Transformers In Marvel Chapter 68: Core module

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"You were always there for me, and that's all I needed. Just you. For some reason, I didn't feel sad or broken up, it just didn't seem real. But slowly I realized it was real — that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb." — Jet Black


   Mechanic Downey became one of Stark Group's shareholders. This shocking news spread like wildfire and caused an uproar. For fear that the world will not be chaotic, several major monopolistic media have promoted the news like crazy on their respective channels.

   Someone applauded Tony's action, thinking that this behavior has made the relationship between ordinary people and mutants peaceful and tending to ease, which is a great thing. But in the eyes of some radicals and people who hate mutants, this is a frantic move. They used various means to bombard Tony and the Stark group, accusing them of destroying everything and even triggering a huge war.

"Every act of our company abides by relevant laws. No one or any organization is qualified to make groundless accusations against Stark Group's actions. We will reserve the right to sue." Pepper Pepper, acting as Tony's assistant and secretary Resolute and capable, worthy of her position. She led the team in public relations and suppressed a large number of media companies that were unfavorable to the Stark Group.

   This undoubtedly detonated the current hot issue. The mutant group led by Magneto has become more and more radical, and has issued an ultimatum to the human government. Although ordinary people's views on mutants are polarized, Magneto's approach is undoubtedly driving the neutral group to the opposite side, and intensifying the contradiction step by step.

  The headlines of major media are that Downey has officially become a major shareholder of Stark Group.

That's right, even if this 1% is equal to Downey's number per capita, it was taken out of context by the media and all detained on Downey's head, and 1% of the shares can indeed be regarded as a major shareholder in Stark Group. Yes, because Tony and Obadiah's uncle and nephew have more than half of the shares!

   One percent is really amazing.

   The crowds who support the mutants and those who oppose the mutants protested against each other, marching and demonstrating again and again, telling their own interests and propositions. Many questions that were deliberately hidden were revealed once again and brought to the public to argue with the sun.

   This may greatly intensify the conflict between mutants and ordinary people, or it may ease the conflict. But there is no doubt that a group of people headed by Stryker can not tolerate the result of detente, and they will do everything possible to provoke conflict.

Tony, a haughty playboy, wouldn't pay attention to such boring things. It won't hurt him half of his hair. He still hangs out with all kinds of beauties all day, taking the time to study the Jericho missile, and soon he will set off for Afghanistan. , Where a group of soldiers on the front line are waiting for his weapons of mass destruction.

   Countless reporters are wearing a pair of dog noses. Even though the information is blocked by the authorities, they still found Downey's residence and flocked to interview this up-and-coming mutant, and let him talk about it.

   Downey's response was very simple, he directly controlled a group of Transformers into a combat mode, and stared at them.

   A group of reporters went backwards suddenly, not daring to step forward, they could only walk around outside unwillingly. As time passed, everyone gradually dispersed.


   Downey looked at the downloaded knowledge and technology, learning eagerly. The fire source has improved him comprehensively, including his memory. This is an opportunity. He can obtain some low-end information through the identity of a shareholder. This kind of information is not a secret, which greatly facilitates his study.

   "Large machine tools are not very useful to me... and this, what is this? Precision search control of the press? This kind of thing is completely useless to me..."

Downey has a source of fire. This magical ability is enough for him to do the same things that many large precision machines do. Activate machinery and assemble metals. This has become his instinct. He doesn't need these complicated precision but it is not much. Useful knowledge.

   "This is OK, the structure of the pressure bearing..."

   Downey is accustomed to talking while studying. He has been doing this since he got the information, and he is about to annoy the old bartender to death.

   Downey doesn't need to know exactly the manufacturing method of each technology. He only needs the most critical structural principles. He can completely use the fire source to complete all the processing processes. This is his greatest weapon.

  One source of fire is enough to replace ninety-nine percent of the processing machines in human society. But occasionally I encounter some troubles...

   "Aren't you called the master of transformation? How come you can't change even a high-end engine?" Downey was very dissatisfied, because the efficiency of the old bartender was too low.

"Aren't you a human being for twenty years? Did you make a small intestine for me to see?" The old bartender was annoyed. He held an energy tube to study it, which was pulled from Optimus Prime. At Downey's request, he began to tentatively start with energy transmission.

Downey's memory is amazing. After scanning the information in the shortest time, he suddenly thought that he could try to convert Optimus Prime into energy output. It grew like a weed like a weed, so he was heartbroken, so he bought it from Stark Group. A batch of new devices have arrived.

   With the fire source as the backing, the old bartender's task is to find the route mode that may be the most efficient, and then Downey went to practice and changed Optimus Prime's combat mode to the energy mode.

   Downey thought of Tony's steel armor. As long as the reactor in his chest still has energy, he can fire energy cannons through the armor. Downey wanted to do the same too. He wanted to convert Optimus Prime into an energy mode to change his previous fighting methods, such as carrying Gatling with a careless grin... This is not bad, but the energy mode can better deal with all kinds of things. Unexpected situation.

   The source of energy is his source of fire. He tried to add a core module to Optimus Prime's metal body. Just like the human heart provides blood, the core module can provide a steady stream of energy.

   But it was not completely successful. The energy loss in the module was too fast. Depending on the capacity of the module, the time it can support is also different.

"Or...define the core module of Optimus Prime as the leadership module first?" Downey touched his chin, and he devoted all his energy to Optimus Prime, dedicated to building the best core module. This is also a work. Dead but necessary try.

  His face was a little pale. Manufacturing such a module consumed a huge amount of fire source. It took Downey ten days, dozens of times before he barely formed it. The module is that he imitated his own fire source, using countless fires to repeatedly compress and knead, and finally formed a particle group that seemed to be non-existent, just like a dazzling torch burning and shining.

   The fire energy particles themselves seem to have a state of aggregation. Such a pseudo fire source is far from the existence and non-existent fire source, but at least it has taken a crucial step.

   Optimus Prime stood up slowly. I don't know if it was an illusion. Downey felt that Optimus Prime seemed to have undergone some changes. At least there was a "core" that could be accurately felt, just like a human being has a heart.

   "If a soul is added to the module... the only family left to me will really come alive..." Downey murmured, with some expectation, and even more complicated thoughts. He has nothing but Optimus Prime.

   Oh, and this old guy next to...

"You're obviously dying, look at your vitality! It's like Tony Stark in a romantic nightclub! But I have to say, you have accomplished an amazing achievement." The old bartender sighed with admiration, After taking a sip of beer, he knew very well what a great thing it is to make a mechanical core out of thin air. The old bartender sighed: "You are bald, but also stronger..."

   Downey was very pleased to hear the first half of the sentence. After listening to the second half of the sentence, it was a flying kick, which was neat and tidy. Sure enough, he overestimated the old bartender's integrity and consciousness.