Transformers In Marvel Chapter 90: Anti-Downey search Warframe (5)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"Who you are authentically is alright." - Laverne Cox


  Several armored vehicles and a large number of police vehicles lined up, murderous, escorting the felon Harvey to Arkham prison. All the vehicles along the way were notified in advance that they were escorted by felons, and they were all eliminated in advance.

   This journey requires a detour, and the road is bumpy because it is necessary to pass through the edge of the old city to get to Arkham prison. However, the marginal area is undergoing major repairs. Not long ago, Wayne Enterprise suddenly announced that it would hire a large construction team to build roads in an attempt to improve the traffic conditions in the old city. The employees of Wayne Enterprise lined up long blue partitions in the construction zone. Inside, the construction team was busy day and night. There were also many large pieces of machinery, occupying a lot of ground space.

   If the **** car wants to go to Arkham Prison, it has to make a short detour.

   Many eyes are watching these vehicles silently. No matter how many people believe that Harvey is Batman, at least the way of imprisoning Harvey is in line with the psychology of some people who are worried-Batman was caught by the police himself. The clown should keep his promise and will not kill people indiscriminately. Right? Their personal safety is guaranteed.

   Many elite soldiers are sitting on armored vehicles, fully armed. They are on guard against all possible attacks, especially the crazy clown. He is likely to attack the **** vehicle halfway and kill "Batman" Harvey.

   Facts have proved that they did not prepare for anything. A large number of militants brazenly attacked the **** vehicle. This time it was actually the clown who led the team. Several big guys slammed into the **** car fiercely, and at the same time, they took out a machine gun to shoot, leaving dense bullet marks on the **** car.

In the carriage of the **** car, Harvey pointed to the convex metal wall, and asked the surrounding soldiers with some ease: "This car is of excellent quality, right? Those gangsters who want to grab us need more powerful weapons. That's fine."

   These words came true. The clown seemed to have heard what he said. Standing in the high-speed car, he directly picked up a bazooka and smiled at the front of the car in the horrified gaze of the driving soldier.


   The driver died immediately and the steering wheel was blown up. In addition, the front of the car suffered a huge explosion, causing the car body that was moving at high speed to roll over! The whole car roared and fell forward, leaving a long and surprising spark on the ground.

   When the clown raised the second rocket launcher, the deafening engine sound suddenly appeared from a distance.

   Harvey lay down in the car awkwardly, and he couldn't help but provoke the corners of his mouth when he heard the voice: "He is coming...Joker, you are still hooked, after all, I see how you run this time!"

   The clown also looked back with a weird smile, waving his arms: "He's coming... Now, Batman is on the stage!"

   A heavy bat chariot caught up with the exaggerated speed, without evading, and slammed into the Joker's car.

   The clown flew out directly, rolling continuously on the ground, his clothes are messy, and even his face was covered with dust. The clown nonchalantly slapped the dirt on his body, coughing exaggeratedly.

   Batman controlled the Batmobile to drift around in place, facing the grey-headed clown frontally, his expression was a bit cold.

"Yes, that's it, that's it! Batman, run full force, bump into it, I swear I will never hide! Just hit me to death!" The clown held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, frequently licking his lips, making Batman kill him.

   "I want you to do it, I want you to do it, come on, come on!" The clown took a machine gun and shot randomly on the street, but his eyes were fixed on the bat chariot.

   Batman roared, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the bat chariot was like a giant beast, roaring low and roaring toward the enemy!

  The distance is getting closer, and Batman's eyes are getting more and more dangerous.

   "Bump me! Bump me! Tell me the facts that you dare to do this!" The clown murmured frequently.

   The distance between the two has been narrowed to ten meters!!

   "Bump me!!!" The clown roared!

   Batman also roared! Turn the steering wheel as hard as you can!

   The huge bat chariot almost rubbed the clown's collar and slid past!

   With a loud bang, the Batmobile crashed into another car and stopped.

   "You're boring, you're so boring!" The clown licked his lips, looked around randomly, walked towards the stopped Batmobile step by step, and threw the machine gun in his hand casually, looking somewhat distracted. "It's boring, you are too hypocritical, you obviously want to kill me, why don't you kill me? It's boring."

   Harvey kicked open the door of the **** car, took out a pistol from his waist, rushed over and slammed the clown on the head, and drew the gun to the back of his head.

   The clown was lying on the ground, his eyes rolled, and his mouth was still muttering: "It's boring and boring... Can you give me a minute? I feel Batman knocked him to death."

   "Shut up! I finally caught you, you son of a bitch." Harvey gritted his teeth and knocked again, almost knocking the clown away from his back.

   The media with a keen sense of smell as a shark arrived at the scene at some point. Seeing that the dust had settled, they could not wait to surround themselves and aimed their guns at Harvey.

   "Officer Harvey, how does it feel to be the best hero in Gotham City?"

   "I am not a hero, the other police and soldiers are the heroes! The brave and fearless citizens are the heroes!"

   Taking advantage of the night, Batman drove the Bat Chariot and disappeared into the street without saying a word. He looked at the celebrating people on both sides of the road from the corner of his eye, with a smile on his lips.

   Solved one, and there was the last one left.


   When Harvey walked into the prison, everyone stood up and cheered. They welcomed the arrival of the hero Harvey with applause.

   The clown sits in the cage, stretches out his hands, and pats the loudest. He looks at Harvey with a pair of eyes. I wonder if it is an illusion. His eyes seem to be... playful?

   Harvey looked at the Joker without fear. Strictly speaking, this was the first time the Justice Knight and the Crazy Joker looked at each other. The Joker threatened to kill Harvey a long time ago. In the first three cards, they were the mayor, the judge, and Harvey. The first two have been killed, but only Harvey escaped, and to this day, he joined forces with Batman to send the sinful clown to prison.

   "Are you not scared at all?" Harvey stuck in his pocket and looked at the clown coldly, his tone mixed with undisguised pleasure. It was this disgusting guy who not only wanted to kill him but almost killed his beloved girlfriend Rachel! But he was caught by himself and sent to prison!

"Emmmmmm... afraid? No, what am I afraid of? If I am afraid, I am not afraid of you, Harvey. The Batman guy gave you all the burden when I knew you were the one who carried the city instead of Batman. At that time, I won't be afraid of you." The clown sat honestly, without any extra movements, including licking his lips and stroking his hair.

   This is very abnormal. The clown is too quiet. A neurotic person would not be so quiet.