Chapter 209: Voodoo (Budugyo)

"Well? Did she loose her baby?" "She is currently suffering the miscarriage as we speak, Your Highness." "And where was she found?" "She was found in your husband's quarters…." "I knew it, of course everyone wants to sleep with my husband, he just cannot help himself can he." "Your Highness…DO NOT PITY ME! I forbid it! I….already knew what sort of a man he was when i perused him, and i should have known that i could never change his lustful personally. But you have done well slave, your husband Dal did a good deed when he left you behind in my care to crush that orphan girl, although I really have no idea why he left you and your baby behind. Even if he is inflated with that girl, you have his son which should have guaranteed you a concubine position at least. But never mind, I shall give you the title myself when he reruns with an update for all of us." "Thank you, Your Highness." "Very well, off you go now." "Thank you, Your Highness." Life here in the palace had been extremely hard without the top servant who seduced me and left me unwed with a child only to run after the Young Mistress Seo who never really like him in the first place. Everyone else in the Nam yangban could tell almost immediately that she belonged to the Young Master Nam as soon as she woke up and the usually cold and distant Young Master kept hovering over her and stalking her everywhere that she went. Master Dal didn't even take a good look at her until he noticed and complained endlessly abut how she was distracting him and so on and so forth. I personally think that he was just jealous that he didn't have the Young Master Nam wrapped around his little finger anymore, especially not after everything that she did for him, which was a lot more than anyone had ever done for me.

"…look at her, how do you suppose that she earned the position of Lady-In-Waiting in less than a few years?" "I guess that even humble women must have their own means." "They must know humble tactics that we do not." "She is the unwed mother of that bastard that keeps crying non-stop and keeps us awake all night long." "I guess that it was her lover's idea to keep her in the palace in an effort to stay close to the Royal Family, what a pair of leeches." "It is always the lowborn couples that pull low tricks up their sleeves." "I suppose her child also belongs to the Royal Family then…" These were the kinds of insults that I had to put up with since my so-called husband just dumped me here and left us on our own and all of my dreams of becoming a concubine in the Nam family had completely goner to waste. I had become a servant of the Royal Family but I was unable to care for my own child who was being raised by a bunch of nannies as a favour for my so-called husband, which was all that he had ever done for me after our summer fling. But my baby had no-one else but myself, so I had to be strong for his sake.

"Have you been imitating the concubines' walk, ladies?" "Well, we didn't expect you to recognise this style of walking since you are an uneducated slave." "We can all hear you walking like that for hours in your room, stomping around instead of walking like graceful willows swaying in the breeze. The Third Princess Consort was also just complaining that the opera house was interpreting some of the classics terribly. And now I can see that your act is better than the performers, The Third Prince will forget his disappointment when he sees you walking like that." "Well, I didn't expect your tastes to elevate so quickly after serving The Princess Consort after such a short while, but how dare you mock me?" "I dare not, but just as she said; it doesn't matter where we learn these so-called tricks from as long as it lifts up her husband's spirts, isn't that why you are walking so awkwardly like that?" "You bitch! You are no better than a dog plaster on a wound!" "At least the plaster is more useful than fake heirs and graces. But unfortunately if you use a fake plaster, the wound will stink and people will avoid you."

I attempted to make my way back to my quarters when she suddenly ran in there before me and started to flip my things over fr absolutely no reason at all. I really could no believe the audacity of this girl and I was fully ready to put her in her place, that was until she brought out something from my bed that I was never expecting to see again in my lifetime, and it was something that could get me into very serious trouble if it were ever found out. Venting out anger on dolls were considered a form of witchcraft and anyone found in possession of it could hang to death for it. I had it back in the Nam yangban where I had to personally witness my long time crush and his so-called brother almost beat each other to death over the orphan girl that the Young Master had bought in with tears in his eyes as if he had committed some ungodly crime. I remembered that night well as it was the first time that all of us servant saw the usually cold and distant Young Master practically sobbing at the sight of that poor girl unconscious in his own bed. It was also the first time that he let anyone touch him, in fact, he was the one who couldn't stop touching her. He held her hand all night long, he kept wiping the sweat off of her forehead and he kept…he was just lost in his won world watching her. That was when I knew that something was going to happen between them. But I still cannot to this day find a reason why Dal took an interest in her, unless he was provoked bye pure jealousy that someone else was distracting the Young Master other than himself. I had to admit that I didn't take this too well since I had been in love with Dal since…well forever and unfortunately, he caught me in a moment of weakness after the first few times that the Young Master openly berated the only man who wanted anything to do with him. Seeing the lonely Young Master betray his only friend in his father's yangban for such a lowly girl made me so angry that I needed something to vent my anger on and I…was the unfortunate one that was caught by the Master Dal himself when I began to stick embroidery needles into it.

