Transformers In Marvel Chapter 70: Downey visits Gotham

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"You were always there for me, and that's all I needed. Just you. For some reason, I didn't feel sad or broken up, it just didn't seem real. But slowly I realized it was real — that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb." — Jet Black


Every Saturday, the Gotham Times will load a life-oriented section called "Gotham Impressions." The impression of Gotham in this issue was undoubtedly occupied by the visit of Stark Group. The exchange and cooperation between the two giant groups is undoubtedly a major event of the moment. Countless reporters gathered in Gotham as if they had been beaten up. Long guns and short cannons were set up early and aimed at every corner of the Gotham port. Countless big-name reporters told the camera, trying to cover the latest explosive news.

What attracts the most attention is undoubted that there is a special person in the Stark team.

Machinist Downey, this up-and-coming mutant took the shares of Stark Group in one fell swoop some time ago. There was no sign at all, which surprised the world. Countless mutants rushed to tell each other, thinking that this was a great opportunity, and they had the opportunity to get precious fair rights. Downey attended the Stark Group's shareholder meeting in a high-profile manner, and Tony personally presided over this meeting. This is a rare scene.

During this period, all the news reports were occupied by Downey, and almost every hot news item was related to Downey. "The Stark family supports the mutants and pressures the government", "Professor X appreciates Downey's contribution", "A certain senior person expresses strong dissatisfaction with Downey", and all kinds of outrageous news are flying all over the sky, and the people are also Talk about it, it's extremely lively.

Before this had time to cool down, the mutant ran to Gotham again, and the Stark Group also gave him the identity of a meeting observer.

"I think some people are too public. This is a very bad impression. He doesn't think about his identity at all. It is difficult for me to have a sense of trust in him." A current affairs commentator said to the camera.

Fox, the president and technical director of Wayne Group, came to the port to welcome the arrival of Stark Group. Fox was about sixty years old, and his slightly thicker lips showed his gentle nature. He kept an inch, half-inch stubble white hair like a white velvet cushion.

A luxury cruise ship docked slowly amidst all the attention. This cruise ship is extremely luxurious. It is said that Tony Stark's craftsman made it meticulously, and it fits his character. Downey still remembers what Tony said to him at the time: "I will use the private cruise ship to take you there. No matter what, I have to compare that guy from Gotham in the pomp. He is so annoying, everywhere. follow me."

Downey stood in the middle of the team, not moving forward or backward. He looked around and didn't see Bruce Wayne. Downey even suspected that Bruce used the same words to explain his executive Fox.

"I welcome you on behalf of Wayne Enterprises." Fox stretched out his hand when he was taking a step, and took the first step to hold the hand of the person in charge of Stark Group, which is Tony's secretary, Pepper Pepper.

Tony is about to go to Afghanistan, and he no longer needs Pepper to be his secretary, housekeeper, and nanny for a short time.

"Thank you, Mr. Fox, I believe we will have a good start." Pepper just showed up, which made people's eyes bright. Her slender body is one of the top and middle classes among women; the soft golden hair reaches the bottom of her ears, and she sets off her melon-like face, and her complexion is flushed. And the most noticeable thing is her pair of smart eyes, both sensitive and deep, flashing under the curved thin eyebrows.

Downey didn't dare to be interested in the greetings between these businessmen. He just stared at the crowd, but in the end, he couldn't find Mr. Bruce, making him sigh deeply.

"Mr. Downey, but you are not satisfied with our reception?" Fox expressed his greetings with a gentle smile, like an elderly person close to him. At Bruce's request, he should focus on this uninvited guest. According to Fox's understanding of Bruce, at this moment, I am afraid that Bruce is staring here through the camera.

Fox is one of the few people who know that Bruce is actually Batman.

"No, I'm just thinking, I have never experienced such a lively welcome scene." Downey chuckled and said nonsense with his eyes open.

The legendary city with simple folk customs... There are always a lot of honest citizens here, saying that if you grab your money today, you will never wait until tomorrow... The folk customs of this city have always been so simple, very...well, honest, yes, Honest.

"It's okay to experience it a few more times. When I see you, I seem to have seen me when I was young. I was like this at that time. I didn't know anything and I had to learn everything." Fox said with a smile, welcoming a group of people to enter and send in. In the car.


Not far from the Wayne family villa, there is a secret cave that leads directly to the ground. This is the bat cave, which was transformed into an underground base by Bruce Wayne with great effort. At this time, Bruce was sitting in front of the computer in the Batcave, and the people in Stark who were officially visiting were shown on the screen, or rather, he was staring at Downey with piercing eyes through the monitor.

Bruce, as the heir to the nobility, looks glamorous, but if you look closely, you will find that Bruce's face has vicissitudes that are hard to conceal. His occasionally open hands showed thick calluses, which were left over from practicing various weapons assiduously.

The sound of the lift sounded, and Afu, the old housekeeper of the Wayne family, walked in slowly with a drink in one hand and a newspaper in the other.

"After Wayne Manor was rebuilt, I would have thought that everything would be better, but in fact, it is not." Ah, Fu crossed the empty underground platform, bypassing various bat chariots and high-tech weapons. Sleeping, and now staying up in the building. Every time you ask for trouble, you always make a mess."

" To gain knowledge from mistakes... and this time, the person here is not a simple person, even dangerous." Bruce frowned and took the drink, took a sip nonchalantly, and opened it. The newspapers in his hand are all news from Downey.

"Then you must be full of the economy now. Are you interested in this person or the power that this person represents?" Ah, Fu was half joking and half serious, putting on his glasses and taking up Bruce's muscular arm, and started Suture his latest wound.

Batman was out again last night and brought down a large number of gangsters.

"Listen to Afu, I don't mean to discriminate against the mutant group...I am more interested in his purpose of coming to Gotham. No one would ever do anything that is irrelevant. The same goes for Downey. , He must have his purpose." Bruce grinned, enduring the pain from his arm, debugging the computer, and the picture of Downey emerged from all angles, without blind spots. "how was your vacation?"

"You can only say so. And you won't be staring at me with this monitor during my vacation, right?" Afu asked.

Bruce smiled: "If you really have a vacation, I might really do it."