Transformers In Marvel Chapter 100: Sentence you to death!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson


"Hostage? What hostage?" Downey stopped his movements and turned to look at Bruce with dangerous eyes. "What hostage are you talking about? What do you do to my people?"

"I have a hostage in my hand, you know that person..." Bruce said laboriously, "Go back with me, and I won't hurt him. () Since you keep saying that you don't trust Harvey, then use facts to prove everything, Rescue Harvey and let him prove it to you and me! Who is wrong!"

"Bruce, I still underestimated your shameless lower limit..." Downey knocked Bruce to the ground again, his eyes getting more and more dangerous.

For an instant, Downey flashed many faces in his mind. Who will be the hostage? Klein, the old bartender, the blade, and even Anderson, who was squatting in Arkham Prison...

"Come back with me, Downey, you must save Harvey first..." Bruce spit out blood, panting.

Downey's expression was cold, with some unconcealed complexity: "You put your hopes of transforming Gotham on Harvey, but you have great hostility towards me...because he is a prosecutor? In accordance with the law? But he does not. So great, you will regret it..."

The extreme character of the double-faced person is not just for fun...

"You obviously have a strong strength, but you are watching the weak people go to death. You can inspire them, and then rush to the forefront by yourself to defeat the Falcon family with the momentum of thunder." Bruce said.

"Listen to Bruce, I never owe the Gotham people anything! On the contrary, I gave the Gotham people the courage and opportunity to resist. Just these poor people, the one-time burst of power is enough to make all the gangs fear. I have given them the opportunity and hope that you can see, and you have only been giving them imagination for more than a year, the imagination of the hero who protects you."

Downey gradually put away his murderous intentions. People like Bruce are stubborn, but sometimes stupid, and enjoy doing difficult things, otherwise he would not turn into Batman once Gotham to practice justice. But because of this, sometimes it is even more annoying.

He also remembered the "no kill" principle that Batman pursued for a period of time. He caught and let go, and let go, just like a reincarnation. Batman himself swayed repeatedly in the light and the dark, and the whole person lived in contradictions .

"Go back? People like Joker and Harvey are little things, and I have more troublesome things to do. Go back, Bruce, I don't bother to care about you, and I'll be back soon after I finish dealing with the things at hand. Tan." Downey stared at the boundless night without blinking. He could feel that the lurking undead were already ready to move.

An owl flies in the air, flapping its wings, and finally disappears into the night, like a ghost that only appears in the night.

Bruce stared at Downey for a long time, and finally stood up in silence and left with the help of Alfred who had arrived in time. Bruce's look is complicated, Alfred's look is even more complicated. Ah Fu looked at Bruce, then at Downey, opened his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Bruce.

"Let's go, Afu..." Bruce waved his hand.

"Okay, master." Alfred walked into the distance under Downey's gaze, holding Bruce in his arms. After walking for a while, Alfred still didn't hold it back. The old butler asked, "Master, don't you really tell Downey. In fact, there is no hostage at all? That'hostage' is actually you... "

"It's not important anymore, I failed..." Bruce was hoarse, his voice was not deliberate this time, he was really dumb, and there was a huge exhaustion in his voice.

In the darkness in the distance, there are many figures flashing, and neither Bruce nor Alfred has noticed the slightest. The latent abilities of these people are too high, and the distance is a little far away, so they can hide well.

The group of people stared at Bruce who was going away indifferently and did not move at all. The Wayne family, good neighbors of the Owl Court, before Bruce Wayne directly threatened the court, the group of distinguished families would not do it easily. This generation of Wayne family clearly left Bruce a direct line, rashly killing, will cause the economic collapse of the entire Gotham City. The most important thing is that the Owl Court has secretly planned to use their methods to get more perfect results.

Because of the existence of Batman, the darkness of Gotham City can surround the court more closely. The Owl and the Wayne family have fought secretly for hundreds of years, but every time the Owl wins a big victory, many members of the Wayne family have been assassinated and pretended to die by accident.

"According to the order of the court, kill Downey desperately!"

A figure gave the order, and a large number of lurking figures slowly walked out of the darkness, surrounding Downey in the middle, preventing Downey from escaping.

For hundreds of years, the owls have either stayed silent, as long as they do it, they must succeed. In any case, the Owl Court cannot expose themselves. They are like terrible ghosts that devour everything at night, watching all of Gotham.

After a long time, the Owl Court was dispatched again, and directly aimed at the famous mutant Downey. Downey's actions seriously threatened the status of the court. They were severing the court's power from the root. They must do everything in their power to destroy Downey.

After killing Downey, the entire court immediately lurked, avoiding the violent counterattack from mutant forces. What's more, they can master the Dionysian factor technology, which can resurrect the dead. If you resurrect Downey and transform it into the "claws" of the court... Downey is a mutant with at least level 4 potential, and that's more. A thug, who can shake their rule of the Owl Court?

"Owl Court, you have participated in all the major events in Gotham City in the past few hundred years. Even more than a year ago, when the Shadow Warriors Alliance invaded Gotham City, a group of killers disappeared and were killed inexplicably. It was you. Right... Beware of the Owl Court, and always monitor your travels. Look at Gotham City from a dark Hidden in the low-wall attic. He lives in the house, and he lives in the bed and the bed. Don't worry. Mention his name and Talon will find your head."

Optimus Prime stood up, and Downey took out a thin breastplate from his body and slowly put it on him. This was transformed from his vibrating brick, which was enough to protect the numerous organs in his chest in the fierce battle.

"This children's song has been circulated in Gotham for hundreds of years. You stupid birds can hide better than mice." Downey left behind Arce, who fell to the ground without a trace, and finally only took Qingtian. Zhu Zhao was by his side, one large and one small, against the unknown number of court killers in the dark night.

This group of killers has a fixed name, called "Claws".

The owls and claws have the same costumes. They are dressed in black clothes with various cold weapons on them. The headgear is made in the style of owls, which is similar to Bruce's bat armor.

With his cold gaze, the leading claw looked at Downey who was waiting for him through the thick black lenses. This person is the mortal target tonight

"Machinist Downey, you have severely shaken the stability of Gotham City, and the court decided to sentence you to death!"