Chapter 228: The Banquet Part 2 (Yeonhoe 2Bu)

I really couldn't believe that Seo Yeon had the damned nerve to use the same drugged drink that I had given her back to me and even stole that useless jade pendant that belonged to my father to create something that wasn't there anymore between us…despite what took place later on that night. The reckless girl almost got me in more trouble that I could afford to put myself in with The Lady Min, who was my lifeline in this residence. But what really got to me was how she defended Dal's so-called honour when we both knew that he had none at all. Just what the hell was she doing? Why was she not acting how I expected that she would? Why was she so hell-bent on ruining herself? And why wasn't she begging me for mercy?

"…The Lady Min seems to be in high favour for you to be reunited with the mysterious man that you met in The Liadong War." "Fate has played it's hand and I am lucky that The Young Master Nam prefers my company. It really is an honour to serve him as much as I have and watch him grow from being a nobody to practically royalty now." "This is true, since I have had the honour of seeing him grow into a well-established man that can handle almost any matter extremely well." "I am rather pleased that Your Highness also approves of his service, all we need to do now is to fix a wedding date and…" "Can you do that? Fix a wedding as you please without matchmakers and the advice of your parents and your sister, The Third Princess Consort?" Dal interrupted The Lady Min for the first time since she tore him apart for simply greeting her, and I was honestly glad that I wasn't the only one who took issue with her. She held no power anymore, so I had no idea why she was acting so haughty and snobbish, like she didn't have anything else to do.

"Do not worry yourself, for my family understands who exactly let them down and whom they can lean onto…" "revitalisation?" "…support. What? What is it? Why are you all looking at me like that." "Forgive us, it just seems unlikely that a rising star in the palace should take on a member of a declining clan, especially when a Royal Prince seems hell-bent on divorcing their sister. But I suppose that if you are confident in your favour, then you must be prepared to being him an heir soon, he should have been married long ago." As this conversion was going on, I suddenly felt a small bout of guilt festering in my gut and it was starting to slowly eat away at me. They were all right; he should have been married long ago with a wife and children. But as for me, my ill-fate with my health, it sealed me from having any sort of hope that I could marry and have children like other women did. I warned Seon-Ho time and time again that it wouldn't happen for him if he chose me, but he was the one who didn't pay my words any heed.

"That is true I suppose, but there is no need to stress yourself out if you have a girl first, Lady Min." Dal's wife muttered mindlessly whilst taking a vividly keen interest in the very painful love-bites that I had received only an hour ago. "If it is a smart boy, the mother will surely gain more favour in the marriage. But if it is a stupid boy, neither one shall be favoured and the man will have no choice but to take on concubines if needed."

"I am afraid that I do not agree with either of you; a child must be carefully taught regardless of their gender. A family's priority is to have healthy children…" "as I suppose that you have been dreaming about ever since he lost his first concubine and unborn child, which is around the time that you gained your infamous reputation of being…intellectually aware." "What exactly are you implying now, My Lady?" "How you overcame her fortune like how fire overcomes wood." "Well, I guess that now that I have made my mark, someone or another will resent me for being a thorn in their side. I also understand that some others may perceive me as "writing in bird-worm script', but everyone in our old neighbourhood saw how her master betrayed her own family for fame and for glory, so everyone looked down on her for it. Glory and riches that she went after only lead her to being shamed and bullied constantly everywhere she went. But she indeed was favoured and it was hard to avoid her for some time, but I would like to ask you exactly how you know about this? Because no-one has mentioned this for years now, so I just wondered where you go your information from?" "I…of course he told me about this…." "Forgive me My Lady, but I simply do not believe you at all. Seon-Ho would never bring her up because if you are aware of the truth, you would know that the baby that she was carrying was actually The Master Dal's." I replied to her with a sweet smile on my face, but I was secretly shaking in rage inside. So it was her who sent that damned concubine over that caused us so much trouble, and I could tell by the way that she was fluttering her eyes nervously. Good god in heaven, exactly what hand had I been deal with now, on top of everything else that I had been through and what was yet to come with my family. But what connection could I possibly have with these pair of sisters when one throws me into a brothel unprovoked and the other sent woman after woman to entrap my man? No, I needed to get the hell out of here and catch my breath before I decided exactly which problem to tackle with first.

