn basic manners, please forgive me." "Despite all of your patrons calling for you for advice, you haven't learnt anything at all?" "Why bother learning anything if I am never getting out of here, right? I mean, you would think that due to this favour, that I would have men begging to buy me out of here. But it is like everyone wants to keep me here and away from their wives and families. It is a miracle that none of them have come after me yet…" "Oh they have, but the Madame as put a stop on all attempts on your life here with the help of the son of the tutor and his friend who is a colleague of your brother? They have personally taken charge of securing your life. I have to admit, we have had many minxes in this establishment, but not quite so many that will risk their lives for a single whore in this place. And yertyou have 3, including your own brother."

"I guess that I must be a witch or something. But enough of that and let us focus on you." "What is there to say about me since you have cost me my clients, my only friend here and even my livelihood, but I cannot do anything to you since you hare a hostage here." "So what if I slowly return your clients back to you." "Excuse me? But why would you do that?" "Because I simply have no need for them anymore. i have made enough money to keep me content for a while and I haven't intimate served anyone, so it isn't like i am attached to anyone. You can take them back and regain your old favour, but then you would have to do something for me." "Like what?" "I want your help in exposing everyone here and they're history with the Third Prince and his wife."

"For what? They will never let you leave here, nor your body." "Just when the time is right." "What right timing?" "When the Madame of this place dies of her old age which is already approaching soon. But due to everyone else's loss of favour, this will have created a new burden and sense of competition for you to simply survive in a place like this." "I am an old woman who has only managed to retain her beauty due to peeling the skin off of others simply to feed myself for 20 years here, an endless hell created by the Princess Consort which her husband is still unaware of. I am not naturally blessed like you young girls for anyone's attention or favour…" "…apart from the Third Prince himself? Isn't that what all of you kisaengs are here? His fallen women that were captured by his wife?" "Indeed, i was not 'the smart bird that chose a good tree to perch on', and I have been facing a bleak situation to my short-sightedness. And i have no-one to blame but myself for this, for thinking that an esteemed prince will rescue a whore."

"No-one should waste time on regrets when they have lives to live, despite the lack of motivation sometimes. It really isn't easy to form any alliance, even in the best of circumstances, so I cannot blame you for being a pawn of the brothel Madame, even more so for sheer survival. But even now as her power declines, you are seen as close ally and the Princess Consort will not protect you forever. Even you are smart enough to realise that due to my brother's relationship with the Third Prince, he will realise that i am missing sooner or later even though I am supposed to start working in the palace in just a few short weeks." "What? we were not made aware of this…" "myself and my brother have been offered permanent positions in the palace from the Emperor himself, and not even his son's wife is powerful enough to make him draw back his decree. The Princess Consort can only keep me hidden for so many days, even weeks before she tries and fails to seduce her husband once again and he will only take out his wrath on her by clipping her wings, which includes the brothel that she runs and thrives on. He will take all of you down and she will absolve herself from you at all."

"So the end has finally come for this place? At the hands of a 20 year old babe, no less, and a real orphan at that. It is true, I am greatly concerned for my future, even now and I hope that eh down fall of this place will not reflect on myself. The women here are far more impetuous and ruthless as a newer generation walks through these doors." "Your long years here must have been very difficult indeed, and i apologies on behalf of all petty women who could only fight with each other instead of coming together and building each other up." "But without this so-called favour from the higher-ups, I wouldn't have been able to survive here either." "You have already repaid your aid with your 20 years of life here and you have only followed them to protect yourself from them. And now they have nothing more to give you." "They have been…rather domineering so far into making me torture all of the new girls that come here, and now i have accumulated too many sins to make a difference anymore to anyone, even to yourself."

"You still have a quick enough mind to see whose power if faltering here and who is rising to the top to help give you a new path to walk on. I believe that a pawn grows smarter than her masters as time goes on, even lowering your guard temporarily is more than enough for me. Even the idea of helping em will certainly atone for some of your sins that you had to take on when being forced to torture the girls here, right?" "I can do nothing but bey orders, so what do you really want from me?" "I want a list of every crime that has been committed here despite my low chance of being free. A friend…of mine always tells me how lucky i am for being in the right place at the right time, and have more hopes than others of tearing this place down for good and other establishments like this."

"Death, rape, poisonings, dead babies, undercooked food, bribes, it all happens here. But what can you do to stop all of this?" "This place currently hold 15 kisaengs to please the patrons of this village, but I cantering in anther 50 from another brothel that has recently closed down. But I will not make them serve anyone just like myself. Do you believe me?" "50 girls? All older and more subservient than you are? You can help them get by without selling themselves?" "They can serve for company as I do, but not a single man will touch them. They will instead learn other life skills to support themselves instead of having to live with humiliation and isolation." "But isn't it in your plans to expose this place? Why give the girls other life skills to get away from here?" "There will be a sufficient amount of people to help expose this place, but it dense't need to be nay of the junior girls. They have already suffered enough to be honest and my focus truly lies on the children. I need to find a way to get them out of here as well." "Ah yes, your fondness for children is certainly…enthusiastic…" "I am a lowborn orphan with a disability, i may never get the chance to marry or have children in this lifetime, so they are my only focus here. Not single child anywhere in this world should live the lives of myself and my brother like we did in our childhood. And who knows, some of these children may have more noble lineage than anyone can tell."