" I'm sorry sam.. for everything I did for you and for everything I didn't do for you. I tried hard to be a military leader, that forgot where I came from. I forget that soldiers fighting together are more than a programmable machines. They're brother-in arms. They're are family and I want to try to do right by you son.. by all of you."


X-Force #25


Jinwoo had a big smile on his face as he clenched his hands together. "Release the Raging Storms!" Numerous more storms appeared from his side, with some new elements like lightning, Circle of Storms, All-Consuming Winds, encircling her. Jinwoo then smirked, "You could take on six..."

Suddenly, all the cyclones spun at a rate that would tear the ground and pull it inside. "What about 16?" The beast became a flock. "What about 20? What about 20?!! And the hunter became the hunted! What about 30?!!" The woman looked up at the 30 monstrous storms encircling her, taking a deep breath. Jinwoo was grinning in anticipation. His lust was at its peak. "Tell me, love!"

Now it was truly a dance between couples, yes, a dance of death for sure.

Esdeath was surprised by this development. "A good trick... you are showing me."

Each one of the cyclones began marching like a demon army. Her cold blue eyes landed on each one of the monsters, her smile still unchanged, her rapier clenched by her snow-white hand. It gave her a deeply valiant air. Even in front of what seemed like the epitome of despair, she still faced the monstrous assault head-on.

Her speed advantage was still working in her favor. She evaded the cyclone range and pulling power. Jinwoo's cyclones moved to contain her, but in vain. She kept using ice under her feet to constantly change direction in midair, making her movement like a wild waltz in the tempest. And boy, she knew how to dance.

Like a violent dancing Valkyrie, sometimes she would move unbridled by the world, unchaining the cold with her, like a godly blue thunderbolt. Other times she would disappear as if melting in the snow and reappear like a mysterious demon embraced by the whims of the tempest.

She evaded the tonitrus attacks by a hair's breadth. She resisted the heat of the Gigantic Katon techniques and froze the vines of the storms. Every time Jinwoo would add another instrument, her waltzes would become more and more complex, her dance would push her senses to the borders of insanity as her instinct alone moved her limbs.

She rotated in the air with her rapier out, like a windmill, as she evaded the assault of one of the 30 gigantic blades of the elements, which were now thrown from inside the storms. She marched on the center of one while freezing another.

A woman against 25 TITANS!!!

"A snow maiden dancing with 25 Titans. Some men would go blind by the terrible beauty of this scene alone! If there was any doubt about her strength in the shadows, it was all shut in this moment! Slowly, she started using long-range attacks to buy some time. Ice spears clashed with the winds, glass, electricity, and fire. Ice shards frostbit the storms. Ice rocks damaged the storms as they tore up. Ice shields protected her from inevitable attacks. Sometimes she used one, sometimes she used the other. The snow tempest only grew as she was using all her powers. The snow of the Ice Queen, the firepower of the Shadow Monarch, the 25 monsters of the Magic Power. Everything intertwined in another confrontation, taking over the whole scenery again. Jinwoo smiled, 'You have a pretty good dance!'

Suddenly, Jinwoo's mana accelerated. The stalemate continued for quite some time, but gradually, Esdeath's stamina was depleted. Her dance got slower and slower. Power-wise, she could still compete, but the sheer number of storms made her unable to intercept all their attacks at once. Gradually, the white shade of the snow turned red as her dance became slower and slower. Each step became more sluggish, her reflexes dulled with time. Slowly, like a falling flower in the wind, she withered.

'But you seem out of steps,' Jinwoo taunted. Until out of breath, she fell on her knees, her shoulder bloodied, and vines attached to her legs. Yet, her face still adorned a murderous smile. 'Such a fight! Is something I always desired!'

Jinwoo looked down on her, struggling to maintain all this but still not letting it show on his face. 'Is it already over, Ice Girl?' he asked, looking up at the 25 storms around her.