"…you dare to curse Seo Yeon right under my nose! The only person here who is kind to us servants! Just what on earth are you thinking? Do you realise what can happen to you if somebody else found this out instead of myself?" "Master! She humiliates both you men on a daily basis and she treats you both as her servants and…" "ridiculous! I thought that you were a lot smarter than this and even more perceptive at one point. I never thought that you could be so stupid to cast spells and do witchcraft and…." "Forgive me master, I was simply ignorant of…" "These curses rely on the spirits, but your life and suck remains in your hands alone. And if this crap really worked, then nobody will have t use their mind sever again! I do not care about how much you hate that innocent girl, but instead of wasting time on some curses, you should think about helping her getting expelled from this place." 'Really? What do you mean…" "I mean that it is inevitable to feel desolate when you are alone and resort to bad thoughts. And you have no fiends to even help back you up right now; if you have any grievances in the future than I can help you." Master?" "I shall help you if you help me, that is all I will say for now."

I could tell by the look in his eyes that I would be in trouble then, but there was no way out of it now. And soon enough, he started just showing up everywhere that I was for a good few days after that. I even caught him outside of my quarters a few times until the tension was far too much for me t handle and I had to find him myself to stop this mental torture that he was inflicting on me, only to find him watching The Young Master and The Young Mistress Seo interacting with each other rather…intensely. And it was making him so angry that I distinctly remembered him crushing whatever it was that he had in his hands and making himself bleed.

"Master Dal?" "I know why you have come here and I will stop doing so, if you cary out a chore for me. Then I will forget your little crime and never bring it up again." "What do you mean?" "Do you remember when you were first recruited here? There was another maid who met with an unfortunate incident, and that is why you got the chance to serve this illustrious family. You overcame her like fire overcomes wood, so you cannot loose your favour now. You even have the chance to be highly favoured as Yeon is, is that something that you are interested in?" "I…I mean…" "Your brother is the only adult son of your father, and your baby half-brother has no chance to catch up to him. But if your father were to change his mind and put him to work instead of yourself…" "No!" "…and your stepmother has a higher family banner than your own." "What do you want from me? What do you want me to do?" "I want you to kill the pregnant concubine once and for all. She is completely useless in keeping The Young Master's interest away from Yeon, and I already have another woman lined up for him." "But…but she is pregnant! With the heir of the Nam's…" "That concubine is the one who purposefully seduced me when I was drunk, and everyone in this yang-ban apart from The Lord Nam knows that she is pregnant with my baby and not his." "She….she seduced you? She is carrying your…." "…bastard child that doesn't stand a chance in this world! Look at The Young Master's Nam's childhood! That baby doesn't have a chance in this life, so why prolong it's suffering? Do you understand me?"

I had been forced to commit one terrible crime after another after I gad made only one mistake that was for the man I had fallen in love with since my first day working in the Nam yangban. I was even more foolish to let him seduce me when The Young Mistress Se rejected him time after time and always found herself enveloped into the arms of the Young Master who manipulated her every move so that she would forever have to rely on him, even beyond the yangban that we were all confined in. She didn't even realise that The Young Master had long given up his position by The Emperor's side to find her and bring justice to them all before he devised yet anther manipulative plan to keep er besides him until the rest of their lives. I had seen him document his plan in one of her small diaries that she always kept on her person and now, here I was, miserable, alone and with a child that nobody wanted or would take kindly to in this world. I had killed his brother on the instructions of his father and now here I was paying for my actions. I didn't want to be here anymore though, I longed to find The Young Mistress Seo so that she could pity me and my baby and help us instead of me bing used time and time again to cary out other's bad deeds and reap their sins as my own. I had to fine a way to get out of here and find out where she was so that somebody, anybody could help me, because I already knew that The Third Princess consort would have in mind as soon as she found this. And why not? The maids that I have been going up against here were all her's, so how could I not know what fate had in store for myself? And it was all because of my so-called husband who had abandoned me for her. I would never forgive him for this, and I would surely take my vengeance upon him once I found him as well, just you wait and see.