Transformers In Marvel Chapter 88: Anti-Downey Armor (3)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


Enjoy your life today. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow might never come. – Takeshi Yamamoto from the anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn!


   SHIELD wanted to temporarily take over the defense of the city, but it encountered unprecedented resistance. For some reason, the rejection of external forces in Gotham City simply exceeded many people's expectations and even reached an exaggerated level.

   When Coleson found Downey, he was sitting in the house playing cards with Klein. The room is still a VIP room provided by Wayne Group. Downey has been living cheekily since he came to Gotham City. The staff of Wayne Group didn't mean to expel it---dignified Wayne Enterprise, is it even a room? Can't afford it?

   "Mr. Downey, long time no see." With a signature smile, Coleson walked in with May. He took a look at this luxurious room and said with a smile: "It seems that you are living well in Gotham, and the chaos with the outside world is simply two worlds."

   Klein showed the last card. It was the two clowns, big and small, and Downey lost again. Now his record is three wins and three losses. He really needs to be careful when playing cards with people with high IQ. With Downey's ever-increasing memory, he actually played a five-to-five win against Klein.

   "Don't test me, Coleson, you guy is as cunning as Ferry." Downey threw away the card in his hand and stretched out.

   Mei always stared at Klein with a vigilant gaze, focusing on Klein's clothes, maybe there was a deadly poisonous gas hidden somewhere. You must know that Klein's poison gas has even let down Batman.

   "Donnie, we want to learn about the situation in this city." Coleson was a little serious. "We want to intervene here, but we have met with great resistance. It's weird."

"It's not surprising. Hasn't Gotham City been like this for hundreds of years? If you are a businessman, a gang, or a politician, you can come, but only certain forces want to intervene. Individuals assimilate, but they cannot assimilate a behemoth like S.H.I.E.L.D.." Downey poured a cup of tea, then poured another cup for Coleson, turning a blind eye to May who was sitting beside him.

   Coleson held the tea cup, smiled, changed hands and handed it to May.

   "It seems that you know the city very well. How about our protagonists, Batman and the Joker? Is there a way to find them directly?" Coleson asked.

   "No way, these two guys are all supernatural beings, fighting each other must be wonderful. So far, Batman has lost a lot of confusion."

   Coleson and May exchanged glances, thoughtfully. The intelligence shows that Downey secretly sold weapons to the poor in the old city, and even did something that was a bit contrary to "payment in installments." This shows that Downey was planning something they hadn't thought of. Maybe this was it. The essential.

"Then, Mr. Downey, I have something to say straight. I think you also prefer to be honest." Coulson sat up straight, his eyes with indescribable sharpness, he asked every word: "What is the reason why you stayed in this city and refused to leave?"

"I'm doing business for the Stark Group? Can't you find out? I'm a shareholder of the Stark Group!" Downey looked astonished, as if he was innocent. Falcon's villain was killed, you can't find it out?"

  Mei felt so angry, looking at the other person's innocent and pure face, she really wanted to give him a fist, and the tea cup in her hand hit the other person's face heavily.

   "The person you arranged has long been thrown into Arkham Prison by Batman. Now there have been sporadic civil resistance organizations in the old city, and many places have become battlefields." Mei said irritably.

"You mean Anderson... I chose that guy because he is a man who can do things. Although he may be a bit stupid to do things, he is indeed a willing person." Downey blew the teacup. Smelling the aroma of tea, "But the man I arranged is not just an Anderson..."

   Coleson's mouth was smiling, his eyes fixed on Downey's eyes, and they looked at each other, and they all saw each other's attachments.

"You are using the poor people in the entire old city as a bargaining chip... Donnie, what are you doing, I really don't understand it. It clearly has a clear purpose, but it makes people feel like a cloud." Coleson said , "You can use the most direct way to achieve your goals, no one will fight you desperately for a bunch of criminals."

   Downey stood up, walked to the window, looked at the bustling metropolis, without looking back: "Coleson, do you know the difference between me and Batman Captain America?"

"Appreciate further details."

"When an industrious civilian is besieged by ten heavily armed gangs, I will help him. But when this civilian is besieged by two unarmed gangs, I will pass by pretending not to see it. , Even if this civilian was killed in the end, I would pretend not to see it." Downey touched the glass with one hand, as if he wanted to touch the soul of the city with this hand.

   Gotham City, a world-famous sin city, under Downey's gaze seemed to exude the light that belongs to this city alone.

   Coleson and May were thoughtful, and Downey's meaning was already very obvious. People cannot always look forward to the appearance of heroes, they should save themselves.

"They dare not even save themselves, and passively accept daily oppression. Even if I rescued them from Falken today, there will be other gangs tomorrow. Without gangs, there will be moral corruption. Public officials of China. I just gave them a chance to choose, whether they want to seize it, whether they want to take the initiative to change their hometown with both hands, the right to choose is in their own hands from beginning to end, and no one is forcing them to do it."

   Downey continued: "It was the civilians who made the decision. They took up weapons to fight against the gang. I provided them with a channel to obtain weapons, nothing more."

   "It's a cruel concept, but it's very practical. Many people don't dare to say it so clearly." Coleson said.

"I prefer to call this concept'pragmatic.' Heroes are limited. Superheroes with one enemy and a hundred are even rarer. But there are more than tens of thousands of civilians in need. Rather than placing hope on'there will be heroes to save. I myself, I only need to endure silently.' For this kind of ridiculous thing, it is better to raise your fist bravely to save yourself. The civilians in the old city are used to being oppressed, and they know better than anyone the essential difference between tolerance and cowardice."

Downey talked, took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette: "I can think of it with my toes, Batman must hate me now, I hope I will get out of Gotham in the next second. I am an outsider after all. The status of urging the weak and poor people to use their lives to fight the fierce gangs. This process is bound to pay tragic casualties and may not be This is an unforgivable behavior in the eyes of some people, I Let a large number of civilians go to death. I am afraid that more people die in one month than in the past few years."

  The two sides fell into a long silence, and Coleson was chewing Downey's words silently. This is not only Downey's view of Gotham City, but also a summary of Downey's style of acting, which is very important information. The two sides chatted casually for a while, and Coleson got up and said goodbye when he saw that he couldn't ask anything.

   Colson and May took the elevator all the way out of the building. May made concealed gestures to the surroundings, and some hidden agents crawled into the crowd in silence and disappeared.

   "Do you really believe what he said?" Mei suddenly asked.

   "At least I believe in his ideas. This is also the difference between Downey and the selfless, fearless, on-call heroes in the public impression." Coleson said.

   Mei snorted. As a global organization, they naturally understand that every year there are many natural and man-made disasters around the world, but how many people have received timely help from superheroes? On the contrary, there are more brave and fearless citizen heroes. They don't have any super powers, but they have a brave heart.

"But one thing is certain. Downey is planning something secretly. At least it is definitely not as simple as disturbing the stagnant water in the old city. He has a deeper layout. I haven't figured it out yet. From now on, take Tang Ni's attention level has been raised one more level."

   Coleson looked at the gloomy sky, sniffing the wind and rain in the air. Batman, the Joker, and Downey all have their own calculations, but don't know who will be the winner when everything is revealed? Who will lose so badly?

   This disaster-prone city, after all, still has to meet some gusts of wind and rain to see the precious sunshine.