'Your little trick gave me quite the idea,' she said, standing up and smirking at his disdain. 'You seem quite proud of your little storms.' Her smile grew wider. 'I also happen to have a lot of cute minions!'

As she said that, Jinwoo felt deep danger for the first time in this fight. His instinct gave him glaring alarm bells, and his danger alert skills activated. The mana around him spun like never before. He had a serious face as he lightly grazed his weapon in anticipation.

All the remaining 90,000 Ice Soldiers disappeared into energy and divided into nine equal parts surrounding Esdeath. They brought with them a raging blizzard that made even Jinwoo feel cold, despite being immune to it. All the shadows started freezing, using their mana to barely maintain their forms. This cold was so great that it affected not only the Northern lands but the whole Empire. Jinwoo could even see the nearby sea freeze in front of his eyes!"

The Temperature in the whole Land of North descended, as even the people of the farthest sides of north could feel a slight climate change!!

This was the power of the Ice Queen! The Power of even changing the laws of the Sky!

The Sky seemed to be like a maiden crying for help, tearing up in snow, wailing for forgiveness in winds! It seemed to be nearly breaking apart, as if even giving birth to such calamities, greatly surpassed even it's limits!

By her side in the middle of this irresistible cold, appeared 9 Gigantic silhouettes even bigger than the 25 raging storms!!


Deep roars invaded the whole Land of North, signalling the advancement of new born Colossi!

Esdeath sat on top of one, one leg over another, like the Queen of all existence!

If the Storms looked like wrath demons, the 9 Gigantic silhouettes were like the Knights of the Apocalypse.

Cold, Ominous, evil yet with deep grace and nobility ingrained in their construction!


Esdeath at the Head of her new Legion laughed! Her Blue hair was blown by the Tempests of Elements!

Her stone cold blue eyes with monstrous insanity in them, as she announced the name of the new technique she just came up with:

"Ice Vice Commanders!!"

Jinwoo narrowed his gaze:

"Something new, huh."

His eyes vacillated swiftly between the 9 Beasts that she was about to unleash on the world.

The 9 Cold white Centaurus, were armored to the brim with European armor , and immense ominous blunted lances!

The Cold Imperial impression of power it exuded was unparalleled.

Jinwoo, his hands crossed, his eye coming up with a conclusion, remarked in his mind:

'Each one of them could contest with a S-ranker of not more.'

His blood boiled as Memories of his fight with White Gorilla and Giant Minitour in his mind.

His smile only grew as he knew he would soon make this woman his, his Storms raging down on the world!

He was Sung Jin-Woo, The Emperor of Shadows! God of Death!

And today, Someone finally got his blood boiling!!

"No matter where you spawn from…! !!"

His mana was going wild as pink enegry Spinning wildly in his opened eye:

"I, Sung Jin-Woo, God of Death, Monarch of Shadow, recognize you as the strongest of this place!!"

"Let's dance one more time!!"

The Storms attacked all at once. Esdeath made her rapier even stronger, jumped to meet her adversary as she screamed to her 9 Monster troop:


Titan Clash!!!

Deafening Galloping sound was heard as the colossal Centaurus charged their enemies!

Wherever they foiled the ground, the glacier apocalypse covered the whole land! Gradually the whole battlefield became nothing but ice again, and the temperature dropped every time they made a single step!

The Ice Vice Commanders attacks summoned the blizzard with them, invoked the snow and enraged the tempest on the monstrous assault of the Elemental Storms of Monarch, completely overwhelming them in raw power!!

The Lances cutting through the Storms, felt like they were fighting the concept of cold itself, like the laws of the world were skewed in their favour!

The Storms weren't fighting only the Colossi, they were also fighting the wrath of the sky itself! The viciousness of a Thousand-year old Winter! The Ice Queen wasn't mortal anymore!

Now at the top of those Centaurus, she was the Goddess of Ice, the Goddess of the Sky, and The Goddess of Calamity!

