CHAPTER 57 New Monster???

Shen: How did you find peace? I took away your parents! Everything! I scarred you for life!

Po: See, that's the thing, Shen. Scars heal.

Shen: No they don't. *Wounds* heal.

Po: Oh, yeah. What do scars do? They fade, I guess?

Shen: I don't *care* what scars do!

Po: You should, Shen. You gotta let go of that stuff from past, because it just doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.


Kung Fu Panda 2

Aside from that, how does Han know about oppa and why does she sound so confident?

"I wasn't until I saw his new pictures in your phone and even I had to admit he changed from 1 to perfect 10 in just a few days. I never knew hunters could change this radically." 

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Get to the fucking point," I said while cursing She ignores my glare and still continue eating some of my Pringles. The cheekiness of this girl…

"Hii did you just cursed," she looked at me with playful eyes, "How is your lovely oppa going to react when he hears his little star cursing her best friend."

"You won't dare," I told her with an evident firm face.  *Crunch*

"Why won't I" "You think I am scared of you. Yo… "

Before she could say anything I took out my phone and shows her some images which had her stop even the pringle that was in her hand stuck as she glared at me,  

"You dare," said Han while giving pretty serious vibes, "Don't you think you are going too far with this"

"You think so," I told her.  

"Ok Ok, Jinah... Relax, I was going to tell you that,  you know all the money I made." 

"What of that," I asked while clicking on the sand.  

Ok, Jesu relax I am getting to the point. So I was part of raid groups in which your brother took part in"

"I thought you are not of the age,  and it's illegal"

"Well I did sign none displacement contract but I am sure your Oppa won't mind if it's you,  and our manager is too timid around your Oppa,  So nothing will happen."

"Well, technically we were on part of the raid in the name alone as I'm your oppa and Yoo Jinhoo SSI went themselves to clear the dungeons and they cleared it in record times.  And most shocking of all, they cleared one of the highest B-rank dungeons in two hours and fifteen minutes. " 

"And what is so great about it?" I asked her after two hours is a lot. 

"Well you are not a hunter so you are not aware of the world we live in" 

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Most people think dungeons are just small spaces where you go in and kill a few of the monsters 

Kill the boss and you are done," 

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"But for your information, even a C-rank dungeon is bigger than a Kilometre.  And filled with monsters that kill you the time you show weakness."  She said in a long dramatic pose.  

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"And how do you know this?" "As far as I remember you yourself never enter a dungeon yourself," I told her but I did understand what she means, 

"Well that's true but you can say we get the experience from higher-ups after we become hunters." She told me to which I nodded.  

"So you're saying you participated in dungeon clearing." "So how oppa looked while exterminating monsters," I asked her in excitement as I really wanted to know how he looks. I'm confident he must look cool using magic burning cutting beasts.  

"It seems that you took wrong to what I said, our name was just for rules to complete the numbers. We remained outside of the dungeon, So we didn't enter the gate, so I am not sure how he killed the monsters,  but why do you want to know that."

"Just because…"

"Really Just because,  because the blush on your face says otherwise." As I clicked share,  she again glared "Don't you dare" She jumped at me trying to grab my phone but unfortunately, she wasn't tall enough I got up and lifted my hand.  

"You think that would stop me," she said with a smug face,  " I could just jump up and I will reach the ceiling you know that don't you?"

"Yes you could but you won't," I said with a smirk on my face.  

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Yes, just like I am sure you won't send it." 

"And where did you get that confidence that I won't share it?." I asked her. 

*Crunch* *Crunch*

"Aa you just make this more problematic, but anyway why didn't you shift on when construction is already completed? I want to see how it will feel like to live in a rich fancy house, " asked Han. As she walked back to her couch laying down.  

"You could say the same for me but I want to move with Oppa so I am waiting for him. " I told her the half-truth

"If so then that's a bummer" *Crunch* *Crunch*

I also sat back on the couch and took some of the Pringles to which she glared but I took it anyway. 

"You know I am jealous of you, you bought so many things just for the sake of it, I was lucky enough to be a second holder in an account that holds billions."

She spoke out while looking at the corner of the room which was filled with boxes and bags that were delivered just a few hours ago.  

"Yes, I even think I bought too much in all anger" I replied to which I only saw a smirk which was telling me I told you so.  

"Yes, let's just hope he won't be angry with you."


"Anyway, feeling good," she asked with a smile.  

"Yes, thanks," I replied even though I am still concerned Han's confidence does give some assurance.  

"No need,  believe in your Oppa. I am sure nothing dangerous will happen unless it's an A class. "..."


"Are you pulling my leg?"

"Why would I do t….."



Knock. Knock.  

Before she could say anymore we heard the knocking on the door and doorbell. We both looked at each other. 

"Did you forget to pick up something that hasn't been delivered yet?" she asked me. 

"Yes,  there are a few things here and there. But I don't think it should be delivering so soon."

"Anyhow, let's see who it is." Said Han to which I nodded and we both got up and checked each other.  

As we walked and open the door I saw a face I had never seen, 

"Yoo Jinhoo SSI, what are you doing here? " Asked Han as she seems to know him and by the name it looks like he was the one who hired her which also means he must be the one who also hired Oppa. 

By his looks, he also comes across as shocked after seeing Han here.  

"I could ask the question to you," he said while trying to peek inside.  

"Well, unlike Jinhoo SSI, this is my best friend's house." 

"Yes, a self-proclaimed best friend" I replied.  

