Chapter 212: Past Hostilities 2 (Gwageoui Jeogdae Haeng-Wi)

I really couldn't believe my ears when the servant who had just turned into a noble lady in front of my eyes filled me in on what was going on with my sister, who was losing her grip on relay day by day. It was bad enough that she had exposed my deepest and darkest secrets just to stay as far away from her husband's enemy as possible, not to mention blaming me for her husband's minting new coin for his future rule, but this? Openly admitting to causing the miscarriage of his mistress? She was already a step or two away from being deposed, so now what shall become of her? What shall become of our entire family? My parents were too old and my sister was the only person that my family could rely on, so what now? And it had happened only a few hours ago, so my parent's couldn't have possibly heard about it yet, could they? But knowing that kisaeng girl, she would probably have her people start trashing our noble home to make us outcasts as soon as possible. Luckily for me, I was grounded in the palace where my dear sister could keep as close of an eye on me as possible, but not anymore she held no power of me now, and I had to find a way to get the hell out of here and preserve myself before I went down with my family. Bu first I had to get a few things off f my chest whilst I still could to her before I caught a ride with the new noble lady and said with her for a bit before I could find Nam Seon-H and convince him to marry me so that I could have a fresh start in life.

She looked as bad as I had ever seen her to be; she had been despised of her royal robes and all of he accessories that went along with it. She was now dressed plainly in white robes without her makeup and her hair completely out, which went against rules of Confucius. One should only let their hair loose when they are washing it and that was it, unless you were like Seo Yeon who constantly made up her own set of rules and always used to epilepsy as a crutch for it. My sister had gotten into trouble with her husband plenty of times before when she was unable to control her jealousy, but it was different this time now. She had never once lost her composure in front of me, ever since we were children. But here she was, shedding empty tears for her empty heart and the empty seat next to her where her husband should have stayed instead of wondering around with anything and anyone that had a living pulse. She lead a lonely life, that was true, but she had brought it purely on herself, and mine as well, come to think of it.

"With what power and rage are you storming into my quarters, sister?" She asked me without even looking at me once since she had her eyes fixed on the door where her husband must have left her all alone. "I am just reminiscing about my own dead unborn child, sister, just like the one that you had murdered today." "Good lord, we are not going to go into that ordeal now, are we?" "Very single time I think about it, how I wish I could crush your bones and drink your blood for it!" "Don't you worry, I am prey sure that I have 100 other women's curses upon me before I could even get to yours sister, and who knows? It might be happened now s we speak." "How I wish I could kill you with my own hands at this very moment!' "I am living a life that is no better than a poor spinster at this money, what more could you possibly want from me at this time?" "Even if your life is no better than death now, it doesn't ease the pain of every single wound that you have inflicted upon me…" "and yet I es promoted to Third Princess Consort instead of you when you lose your baby….I mean, my husband's baby." "How I hate you, how I wish I could turn you into 'human swine' and watch you die! What! What can you possibly find so funny right about now!" "I fear that it is Seo Yeon who will turn you into 'human swine' if you go anywhere near her man, just like how I made you a barren woman when you dared to sleep with my husband on our wedding night! But fortunately or unfortunately, you never did get a chance to tell him about it, did you? So therefore, there is no proof at all to condemn me even more than I already have." "Your husband trusted and protected you almost instantly, even after you brought me that bowl of prenatal tonic after mother confided in you about it." "You were so young when it happened and you showed no interest in rivalries for The Prince's affections, so I trusted you more than anyone. I needed your support and you betrayed me! I could never have imagined how vicious you had become by then!" "Viscous! Me! Oh sister, we both knew that it was I that The Third Prince was originally interested in marrying and making Princess Consort before your obsession took over you! That session lead you to poison me and abort your own nephew! It was….he was a well-formed boy, and you killed him with your own hands!"

