Transformers In Marvel Chapter 103: Hercules

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. -Babe Ruth


Six huge containers roared from the sky!

"What the hell?! Kill them!" An ominous premonition suddenly rose in the heart of the leading owl. What is this big guy flying over in the sky? Is it the other's Transformers again?

It's another intelligence issue. They only did it after confirming that Downey's Transformers were almost destroyed. They didn't expect that the other party still had stored them, and they would directly transport them by technological means. ()

"It's too late, it's too late!" Downey sneered. Although the creation of Hercules has not been completed, it is only about 70% to 80% completed, but it is suitable to deal with this group of owls with cold weapons. The metal body of 23 meters alone is enough to crush this group. Killer!

No matter how strong your resilience is, I will break your head and body into pieces!

Hercules, but a veritable weapon of war! He is a war fortress full of weapons!

Each container is loaded with a ground digger. These containers are also products of the Stark Group, which Donnet asked for from Tony, just in case.

"You are more troublesome than I thought. I thought I wouldn't be able to use this big guy... But since you use it, it doesn't matter. You all stay to bury you. If you lose so many owls all at once, the noble court will feel distressed. ."

A container first landed on the ground, only a roar was heard inside, and the container as the outer shell was directly blasted out in all directions! The next five landed on the ground one after another, and the flying container wreckage smashed a lot of owls, and their bodies were damaged by the immense force.

A total of six light green construction vehicles have emerged one after another into six transformers-sweepers, mixers, dump trucks, cranes, excavators, and bulldozers.

These six different models are all components of Hercules!

Originally, Owl was thinking about sneering. With these six big guys, it was only a matter of time before it was destroyed, but the changes that followed made his eyes wide open.

One after another, the tigers came together one after another, and then layered on top of each other under the constantly tumbling and changing metal parts. One ground digger hits another ground digger, and the collision room is grabbed by the original ground digger, and then the contact parts are actually combined between the rotating parts!

"Destroy them!" Owl gave the order, and the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger and stronger. What is this, splicing assembly? How many metal robots can actually assemble each other?

Do it now and destroy them! It's all broken into pieces, and it's useless if you turn the sky over!

Owl killers flocked to several ground-digging tigers one after another. Everyone wore owl hoods, and the eyes behind were indifferent. A group of people transformed into killing machines would subconsciously obey all court orders.

The burrowing tigers opened fire one after another during the assembly process, because of their size and number, even though the number of owls was large, they could not get close for a while. Luckily, a sharp claw rushed forward and took out a giant axe to smash the bulldozer's body, but was firmly grasped by the bulldozer. In the next second, the crane half assembled next to it grabbed the owl's head, alive. Squeeze!

Downey controlled Optimus Prime and Arcie and took the opportunity to enter the crowd. Various energy cannons bombarded them. Most of them died on the spot. A few survived by chance, lying on the ground waiting for the wound to recover.

The violent artillery fire was deafening and spread far and wide in the silent night. This time, Downey's real firepower was fully on, whether it was the digging tiger in the combination, Optimus Prime and Arce, they were all brought to the extreme by Downey.

"These new things are still using kinetic energy weapons..." The lead owl mixed in the crowd, eyes faintly.

Kinetic weapons have the least effect on their owls, not to mention their self-healing ability. The clothing they wear is specially designed to prevent bullets, especially the owl headgear, which can protect the head to the maximum. What's more, if you can't chop off or smash your head all at once, you can slowly recover even if your head is half broken.

"Moreover, with this kind of firepower output, how long can your Transformers last? The longer the time, the more metal reserves are consumed, and the more fragile your Transformers become."

One after another, the digging tigers are finally put together. It is difficult to describe this unprecedented big guy in words, it is a huge monster in the true sense! It can be seen that the different parts have different appearances, and people can understand at a glance that Hercules is a combination, but this does not conceal the terrible facts of Hercules.

A behemoth with a height of 23 meters, it can shake a tall building from the front! Humans stand in front of him, like ants on the ground can only look up.

The first foot, just the first foot of Hercules, easily trampled several owls to death, trampled them all over, and could not be resurrected anyway.

The harsh metal friction sounded, and Hercules was condescending, like watching a group of ants. Under Downey's control, he deliberately did not use a heat weapon and directly held a giant knife, just like cutting wheat. The stump and broken arm are dancing at an altitude of tens of meters, like red dandelions.

"Hercules is specially designed to deal with enemies with numerical superiority..." Downey hid behind Optimus Prime, staring at the owls in all directions. There is Hercules to clean, and every time you do it, a huge wave will be set off. It is impossible for the flesh and blood of human beings to have much resistance.

Numerous owls stabbed into the body of Hercules with their own cold but this is not annoying, the body of Hercules is too big, like a person being pierced by a needle, perhaps bleeding, But it doesn't matter.

Downey cut off the head of an owl, and he looked around for the leading one. Under the large-scale cleaning of Hercules, it is impossible to know when he will be hacked to death. As long as the leader with the soul is not stupid, he will definitely behave out of the ordinary. It is the instinct of living creatures to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

With the passage of time, the loss of the fire source in Downey's mind was astonishingly high, but the effect was also great. There were body debris everywhere, and the ground was almost covered with blood. There are also many owls with undamaged heads crawling among the corpses, trying to splice their body parts, and the scene is unusually bloody.

Hercules' feet are already covered with various weapons, but this is nothing to him, but Downey has been repairing his physical wounds.

Hercules took a sudden step forward and swung his knife directly at the densest crowd behind the enemy! Numerous owls are maintaining a forward posture. In order to avoid them, they knelt on their knees, leaned their upper bodies back, and faithfully fulfilled the court's orders. Only one kneeled on the ground to dodge the attack and did not slide forward!

found it!