Transformers In Marvel Chapter 74: 1 joke

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


"What good are dreams, if all you do is work? There's more to life than hitting the books, I hope you know." — Tamaki Suou (Ouran Highschool Host Club)


   Maroni walked out of the court triumphantly. He straightened his sleeves and looked at everything triumphantly.

   Countless reporters followed him frantically, making noisy noises, clamoring for the right to interview. The entire court was like a vegetable market at this time. The reporters and media were like grocery buyers, rushing for cheap dishes.

   "Mr. Maroni, you accused Officer Harvey that you are the leader of the Falcon criminal family. Please express your opinion. Will you sue Harvey?"

"Harvey is a good person with good morals. He is the most competent police officer. Everyone knows that. I understand Harvey's idea of ​​ending crime. He is just too impatient sometimes. This point needs to be changed. In addition, I won't sue him." Maroni talked freely to the camera.

   This court deliberation seemed to him a farce. The new Harvey is just a recruit. He doesn't understand anything. He thinks he can catch Maroni by grasping the confession of a certain prisoner. Great joke. When the prisoner publicly changed his words in the court, claiming that he was the leader of the Falcon family and that Maroni was just a cover he introduced, Harvey's jaw-dropping expression made Maroni laugh until now.

   A straightforward idiot police officer, this is the evaluation of Harvey, the leader of Falken, Maloney.

Surrounded by countless people, Maroni got into his car, glanced at Harvey with disdain as he closed the door, and drove to the secret place of the Falcon crime family. Today is exactly The day when the heads of the Falcon family met.

  Maroni is really proud of the spring breeze these days. The Falcon Crime Family is the new Gotham overlord since Falcone, and it controls everything in Gotham. Even the Wayne Group has to sell their Falcon family's face in some respects. As the leader of Falcon, Maroni has stood at a new height in his life, and he certainly has reason to be proud of it.

   When he walked into the meeting room, he got thunderbolt news. Their money was robbed by others, and 68 million dollars were missing.

   "Who is so bold to grab Falcon's money in Gotham?" Maroni lay on the chair and exhaled comfortably. He is not in a hurry, Gotham is the Gotham of the Falken family, and he can't run away no matter who it is.

   "It's a freak." The Mexican head said with a gloomy face, "A man in a cheap purple suit with disgusting heavy makeup on his face."

"He is not a trouble. Find him and kill him. The most troublesome thing now is that our money is being watched by the slips and that Harvey is staring at our family like a mad dog. Mr. Liu, this is what you should do. In any case, isn't your trust fund just doing this."

   Mr. Liu is probably in his thirties. At this age, he can talk to the Falken family as young and promising.

"The police made a mark on the banknotes and went to various banks to freeze all your property, so I transferred all your money away, just taking advantage of the arrival of the Stark Group to divert the attention of the senior officials in Gotham City. "Mr. Liu said, "Only I know that place. At least the police bought one of you, and the other people's money is still safe."

   "Then how do you guarantee your own safety?" someone asked.

   "I will return to Hong Kong immediately. The Chinese will not extradite their own people. The Gotham police have no deterrent to me."

   The members of Falken talked and fell into contemplation. I have to say that this is indeed a good idea, and it is also not a solution. Keeping your own property to outsiders, but still don't know where the property is stored, is very frustrating.


   There were a few soft noises suddenly outside the door, and it soon became quiet.

   The Falcons were immediately alert and quietly put their hands on the guns. Who will it be? There are not many people in Gotham City who dare to directly attack Falcon during the day.

   "I found you guys are really stupid, your idea is terrible." The clown in a purple suit walked in leisurely and relaxed as if he didn't put anyone in his eyes.

   "Give me a reason not to screw your head off." The Mexicans had a grim faces, and it was this guy who cut them a lot of money!

"How about a magic trick?" The clown responded quickly, carefully taking out a pen from his pocket, erecting it on the table, and showing it to everyone seriously: "This is a pen. Just let this pen disappear."

   Everyone looked dumbfounded, looking at the mental patient in front of them like a fool. Which hospital did this silly X run out of? Arkham?

   The bodyguard is very dedicated, and he immediately steps up to kill the uninvited guest, the clown, without the master's order.

But at this moment, this funny clown squinted his eyes, his eyes shuddering like a viper, and he pressed the bodyguard's neck between the sparks and flints and slammed his head against the table, but his not very tall body exploded. Out of amazing power.


   The erected pen was smashed into the brow of the and disappeared.

   "DaDa! Look, it's gone... hehe…" The clown's eyes widened, and he pointed at the empty table in surprise everyone.

   "Grass..." The Mexican was completely irritated. This clown was playing with his IQ in person! Since Falcone, their Falcon is the king of Gotham. For many years, no one has provoked them face-to-face like this. They still use this silly X way!

   "Sit down first! I have something to ask him... the clown, right? I want to hear your advice." Maroni put his hands together, and he suddenly became interested in this crazy man.

"Oh, mmmm…Let's talk about it more than a year ago. These gangs and lawyers didn't dare to touch people like you at all, but now? Look at you, hehe, it scared the soul away. ...I know, but I know the reason, why don't you hold a meeting at night...Because you are scared...that big bat...Puff! Puff... That guy made the Gothams see your true colors, Harvey That kind of person is just a stunner, Batman is the key..."

   Everyone looked at each other, a little embarrassed, the clown did reveal the **** truth.

"As for your plan... Uh ha ha ha, Mr. Liu, Batman has no jurisdiction. He will rush to Hong Kong and let you cry and tell him where you hide your money..." The clown unconsciously rolled his eyes, God God talks about it.

   "Then what is your plan?" Maroni interrupted him and asked.

   "My plan is simple...Kill Batman!"

   The whole meeting room burst into laughter all at once. Some people laughed out of breath, stretched out their hands, and pointed at the clown, praising the clown's joke for being so good, and successfully amusing everyone.


good day