"You have no evidence and yet you dump all of your issues on me, just like everyone else in this family does." "You broke into my room and you poured a pot of safflower into my mouth, so I can never have children ever again!" "If you ever had any evidence, you would have already 'grounded my bones and scattered my ashes', but there is no need to waste your breath anymore about this nonsense, it doesn't matter anymore." "What you fear the most has come to your door now sister; the loss of your favour from your…our husband." "You creating troubles out of spite against the Seo girl shall bring you ruin just like it has for all of us, so do not bother resenting her out of jealousy as I dud." "And I will certainly take delight in 'seeing you linger on until your last breath; I shall ask my brother-in-law to spend no money on your quarters, I shall have your stipends sent to the Royal Infirmary, and you will not even have a single maid to do your laundry for you or send you fresh food!" "So you have finally given up on your noble disguise now, sister? Do you really think that you still carry so much influence on him, like you did in the past? Your living expenses came from me despite everything, how will you survive without your wealth now?" "I will make all of my money back, don't you worry about that, especially after I realise how far you will ruin all of us for your husband who is desperate to be rid f you." "You are not so innocent yourself sister; from giving yourself to any man who shows you the slightest bit of attention to my husband's enemy for petty revenge. You have embarrassed me and our entire family for your whole life and yet you lived a much better life than most women in your position." "You have treated me no better than a maid since the day I was born, so who are you to say anything at all? Were you truly happy when you embarrassed me, sister? Are you thrilled? Or satisfied? Well, you can no longer bully me, not anymore sister." "I paid for your entire life, now let us see how you can possibly survive without me, sister, or compensate me for my pain." "You are simply a bully and nothing else without your lost power now." "Have fun relying on yourself from now on, because I can promise you that you will never be able to return to my palace again." Your place? Yours? You are disposed now you delusional women, how can you take me out of a place that you have never owned?" "Don't you believe me sister? Just you eat and see what I can still do until my husband returns to the palace."


"Honey? Where have you been? Why did you leave me all alone? Do you have any idea how worried I have been about you? Where did you go? Please tell me?" "You are starting to sound exactly like the wife that I want to leave behind, Hui-Jae, I have just lost my child and I am obviously upset and I wanted to be alone for a little while." "What happens now? To your wife?" "Bring me Seo Yeon and i can pose her once and for all here and now, and I can bring down her whole family instead of just the sisters." "Are you sure that is all that you need Yeon for?" "What do you mean?" "I am not stupid or blind, I know that you want to marry her instead of me because I cannot give you children anymore! It isn't fair! I ha day whole future stolen away from me by your wife and now Seo Yeon gets to reap the rewards of my hard work once again!" "Once again? What do you mean by that now?" "Seo Yeon managed to fight her bullies, rule the senior and junior kisaengs and even make the most money in that dated brothel without having to sell herself even once! I simply do not believe it! She must have made god connecting for her to go uncured for the longest time! She is at the same age as I was when I was sold off to you, simply because I couldn't pay off my mother's debt in time!" "That was because you simply didn't do anything to pay off that debt at all, you just sat in the brothel all day long and loved down on others. But Yeon did provide a service, at least that is what I have gathered from my resources. But how did you know about this? Why are you getting so jealous over Yeon?"

"I…I just…honey, why is your face so pale?" "Do not change the subject girl, tell me how you knew about all of this!" "I am not lying! Your face has really gotten so pale that you look ill! Take a look for yourself if you do not believe me!" "Stay here! I haven't finished talking to you yet….what happened to me! Why do I look like this! Quickly! Call for a physician! Now!"

"…Your Highness, it looks like you have been poisoned quite recently, with what looks like horsetail grass." "Isn't that the poisonous herb that can be used to treat headaches and chest pains?" "Yes, Your Highness, as well as radial weight-loss, which I can see have taken place here. You must have been poisoned for a long time now, to see the effects take to this extent. But we seem to have caught it early still, so I only need to make up an antidote for you to take over a period of a month or two, may be three maximum. But I have to ask you, have you recently come into contact with new foods that are not included in your usual diet?" "There is nothing special about my regular meals and the 8th treasure decoction that The Lady Min brings me since she was grounded by her family." "8th treasure decoction? I have never heard of such a dish in my life before, can I see what it is?" "It is a kind of supplement to strengthen the body and prolong life." "But he almost lost his life after coming into contact with this new dish, it must be investigated." "What are you saying? I trust that little girl with my life." "I do not wish to imply anything, but it is better to be safe than sorry, let us start with the ingredients of this dish first."