"Forgive me, it is rather late into the night and I wish to take a rest for now…" "Seo Yeon; an engaged woman should bid farewell to her dinner party in a low kowtow on her knees, have you forgotten your etiquette? Someone, bring her a cushion and…" "excuse me?" "Naturally, a woman to is about to enter into a noble and prestigious family must obey all of the traditional rules…" "and I agree that once should, but I am not official engaged yet. How could a fastidious woman such as yourself forget this already? My brother hasn't been asked or is even aware of such a life-changing event, so I do not think that these rules apply to myself, what do you think?" "Forgive me I….must have simply become too excited. But I often forget about your low brith and social status whenever I see you wearing this Glinting Satin materials, that could feed yourself and your brother for an entire year. I hope to become your guide soon in entering such a family…" "Even though you posses no blood relation to my fiancé? That is rather odd, don't you agree? We are not even sure how long your stay here will be for, why don't I leave it up pt his main wife? Isn't that more appropriate?" "Well, since I shall soon marry The Young Master Nam, then I also take up the responsibility since you both are so close."

You could have cut the tensions between us with a sharp dagger, and was having a war of words with a delusional woman who still believed in her past power. And I was using all of my restraint not to walk over onto the table and strangle her myself; just what on earth was Seon-H thinking of to align himself with such a woman? What exactly was she trying to do?

"…he maybe a strict man, but he is rather tolerant of me since he allowed me access into his camp during The Liadong war to bring him provisions. But who else here at this table can be more aware of his bad eating habits more than yourself? Since you took such good care of him during your time as his hostage. It did break my heart at the time and he allowed me to take care of him much earlier on; but then he restricted my access in fear of my working too hard." "Well, since you have apparently always been this close to him, I suppose that you both have decided on a marriage date?" "It should take place during our time here where he works…" "Sorry, excuse me; did you just say that he works here? The Young Master Nam? For how long exactly?" "Didn't he tell you? He has been working in this very residence ever since the last war ended. We both have been staying here for quite a while and enjoying each other's company. But as soon as he received word about the plague, he rushed over back from the capital and kept me behind due to fear of my safety…"

"So it appears that such a devastating plague must have come at the wrong time and ruined your plans then." "No! That isn't what I meant at all…" "Of course that isn't what you meant; because if it turned out that you are blaming this kingdom's dead, then you will be known as being worse as an animal, and no-one will want to marry you at all I fear, especially when your own fiancé is risking his life every single day to help combat this as well."

"I understand how protective you are of your former guardian, but we are of one mind now and cannot help ourselves but to focus on our future. And you were never betrothed to him, so you have no say so in this at all…" "I know that I was never betrothed to him, but a man still need standing to when he is busy at work and his necessities are ignored, to help him maintain his health. It really is such a predicament as it is a lot of work and I hope that you can look after him well, because he is a man who deeply mistrusts servants, so you will have to carry out all of these menial and domestic chores for him." :Excuse me? What are you…"

"The Lady Min? Your family has sent someone to deliver a letter here…" "Damned servant! How dare you interrupt us! Who allowed you to run around here wildly like this! Don't you have any respect for your superiors! Someone slap her this instant!" I didn't interrupt The Lady Min in punishing my servant as I could already tell by the look other face that she had bad news to divulge, so I encouraged her with a single apologetic look for her to take a bold stand for herself and get her own revenge. "Forgive me, but your parens have sent a carriage for you to return home, along with a letter, relaying the message that The Young Master Nam has delivered 2 carts of dowries and a huge bronze mirror to your family home. He even personally expressed his wishes for you to find a good husband for yourself." "What? You liar! You are her slave so why…" before she could finish that sentence off, a team of servants had suddenly barged their way inside the premises and started dragging her away from the very spot that she was sitting on rather violently, so much so that her dress was torn apart and she was screaming bloody murder. Dal's wife didn't hesitate to run for her baby and as for myself; I finally found an opportunity to escape from here with my servant, only to find out that she had completely vanished from her spot. But I didn't have time to wait around for her and I had to take advantage of the chaos that was happening right in front of me, so I ran out of the residence where I had been imprisoned for over a year without looking back at all. I had work to do and I had to get it done quickly so that I cud reunite with my brother once and for all.