Transformers In Marvel Chapter 127: new knowledge

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"The two of us aren't so different. My whole life I've desired from others. I felt bitter about the people around me and I closed off my heart. And a heart that lets nothing in will become empty before you realize it." — Mei Aihara


Many great figures in the universe have been alarmed, and those with limited strength and vision will naturally not be able to find out. But for some great figures in the universe, they naturally noticed something wrong at the first time, and they used their own means to check, but more People choose to be silent, no matter what the result is, someone will naturally stop them, and they will not allow high-level creatures to shoot at will, especially on planets like the Earth where many people are staring at.

  In this sensitive period, who on earth would dare to break the balance so unscrupulously? Isn't it afraid of being encircled?

  People have speculated that many organizations or individuals deployed on the earth have their eyes condensed, with an unpleasant look in their eyes. The current situation in the universe is very sensitive. Almost everyone has tightened a string to see who fires the first shot first, but their respective layouts and calculations have never stopped. The planet Earth is one of many key planets.

Finally, the terrible sense of crisis gradually faded and disappeared. Downey was sweating profusely, and his bones made a chuckle under every movement. The prolonged pressure and stiff movements made his body appear sluggish. Case.

   From the beginning to the end, Downey used all his strength to resist the terrible pressure, and the violent veins almost burst open in Downey's gritted teeth. This is not just physical pressure, but also a spiritual one. As the first line of defense, the body suffers the most damage, and spiritually, it bears the crush of life from a higher dimension.

   is too terrible, it is hard to imagine what level of power is spying on the Earth.

   "The staring gaze disappeared, it seems that the Supreme Mage made the shot." Downey sighed with a deep face.

   The boundless sense of crisis almost suffocated anyone to death. What's more terrifying was that they didn't even have the qualifications to resist. Never had this kind of experience, and Downey had never had this kind of aggrieved experience! As low and humble as the ants, like garbage being slaughtered at will.

   "The gaze that seems to have swept the universe...who is it, is it the big devil in hell?"

   Downey glanced at Amanda, who had passed out into a coma next to him, and his face became more and more ugly. The secret of the Resurrection Spring is bigger than he thought, and terrible enemies are looking for him across the universe.

   Downey suspected that if it weren't for the Supreme Mage to block and monitor the earth, he would have been spotted and then easily wiped out. Before he knew it, he first owed the Supreme Master an adult favor.

   shrugged his shoulders, and Downey felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, he was going to visit Taj Kama sooner or later, and there were more lice, but when the time was right, he went up to the Himalayas to visit the Supreme Master in the Himalayas for the sake of gratitude.

   In his mind, the fire source jumped gently, exuding a warm glow. The triple helix structure that had been digested and replicated in an instant was being dissected and ablated under Downey's control. Taking advantage of the time guarded by the Supreme Master, resolve the secret of the resurrection spring at the fastest speed.

   Judging from the situation just now, it seems that everyone who has touched the resurrection spring has become the target of the impact and paid a painful price. The scream from Amanda's mouth was not pretended.

   "What the **** is going on, erosion? Assimilation?" Downey was puzzled, and he was more afraid of things like the resurrection spring.

   The fire particles spewed out, and the group surrounded the triple helix. Under Downey's alternative vision, a large number of secrets were resolved, as if they had been stripped of the mysterious halo, and presented before him.

A lot of indescribable things were learned and absorbed by Downey. At this moment, the fire source seemed to have become a super-giant computer. It instantly calculated the massive secrets contained in the triple helix. This is a secret from another world. In hell, it is completely different from the three-dimensional universe in the present world, and even some of the subtle rules are different.

   At this moment, a large number of secrets are no longer secrets. They are absorbed by Downey in the form of "knowledge". This is a mysterious and mysterious thing. It is difficult to describe the secrets beyond the horizon in modern language.

But one thing Downey knew very well. He ushered in a "sublimation". The secret of spring water "regeneration" was partially analyzed by him. Just as people know that the sharper the wood, the easier it is. The triple helix structure consists of a large number of It is composed of microcrystalline grains, and the boundaries between microcrystalline grains will crack under pressure.

   Downey knew that most metals are composed of fine crystal grains, and the size and direction of these crystal grains can affect the strength and characteristics of the metal. But under certain conditions, pressure can change the microstructure of such grains. Downey's approach is to artificially move the grain boundaries for wound repair.

"I seem to understand that there is a wrong stress field inward... There is a mechanism for load reduction inward. This is the essence of regeneration... No wonder organizations like the Owl Court can develop the Dionysian factor by themselves. Technology..." Downey muttered to himself, his eyes getting brighter.

   If there is a choice, of course, he hopes to get rid of the shackles of the resurrection spring water. Will all Transformers' organic bodies be made of the resurrection spring water in the future? So what if one day the **** demons cut off the source of the spring water? Isn't this forcing Downey to go to **** to **** it?

   But with Downey's current understanding of hell, unless it is a multiverse or a group of cosmic-level people can walk sideways, those single-universe-level powerhouses have to be more cautious in hell.

   The multiverse is surrounded by a wall of the speed force, and **** is located outside the wall of the speed force. If you want to reach the multiverse, you have to have a stable channel, or you can use super strength to blast through the vast wall of superpower, and that difficulty simply breaks through the sky.

   The huge secret was dissected little by little by Downey himself, and a huge amount of unheard-of knowledge was absorbed by Downey. The manufacture of recycled metals is no longer a He has analyzed most of the secrets of the resurrection spring.

   "This resurrection spring water is only afraid that it will have a direct effect on the gene chain of carbon-based life forms. When the big devil comes, these people will be controlled by others..." Downey thought, without saying a word.

  The technology of the Dionysian factor has been thoroughly understood, and a part of the secret of the resurrection spring has been unearthed, and there is still a Wolverine's self-healing factor. Originally this was an alternative plan. It was extremely difficult to get the Wolverine version of Edman recycled alloy. Even if Uncle Wolf was willing to cut off part of his bones for him, he might not be able to eat it thoroughly in a short time.

   It's better to have relevant information about Stryker. If anyone on the earth knows Wolverine the most, it is undoubtedly Colonel Stryker who has studied Wolverine for many years. He even knows Wolverine better than Wolverine himself.

"Strek..." Downey thought. Robbery and hackers are very difficult to succeed. No one knows where Stryker will hide the information, and that guy has great malice toward mutants, maybe not. Compromise with him.

  The difficulty is that if he joins with Stryker, as long as there is a little wind, Downey's reputation in the mutant camp will be completely stinky. Stryker is a famous executioner.

   "Then you can only use another method, just kill two birds with one stone..."

   Downey shook his head and carried Amanda back into the room, who was still unconscious. The bumpy figure really made him startled, but he still endured it. He had more important things to do.

   The time flies in a few days.

   Amanda was also lying on the bed, and she was in a coma for several days. She did not eat or drink for a few days, which made her look thin and haggard. Although the consumption was reduced because of dormancy, it was like a tarsal maggot.