The Storms slowly but surely started freezing! As even Flame Toronto burns out.

3 Storms were at least needed to contain one Ice Vice Commander!!

You would even see Three Storms climbing atop of an Ice Vice Commander, slowly pulling one of his arms the other holding on to one of his legs! Crushing it, The other slashing with its Glass blades like a deranged bastard!

You would see a half frozen Thunder Storm still piercing through the gigantic backs of the Colossi!

You would see the humongous lances skewing two or three Wind Storm and Sandstorm at the same time and just freezing them around!!

Those two people would still call it a fight, but it was already a war in the eyes of the watchers!

A war no sane village would participate in! A war no mortal could survive.

This was a grandiose battle, so grandiose, that even the mighty Jimwoo couldn't bother about the appearances!

Each clash changed the scenery, each exchange seemed like it could end a country!

Mountains got flattened! Deep gullies were formed! The sea kept freezing and breaking again and again in a destructive cycle!

The Lances of the Centaurus against the never ending elemental blades of the Storms!! Each clash's shock wave was enough to injure the close observers. Even those back at the bloody mist were trembling just feeling the after-shock of the fight!

This wasn't hunters Fighting!

This was the work of Gods!

The Ice Cavalry vs The Raging Cyclones!

The mythological confrontation lasted for 10 Straight hours without a single winner!!

The one protagonist and one Antagonist clashing again and again!! Bloody psychotic smiles on their faces!

Her powerful Rapier clashing with his ever Switching Daggers!

The two silhouettes continued to intertwine, reverting to the previous hand to hand confrontation!

Another long stand-still, as light wounds started appearing on each one of them!

The bigger and mortal ones are already healed by Jinwoo's regeneration skill which were getting level up just like most of his skills, and by Esdeath's absorption of the energy of her Ice Soldiers.

Still Esdeath's regeneration was short of Jinwoo as she was much more bloodied than him. Jinwoo has even begun copying and countering her fighting style!

On the other side Jimwoo was suffering from soul wrenching frostbite, he felt like he was colder than a corpse!

Of course with this fight one skill that got the most boost was Cold resistance.

He looked down on the battle going down.

Seeing his Hurricanes of elements starting to finally break apart, Jinwoo clapped both his hands together:

"Choking Vines, Binding Vines!"

The ground around her becomes overgrown

Vines started sprouting from the snowy ground, changing the terrain once again!

Those vines immobilized Esdeath for a while, as they started to freeze under the effect of simple contact.

He smirked:

"As expected, you are something else."

Esdeath smirked back: finally her opponent was giving her what she want.

"And what of it?"

He narrowed his eyes:

"I want you to be mine."

She laughed as if hearing something great

"If you are strong enough, not only I am your I will give you my heart, my soul my body and my life is yours!"

"Come take it!"

"The Strong survives, the weak dies!"

Her smile grew meaner as she freed her self from the long frozen vines:

"If not. I will take you and make you mine!!"

His smile only grew as he heard some words, he couldn't contest:

"As expected of one who holds the title of Strongest."

"Resisting for such a long time."

All the hurricanes slowly disappeared as Esdeath felt an ominous premonition in her heart!

"But you see…All in this world no matter the strength are nothing in my eyes."

Suddenly, an extremely violent mana surrounded him!

The pink mana moved his long spiky hair up!

Making him reminiscent of super saiyan rose.

Suddenly his mana pool got a sudden boost.

And soon he was doing something not even done by the Shadow Monarch.

He smirked, as a picture of gigantic pitch black as if shadow itself, hooded Ancient Colossus moving his hands dominated the view of the whole North, making everyone, Esdeath included, feel like little ants

"…You got me."

The hood slowly transformed into gigantic wings that seemed to carry the darkness of the world in it!

The Ice Queen took a deep breath:

"So…That's…Sung Jin-Woo." she again felt butterflies in her stomach as her legs grew weaker, even I had to admit.

"This man…is a living god."

