CHAPTER 06 Dungeon Dive part III

As I took out a sandwich and started to eat as it will help my hp regain and also lowering my fatigue.  

After eating the sandwich I drank some water then I took out a white cloth and started to wipe the blood from both my daggers and the sword.  

As it could rust them fast.  

With that I was ready my stomach was somewhat full and I had already regained 10% of my lost hp in this half-hour as I knew many of my wounds were already healed.  

So with it, I started to go down... My footsteps down the stairs were light and I didn't want to let anything attack me out of nowhere.  

You've leveled up!


You've leveled up!


Unlike a Dungeon, the Instant Dungeon had a respawn timer for its enemies. The monsters on the first level respawned while I took care of the second-level monsters, then the monsters on the second level would respawn while I went back to the first-level monsters.

You've leveled up!

So I did what any Gammer would do "Power Grind"


I went back and forth between the first and second levels until I felt the level-up had stopped as now Exp wasn't enough to level up even if I kill all the monsters on both 1st and 2nd floor multiple times.

'Don't know when I'll get a chance like this so I miss using it as much as I can.'


After a certain point, my senses were able to predict where the monsters would attack from.


"A monkey from above,"


I easily dodged the claws of the monkey that was falling on me and stabbed its chest with my now somewhat rusty sword.


"Cats from the left and right."


I slashed the necks of the black panthers that pounced on him from my sides.


You've defeated the Razor-clawed Briga.


You've defeated the Black-shadow Razan.


You've defeated the Black-shadow Razan.


And with that, all the mobs on the second level were defeated. It had been some time since my level stopped at 17. It looked like that was the limit of his growth on the first and second levels.

It took me 4 times to go up and down and kill the monster just to earn enough exp to level 17 from 16. Which just frustrated me more than anything.  

It's good that I came here with the food and water as without them I would have been struggling especially without the water.  

Let's See "Status"


Strength: 37

Constitution: 28

Agility: 28

Intelligence: 93

Sense: 28

(Available stat points: 0)


After leveling up several times, my stats increased accordingly.  Agility was higher than 25; after reaching above 20 in agility, I knew I was right about the difference between strength and agility.  Instead of increasing my physical speed, the increased agility made my vision speed up, making it seem like the enemies were slowing down. As if the world itself had slowed down.  


'Like a slow motion video.' I am sure after some time I will soon reach a level where it will feel like a super slow-motion video.  

Even as the monkey fell down and the panthers leaped at him, I saw it all in slow motion. It was as if time itself had slowed down. The effect made it easier to dodge the enemy's attacks and at the same time land his attacks.  It certainly made him feel more 'agile'.


Speed is relative.


As the agility stat became higher, the difference between me and my opponent would make my own movements seem faster to the enemy. This causes me to not even receive a signal scratch even when all of them gang up and I won't use magic or even Sprint. This started to happen after my fourth clear-up. 


All was great as I got used to the throwing swinging fighting and even the blood and rotten smells around me

I turned my head and loomed at the stairway down to the third level. As of now, I know I won't be leveling up unless I am ready to spend 24 hours just preaching the gap between 17 to 18.

And I know the boss was there.  That's why I spent so much time just on these two levels to reduce the gap between me and the boss. 


'I feel a chill down there.'


As my sense stat increased, the feeling of danger he felt from the third level became stronger.  Even without looking, I was certain there was something strong down there. But I can't be sure as there were many new monsters in these two levels that I didn't see or read in Manhwa or the novel. 

The existence of a new boss and his lackeys.


In preparation for facing it, I had gone back and forth between the first and second levels countless times.  Even after such preparation, I felt an uneasiness as I stood before the third-level entrance.


He slapped his cheeks.


'I've entered a Dungeon. I can't leave without taking a look at the boss, especially when I came here just to prepare for the three skills I learn just for this time. But still fear is not something that you could easily get rid of… 


A small amount of anxiety was good for maintaining the top level of readiness.  My current anxiety was just the right amount.

Holding my now clean sword in my hands, placing the daggers that looked like they could break any time on the wrist belt, I slowly descended the stairs.


The lighting was much dimmer than on the first and second levels, I had no trouble seeing my surroundings.


It was because of the sense stat. As I said before it enhances the 21 senses that a human body has plus gives me a danger sense.  All great.  


And because of it, my eyesight has improved.


As I cautiously descended, I came across the platforms where the trains would stop next.  But next to the platforms, instead of the tracks that the trains would travel on, was a giant mass of black water.


