Comfy Snuggles, Domestic Routine, and Cute Potato

A soft cloud like ball repeatedly whipping my cheek was what woke me up.


I swatted my hand around in the air, wanting to get rid of the annoying thing that disturbed my peace. 

"Ugh." Letting out a groan, I pulled the duvet over my face and turned around to find the lost comfortable position. 


F-ck it, my position was ruined.

My eyes opened in the darkness while the annoying thumping of the ball continued from above the duvet. 

"What the hell is wrong-" I yelled as I sat up straight on the bed, yanking the duvet off my head, only to pause when Ares looked back at me with startled eyes.

With the way the remaining water dripped from his raven strands, he was probably making his way back from his morning run. 

Way to start your morning, Sera. Embarrassing yourself so early in the day!

"What are you doing here?" I ran my hand through my hair as I casually asked, sneakily checking my face for any drool.