'My Living God'

Esdaeth took a deep breath, her eyes glued on man.

Esdeath gulped up and down as she strained her neck just to look up at the absurdity she was witnessing.

Most of the shadows had already become ice sculptures and those who were still resisting the ice were all on their asses, at their wits end.

This thing seemed like a disaster more than a spell or skill. It seemed that, at the slightest movement it could recreate the scenery!

"Now… fill Despair."

He said as the huge shadow created a deep gully by its simple movement!

Her Vice Commanders Barely survived the After-math!

"This is something I just learned from you and got right on the first try. This is the very definition of Shadow the Darkness that consumes all the Darkness left behind by primordial light."

Esdeath felt her heart pounding, as she took a deep breath:

"Sadly…It seems the climax is finally here."

Her smile got wider.

Esdeath jumped off the top of one of her Centaurus and smiled, as, like illusory snow, all the colossus disappeared, it's powers converging to Esdeath in a single point.

Jinwoo, who saw with his mana all this amount of Energy concentrate in one place, had his hair standing on his skin.

"This is bad!!!"

He powered up his Complete Shadow God armor preparing for the incoming blast! The Shadow God flew to the air, his hands crossed, as more and more darkness envelopes in bracing for impact.

The Snow, the storms, the power of the Nine Colossi all concentrated on one point!

A silence invaded the whole Battlefield, the whole world seemed suspended, the air seemed stagnant, the wind stopped blowing.

Even the sound of both of them breathing with Shadow's army trying to break out of ice would echo like a lion's roar in this ominous silence.

Yet, the shadows who saw what happened, were having a hard time, coldness in their heart and unwillingness in their faces.

Something was about to go down. Something that would change the world forever.

Finally, all traces of snow disappeared from the world.

All traces of ice, all traces of frost. Everything in the world seemed to have slowly come back to its rightful Queen.

Even the north that was always come felt the heat.

The suspended air, the gulping sound of the witnesses, the palpable tension, the ominous feeling overlooking the whole scene.

And Finally, her sadist smile.

Everything was screaming disaster.

"Ice Commander in chief!!"

Her worlds were like a sentence delivered by the Heavens, as a continent wrapping explosion that could even be seen by the successor of Shadow Monarch.

The Base of the Night Raid., In the Mountains 10 Km away from the capital.

At the rooftop of the Noght Raid's Base of operation, a woman in her mid-twenties, a cigarette in her mouth, she is a woman with short, silver hair and purple eyes. She wears an eyepatch where her right eye used to be. She wears a black suit that shows her cleavage. She has a green and black mechanical right arm.

She was looking up at the sky, a solemn air on as he touched the snowflakes that descended slowly on the empire as well as the hottest places of the empire where no one ever experienced snow, in plain spring.

Her eyes narrowed in deep contemplation. Behind her appeared a pretty young girl in her eighteen's with long black hair that reached down to her knees and red eyes.

She wears a dark sleeveless top with a white collar and a red tie; she wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover over a black, pleated skirt. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves.

Both of them had a horrified face with the extremely exciting prospect being the worst prospect for them. Especially at this time.

"Najenda, the snow is descending all over the emprie and even the bordering countries."

The leader of night raid titled her head in contemplation:

"I have a bad feeling about this, Akame."

"This weird snow, this kind of phenomenon never happened in the land. Especially in such a mass it's not natural…"

Akame narrowed her eyes:

"Najenda, in all respect…Changing the weather in this scale wouldn't even be done by a teigu anymore…"

Najenda laughed lightly, as if enjoying the naivety of the young assassin, she then looked deeply at the carved sky of empire before she responded:

"Nothing is impossible in the World, and I know one who could do much more than this Akame-chan."

"As you grow, you will get the chance to realize it on your own. As you have yet catch a glimpse of the power of our greatest enemy the biggest roadblock in our way of the freedom"

Her face then changed, getting more serious by the second:
