Transformers In Marvel Chapter 95: Will you bleed (1)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." - Judy Garland


In the pouring rain, the two figures faced each other at a distance of 30 meters, like extreme poles, their eyes facing each other, revealing an inconceivable coldness. -79 Novel Network-Pinshu Network

The heavy rain poured down, and countless heavy raindrops whizzed and slapped their bodies, not allowing them to waver at all.

"Tell me, Donnie... will you bleed?" Batman's hoarse voice came from the steel bat suit.

Downey's eyes were a little cold, he had many possibilities in his mind, but when he faced this dark knight, he still felt a little... regretful and angry. This is a conflict of ideas. A person who claims to be a superhero and cannot tolerate himself as a weak commoner will try his best; a person who claims to be a guide, Downey would rather watch a lot of people die, and let ordinary people use their own hands Fight for.

The two people who were diametrically opposed and unwilling to compromise finally came to the opposite side.

"Is it a kind of exoskeleton armor... I didn't expect you to be able to build it now." Downey looked at the two-meter-high Iron Batman who was completely sealed on the opposite side, a little surprised and a little surprised.

Exoskeleton battle armor, in simple terms, is a metal battle suit tightly attached to the surface of the human body. Many organizations have ideas in this regard.

And this set of Batman's alias is your power armor, it is the battle armor with the highest popularity and the highest appearance rate among the six famous super armors of Batman in the future. Because of its structural principle, this exoskeleton armor can have several subtle different types, and can be adjusted slightly when facing different enemies.

This set of Batman's armor also has a well-known name-the anti-Superman armor.

"Of course I will bleed, but the person who made me bleed can't be you. Bruce, it's impossible to beat me with this kind of armor alone."

Downey walked forward slowly. In this cold weather, he wore a simple single coat. After being soaked in rain, he 'showed' the 'flesh' of the water chestnut inside.

"How would you know me..." Iron Batman also took his steps, every step heavy, and he stepped on the newly repaired ground and made a sharp sound of metal collision.

"A lot of people know it, just don't say it. It only appears in Gotham City. It has an endless layer of new equipment and new weapons, and has superb combat skills and lurking capabilities. Gotham City has a large population, but rich, Right, and people who have learned all kinds of combat skills, plus the noble son Bruce Wayne who has been in the Far East inexplicably disappeared in the Far East for several years after the Kage Warrior Alliance attacked Gotham City last year.

"Not only I know that people like the clown can guess it, let alone an organization like SHIELD, many people know it, but everyone doesn't say it, it's boring to say it. As the Wayne Group Everyone of the behemoth, you, the official agency can't move if they want to, so they just pretend to be stupid." Downey listened to the heavy footsteps, his eyes condensed slightly, but he still didn't move.

Iron Batman is still walking in an orderly manner. Even if he hears this news, he doesn't waver at all. Every step is as precise as a robot, and the points are not bad.

"If so, I will arrest you... It has nothing to do with me being Bruce, it has nothing to do with Batman, it has nothing to do with Gotham." Batman said hoarsely, "I just separated from those poor people, look. To their terrible life, what do you want to say? Don't you have the emotion of confession in your heart?!"

Batman began to run gradually, his pace getting faster and heavier.

"I gave them the choice. It was they themselves who refused to accept help passively, but they decided to stand up and resist! Bruce, after more than a year of superhero career, you saved a lot of people, but you can only give them fire flowers. After burning, nothing is left, but I am teaching them to drill wood to make fire! The method is stupid, but every step is down to earth!"

Downey also quickened his pace and finally started to run. In the last few meters, his whole person was like a flash of lightning, rushing towards Batman!

Two bodies, one big and one small, slammed together! There was a loud bang, but it was soon overshadowed by the sound of the pouring rain. Downey and Batman stretched out their arms and punched each other without flinching!


In the end, Downey flew more than ten meters away! He grabbed the ground with one hand and left a long trace on the rain-covered surface, but it was quickly covered by rain on both sides of the trace.

What a powerful force...

Downey's left arm had been covered with a thin layer of armor just now, and it was at the disadvantage of head-to-head with Iron Batman. He 'touched' his slightly painful left arm that was 'shaken' through the metal layer, and his brows were already quietly frowned.

"What a strong power, my power has reached 1,300 jin, which is more than half a ton, but from just now, the power has actually been crushed...The power index of this exoskeleton armor is at least two tons. Let's start. And when I touched it just now, the material of this armor was clearly..." Downey was calculating it quickly, and his heart began to face this armor.

It is undeniable that Downey really despised Batman when he first started. He originally thought that Batman would use any means, and even wondered if Batman would be desperate to create a group of robots imitating Transformers to deal with him.

But I didn't expect it to be this exoskeleton armor. He is not like Superman, who has the fatal weakness of Kryptonite, and he should not be like Superman. His resistance to magic is almost negative. A few powerful attack magic can make Superman clean. Down.

But at the moment of contact, Downey understood something and suddenly changed his mind. Batman deserves to be Batman, he has considered all aspects.

This armor is an but the material of the armor is really special, so special that Downey, who has always been poor and self-proclaimed, is a little jealous, and he can't wait to grab it and keep it for himself.

Downey really coveted this steel armor.

"Vibrating gold and Edman...Bruce, you are so extravagant to use vibrating gold and a small amount of Edman alloy to build the main part of the exoskeleton armor. No wonder that my fire can't penetrate at all, and no wonder you dare to face me face to face ..." Downey's expression changed a little, but that was all. This suit of armor is too bulky, and Downey himself can 'take' some time to find the fragile joints and remove it.

Besides, if you can **** this armor, then Nima is developed, how much money will it cost...

"I know everything about you. Even if you use your Transformers on a large scale, it's useless. Tonight, you can't escape with your wings. I will send you to prison and personally create an indestructible cage for you. Repent for the dead innocent citizens in prison."

Under the luminous light, Bruce raised his head, and the eyes of the battle armor exuded an increasingly striking light.