"Ooo you deeply wounded me with your words my lovely Jinah," she replied in an over-dramatic pose with her hands on her heart.  

Which had chuckled. While on the other hand young led just stood there staring at us awkwardly. 

So I gave her an elbow so she could shut up. To which she just glared and looked back at me.  

"Anyway, do you need something?" I asked him. 

"Yes, Has Hyungnim returned home?" he asked me which shocked me as I didn't think so.  Oppa informed everyone that he was going and it would take seven days,  and today was the ninth day, so he was aware that Oppa is gone.

"No but do you know where Oppa went?" 


"Sadly I do not" he replied with a sigh, "Only thing he told me is that he will be back in 7 days,  and he is going for something that will boost up our speed of clearing dungeons. "

He replied with deep worry on his face.  

"But I thought it was already pretty fast, as even the highest guilds don't clear 3 to 4 dungeons per day but on most days oppa did 2 to 3 per day."

Yes, it's slow at least for Hyungnim, anyway, this is my card please contact  me as soon as Hyungnim is back." He said while giving me a card to which I grabbed it and nodded. 

As he was about to leave I said. 

"Do you think we should report this to the association and have them look for him, as from what I heard they can get into contact with hunters even when hunters are in remote places of the world?"  I asked him with hope in my eyes that they would be able to find oppa. 

"No I don't think it's a good idea,  they may be able to find him, but if Hyungnim didn't tell me and he didn't tell you either, this meant Hyungnim doesn't want to be found and I even heard they also can't get in contact with him."

He said it seems too in logical but I understood what he represented. It's very much possible that Oppa doesn't want to be found.   

"And don't worry about him, I'm sure there isn't anything that could hurt him," he told me but in reality, I can clearly see the anxiety on his face.  

Even he wasn't sure about it.  

"Anyway if Hyungnim comes back please contact me." and with those words, he departed.


I knew Hyungnim isn't one of those people who would be afraid of monsters just because he had a hard fight.  

But even then I had to make sure,  and now with this, a heavy weight has lifted off my mind. Just tomorrow I sent some of my men into the association to get Hyungnim's information… 

But they also return empty-handed as it appears that they can't even get into contact with Hyungnim.  

Which only means two possibilities. First, Hyungnim's phone got destroyed again.  

Or he put his phone in his space storage which he always does.  

I don't know what is taking him so long,  but I am getting nervous with every passing hour.  



As I sat down in my car and my phone rang.  So I picked it up and saw it was Me. Nim 

"So, boss, the Auction has started. Do you want me to bid on B or C-rank dungeons?"

"No not today," I put my phone on the charger, put on the useless seat beats, and started the car.  "I don't want to take a chance. I already have 200 million losses to cover up.  Last two days I was forced to sell all the dungeons at a loss of 10%. Awfully the last ones that were sold at 20% loss  " 

"So unless Hyungnim is back I won't be booking any more dungeons."

I told him the truth as it cost me a lot when out of nowhere Hyungnim decided to go on a journey of enlistment. And I was forced to see the 6 dungeons that I booked for the next two days.  

And when he told me he will be back in a week I reserved 3 dungeons for clearing,  but it turns out he wasn't back which caused me a lot of loss even though 200 million wasn't a big deal. It's still non-profit money that just slipped away from my hands.  

Well, for now, I can only hope that Hyungnim will be back as soon as possible.


In the Head Office of the Hunter's Association.  

We can see a huge well build old man sitting on the chair of the chairman of Hunter's association, 

In front of him stood a meek young man in his 30s but he was meek in front of the old man. Who was huge?  

"Sir we didn't find any clues about him,  he seems to vanish from the place. "

"Then what about those strange monsters that we found dead there." asked the old man... 

"Sir they were badly damaged with numerous holes all over their bodies so even after the autopsy our scientists weren't able to recover much data,  So they just concluded that it was some new species of these types of monsters."

Said the man while looking down as he couldn't look into the eyes of the old man.  

"So we had no lead on the monster and had no clue on who caused this vexation. Not only that, You know the UN thinks that we were hiding a national-level hunter and now he just had come out so they are pressuring the country if it's not true that they rival the culprit behind all this."  

As the man placed his hand on his face trying to calm down. "And those corrupted politicians thanks that I am holding some magical wand, and when I spin it I will know who is the fucker behind all this. Al…" 

He didn't even complete his sentence as he had his eyes wide open while got up and glanced at a certain way of the night city.  

While the other man had a confused face.  


CONTEXT: It's been a few days since the disappearance of the Mountain. The world is shocked. Some high-quality videos of the incident began to circulate on the internet.  



Sooo... Who's gonna start talking about the elephant in the room?


Pfft. What elephant? It's not that big a deal. The last few days just turned it upside down and nothing changed. 


Yep! Just another Saturday here in Florida.


But seriously. I'm not from the USA, how many of the things on the internet and TV are real?


All the videos released by "Anonymous" is real. I've seen some parts and I can vouch for what I saw. As for the TV stuff, totally useless... No TV channel got coverage of the Incident.

You only see some old men giving their useless opinion.

And when they are allowed to visit the place they could only see from far... 




"Damn, I think we're gonna reach over 1 million views after this chap, and it ain't even chap 60 yet, lol. Should have said chap 40 instead." - Remark.

Now, now, Stop being a horny cuck that reads harem (Which you are reading🤫💀☠️😜) and invest all of your stones in me!!! =)))