Transformers In Marvel Chapter 76: Bats in the night

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please

Good day


Knowing what it feels like to be in pain, is exactly why we try to be kind to others.



  "What is this? Robot?"

   "Kill this ghost!"

   The gangsters were killed by a small gangster and turned on their backs, all kinds of stumps and broken arms were everywhere. They were in a hurry, shooting randomly, but the little Transformers were too flexible, and occasionally hitting one or two bullets would not help.

   Every time a little Transformers haunts, someone must scream and fall down, clutching his forever lost feet in pain.

   "This thing is... you are the mechanic? You are a nobleman of the Stark Group, why should you oppose our Falcon family!"

   Aaron led the shot randomly, and the little Transformers avoided him under Downey's conscious search control. He wants to leave Aaron's life and ask for some information.

   Anderson was stunned. He clenched his fists tightly. He had already planned to do his best. He didn't expect that the owner was so powerful and would kill all these people in an instant! mechanic? Is this young man the one who is often mentioned recently? If it were this person, then maybe it could really overthrow the Falcon family...

   Just in Anderson's cranky thoughts, the entire narrow alley was almost turned into a small purgatory, full of gangster corpses. Many people had their ankles cut off and screamed bitterly. To this kind of people who hadn't died, Downey shot them headshot and sent them on the road.

   In the end, only Aaron survived, and Aaron was almost frightened. He is a small boss, but wherever he has experienced this kind of enemy, the transcendent level is simply not something he can participate in.

   "!" Aaron muttered to himself, with a few drops of blood still on his face.

Downey kicked Aaron against the wall, pinched his neck, and asked, "Tell me your position, all the information you know, and who sent you here? And the Falcon family. Some strongholds."

"I know!" Anderson stared at Aaron with a bit of bitterness. It was Aaron this running dog who took the lead in ruining his family. "Some of the Falcon family's strongholds, including several hotels, are all Falcon's. industry."

   Aaron's face was pale, and the hand on his neck pinched him like iron tongs, making him almost out of breath.

   "The Falcon family sent me to clean up those who are not good to the family, and choke all possible signs of hostility in the cradle..." Aaron said breathlessly.

   "Lie, your heartbeat has been faster just now." Downey was expressionless.

   Aaron really changed his face. He took a few breaths, calmed his heartbeat, swallowed, and said, "Someone gave me money. Let me come here at this time to get rid of Anderson and you."

   "Oh? Wayne Enterprise sent you?"

   "It should be... that person is very bold in his action..."


   In the next second, Downey broke Aaron's neck. Anderson watched this scene blankly, his head a little confused, he didn't understand what was going on.

"Wayne Enterprise? Are you not a representative of the Stark Group? What are they doing to get rid of you? And Aaron is a member of the Falcon family. That's right. The rats in Gotham City know this." Anderson asked blankly. Tao.

"Do you really believe what he said?" Downey looked at Anderson meaningfully, "His first sentence really lied. His action was not sent by the Falcon family at all, because they don't need to be lighthearted. Being an enemy of me, this is not worth the loss..."

Downey paused and continued: "But again, he lied in the second sentence...Heartbeat is a very funny thing. The first time a lie is exposed, his heartbeat will speed up even if he is an individual. It's hard to pass the heartbeat test if you lie again."

"Besides, it doesn't matter whether it is a person from Wayne Enterprise, because whether it is or not, the result is the same... a person like him doesn't know much." Downey squinted his eyes and reached out his hand to take away the little one. Put it away and slowly left this small alley.

   Anderson looked around blankly, and Downey's words were a bit clouded, which confused him. How do you call it "all the same", who the **** is it? When Anderson looked up again, Downey's figure had already gone away. Anderson's complexion was uncertain, and finally gritted his teeth and quickly followed.

  As long as Downey does not reject him, he will follow Downey! And this man just came to Gotham soon, he must need a ground snake, he Anderson grew up in this city since he was a child, is the best ground snake!

An ordinary car on the roadside spontaneously drove into the small alley without a driver, and turned into a two-meter-high Transformer, gathered the corpses together and threw them into the car. Then left quietly, this process did not disturb anyone.


   A few hours later, someone found fresh blood on the ground in the alley and hurriedly called the police. Several police cars roared around the alley, and a team of police pulled up a long strip to block the scene.

The old police officer Gordon, as a rare conscientious policeman in Gotham City in recent years, is committed to the public and never accepts any bribes. From the Falcone era to the current Falcon era, he has always adhered to his principles. .

   "How is the situation, are there any clues? Is it human blood or animal blood?" Gordon rushed to the scene first. Since the chaotic era of Falcone, such large-scale vicious incidents have rarely occurred in recent years.

   "The test result came out. It was all human blood. It happened just a few hours ago," said a forensic doctor on the spot.

   "Call up the cameras in this area."

   "The cameras here have been destroyed artificially and cannot be viewed. You can't even find your fingerprints here."

   Gordon smashed his fist on the wall. What he hates most in his life is lawless criminals. Thanks to Batman, the dark knight fighting criminals, the city has finally become a little better.

   That night, the bat lights were on again, shining high into the clouds, and carved a shadow of a bat in the sky. In the cold wind, Gordon couldn't help wrapping himself in his coat. He was getting older and his bones were getting worse and worse.

   "There is new trouble again, there is a murder case." Gordon looked at the sudden appearance of the black figure, and had long been accustomed to the way Batman appeared. This is how the two of them cooperated over the years.

   "Who? Or the Joker?" Batman was shrouded in the shadows, asking in a hoarse voice after changing his voice.

"It's hard to tell, it may be, it may not. This is related report information." Gordon handed the documents to Batman with a serious expression. "First, temporarily characterize this case and the Joker incident as a case and focus on the investigation. The whereabouts of the clown...but my instinct tells me that we may have new troubles."

   "It's a coincidence, I feel this way too."

   Batman jumped down from the tall building. He opened his cloak and faced the biting cold wind. In the dark night sky, like a giant bat with a ferocious body, he rushed towards the prey fiercely.


good day