Transformers In Marvel Chapter 110: May come from hell

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


In the luxurious and ancient hall, countless exquisite foods are placed on the table, young and beautiful maids are constantly walking around with their drinks, and their protruding and slouching figures are eye-catching.

Although electric lights are installed here, they are not turned on, only a large number of candles are lit, and occasional walking can cause the flame to sway.

Old villas, ancient customs, and, ancient people.

Archie turned into a fighting form, followed closely behind Downey, and walked into the castle-like building. Downey was very clear about his purpose. His goal was not to exterminate the Owl Court at all. It was of no benefit to him. Maybe he killed all the people and didn't get what he wanted.

In the end, it must be through coercion and lure.

Okay, then everything is fine. Downey turned and left, and would not return here easily. The trouble of the Owl Court was left to Batman himself to deal with. No, then kill them one by one, whether it is to arrest the old guy or support the agent, as long as he can achieve his goal, Downey will never mind carrying the dirty to the end.

The Owl Court is more like an interest group, trapped in Gotham's three-square acre, and piercing the sky. That was also Batman's business and had nothing to do with Downey. Downey didn't care about the tricks, he only cared about whether he could get what he wanted.

The old traditional table manners were ignored by Downey, he picked a piece of bacon at random, and then gently put it down. I opened the wine that had been stored for many years, smelled it, and put it down again.

The behavior is quite unreasonable, even provocative.

The maids on both sides looked flat and looked ahead, and did not show anything that shouldn't be because of Downey's rudeness. Everyone stood up, deliberately showing their turbulence and uprightness, and their eyes seemed to show...expectation?

This is the rule of the ancient Falcone family. The maids who dare to move around have been thrown out to feed the dogs long ago, and all that can stay is clever and sensible.

"Not very comfortable with these foods? No wonder, after all, my taste is a bit different from modern people." Luigi Falcone, the undead patriarch of the Falcone family, used a way to talk to old friends. Talk to Downey in his tone.

"I'm here not to eat." Downey wiped his mouth with a scarf, even though he didn't eat anything. He is very cautious, as long as he gets what he wants. Too many actions are meaningless.

No one knows if these ancient families have left behind any killers.

Arcie was by Downey's side, and Optimus Prime and Hercules stood outside to frighten him.

"Bacchus factor manufacturing technology, and resurrection spring water, gave me these two things and I turned and left," Downey said, taking a glance at the very low-key young man standing next to him.

Thomas Wayne II, the brother of Batman.

Let Thomas come out to greet, which means it is worthy of scrutiny.

Thomas was a premature baby. When he was weak, he was sent to a local welfare home. The news of the baby's death soon came out. The Wayne family was heartbroken. At that time, the young Bruce was less than three years old and was ignorant. There is no deep impression on the matter.

But in fact, Thomas was not dead, he was rescued by the Owl Court.

Until now, Thomas was adopted by the Owl Court, trained, and cultivated as a powerful owl killer.

The Owl Court has been planning to replace the Wayne family. Downey knew that the best plan was to wait until the time was right, to kill Bruce, the sole heir, and to launch Thomas, a direct descendant, whether through blood tests or other methods. , Reasonable inheritance of the Wayne family, let Thomas eventually replace Bruce.

Let owls replace bats.

Downey looked at Thomas, who was calm and composed, from the corner of his eye. This was a young man, and Bruce could be seen faintly on his face. Luigi unabashedly introduced Thomas, sending an extremely important signal to Downey.

Join forces to rule Gotham.

"Did you know, Mr. Downey, a year ago, the King of Gotham City was a junior of our Falcone family, but unfortunately, he was inexplicably mad." Luigi shrugged and went to himself somewhat indifferently. A piece of plump and juicy beef was stuffed in his mouth, showing a look of enjoyment.

"The court is the one who really rules Gotham City. Although you don't know how you know us so much, it's not important. What's important is that we can join hands. Let me introduce you to an outstanding junior-Thomas. Wayne, he..."

"Falcone, I'm not here to listen to this, I only care about my goals." Downey unceremoniously considered Luigi Falcone's words, a little impatient.

Rule Gotham? When the goal was achieved, he was happy to accept the cooperation that was delivered to the door, and he unceremoniously used the Owl Court as his Gotham City base. But the empty-glove white wolf pushed him like a fool as a shield, and Downey wasn't that foolish yet.

"Give me what I want, everything can be discussed, if not, I will kill you now and find someone who can cooperate with me," Downey said.

Luigi's hair is gray. For hundreds of years, he has been in contact with many people. The most troublesome thing is that people like Downey don't see rabbits or scattered eagles. In the end, Luigi chose to compromise. After making a gesture to Downey, he turned a teacup on the dining table.

On the wall at the end of the hall, a door slowly opened.

Louis base station got up, symbolically holding his walking stick, and walked slowly. Downey hurried to follow up, set up Luigi, and dragged the old patriarch in under the gaze of the claws who were almost rioting in the dark.

Luigi smiled bitterly.

"I will give you a copy of the technology of making Dionysus factor. The most important thing is below. Resurrection spring water is the key." Luigi said as he walked, "Hundreds of years Earlier, our group of people discovered this mysterious spring water and was ecstatic. After gaining a long life, we kept it secretly sealed and regularly refined a batch of manufacturing claws."

"The origin of this spring has become a mystery, and we have not found any clues about its origin. We only know that this spring will continue to regenerate, and the time limit is probably a hundred years."

The two reached the bottom, and a faint spring of water flowed quietly into the pool. This spring water seems to have some kind of weird magical power, which **** all people's minds into it, and can't wait to throw them all into it. Around the spring, there were no weeds or flying insects, and the air was full of death, which stimulated Downey's hair to stand up.

Weird spring water.

Downey frowned slightly, he was now increasingly suspicious that this spring water might indeed come from the **** universe. If he had a hand against this spring, would a powerful big demon cross-border obliterate him immediately? In the ghost place of hell, not only is Mephisto pretending to be a grandson, but there are many more terrifying guys than him. The strongest group may not even be able to rival the Supreme Mage.

The Supreme Master always monitors the dimensional passage of the earth, but can she have time to rescue it? Reading Net