It's like a story. Let's wait and see if it has any variables.  


It was like a river or a lake. To take a closer look, I knew if I step forward the jump scare is going to strike but I also knew I had to move so I took a step forward.


And just like I expected Suddenly, a large, like a giant log shot out from the waters.




'It's fast!'


The thing that reached me in the blink of an eye was not a log, but a giant snake.




I also used a sprint and after getting faster I reflexively struck the snake's head.



My eyes widened.


Although I was able to parry the direction of the snake that was coming at me, I now stared at the broken sword in my hand.  I quickly turned around. As if surprised by my strike, the snake coiled at a distance, staring at me with a piercing gaze.


'Ruler of the Swamp, Blue Poison-fanged Casaka'

Its name is orange but it had bits of darker shades of orange letters floated clearly above its head.


Next to the ordinary monsters that had a white name up until now, this thing's speed and durability was incomparably greater.


'Still, to think that a magic power enforced sword would just break like this. I know it got weaker after slicing so many monsters but still I never thought it would break. Well I should have used weapon strengthening and sharp before coming here. That was a mistake on my part.  

 Well but I still have a dagger I thought as I put the sword in my wrist belt and took both daggers out wielding in each hand I casted my magic. "Sharpen" as both blades' edges shined with very dim light and their edges became sharper. Now "Enhance" as I spoke the word both blades started to glow with a light pink glow as I felt now baldes were much stronger and sharp 

I looked at Casaka and analyzed him.  The blue scales on its body glistened; these armor-like scales covered Casaka from head to tail.  The scales that could not be pierced by a sword. My fists would probably not work either.

As I considered the futility of my situation, Casaka, having determined that I was a prey, charged towards me with an explosive speed.




I narrowed my eyes. As with speed boost I am able to follow his speed barely. 


'Here it comes!'


As I concentrated with every ounce of my focus, Casaka's previously blurry form began to become clearer in his eyes.  This was the power of the agility stat. And my boosted spped.


As Casaka opened its jaws wide and came at me, I immediately jumped out of the way to dodge its attack. At the same time, I maneuvered myself behind the snake's head and "clank" again. The daggers weren't able to pierce through its hard scales. No they did but they didn't go more than one millimetre which means skin below those scales was even thicker. 

As I put more  force into the daggers "Damn… like hell I'm going to give up just like this!" I yelled defiantly and gripped his knife tighter. Causing it to go even deeper into its skin as blood pours out of his double wounds. 

the snake thrashed and struggled in pain.  At the monster's resistance, I gritted my teeth and strengthened my grip on blades as I knew what would be coming next.


slam! slam!


Even as I was slammed into the floor and the walls by the snake's movements, I held on and did not let go.

"You stupid snake, you cause the daggers to go even deeper into your body. Hahahahahah '' I laughed as the daggers were even deeper than before. 

Now I knew it would be harder to pull them out. I let go of my daggers as I needed to soften the scales so I grabbed the skin near the daggers which was his neck. with both of my arms and squeezed.



The snake started to struggle even more 

My strength stat was nearing 40.  The terrifying power was being applied to the snake's arteries.  Unable to escape his clutches, 


It may have significantly hampered my ability to take down Casaka.  This place would have been my grave. If I didn't power level up. My judgement on waiting before going down to the third floor was wise.



And once the scales were cracked I let go it's throat and gripped my Daggers tight and with all the strength and speed that I had I pulled them upwards. 

And because scales were broken I was able to gain momentum and sliced his throat into four pieces as a ton of green blood poured out of his cut veins on me. I jumped back as I felt he was falling and I didn't want to be below him..


With a falling sound, Casaka's throat was cut into four pieces with its windpipe and most blood vessels in its neck..


You've defeated the Ruler of the Swamp, Blue Poison-fanged Casaka.


You've leveled up!


You've leveled up!


As expected of a boss mob.  Defeating Casaka had granted me two levels. "Yes Yes hahaha" I pumped my fists high from all the excitement and all the dopamine in my blood pumping faster. After all, I defeated it without using a fireball and I prepared fire just for this. 

Hahaha it's an indication of how much grind I did today. The levels that seemed to stop at 17 shot up to 19. I started the day at level 1; I had levelled up like crazy since then.



There was no one who hunted a boss mob just for experience points.  When it comes to taking down a boss, the number one thing is items!

And I wanted that dagger that paralysed opponents.