Transformers In Marvel Chapter 149: War of Wakanda (3)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party.

Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~

Power stone, please


"If nobody cares to accept you and wants you in this world, accept yourself and you will see that you don't need them and their selfish ideas."

– Alibaba Saluja (Magi)


When Rose dispatched the vanguard, Downey knew they were finished.

  According to the military's consistent style over the years, because of its size and technological ability to crush, it has been aggressive and slaughtered civilians.

   Applying this set to the residents of Wakanda is undoubtedly a big death.

   Because of its isolation from the world, the Wakanda Kingdom still maintains many primitive and ancient customs, such as the race for the throne, which is to select heirs from the children of the previous generation of kings and the king's brothers and sisters.

   The standard for qualified heirs is simple and rude. Under the witness of the four tribes, the contenders show their upper bodies, and the one that these noble bloodlines can best fight is the next king.

   It is not uncommon for people in each generation to die because they vie for the throne.

   Primitive and rough, ancient and tough, this is the folk customs of Wakanda, noble kings are selected in this way, not to mention the folk, the fierce folk customs can be imagined.

   Downey slowly followed the Ross Command, dangling in the car, squinting at the mighty army.

"No matter what Wakanda does, continue to hide tortoises in a protective cover, send only a small force to defeat the military, or a large army in and out, the warships have been washed and killed at high altitude, and Wakanda's exposure has become an established fact. ."

   In the clear wilderness, there is a sharp contrast between the lush trees on the high mountains and the dense grass on the wilderness. This peculiar change is one of the phenomena caused by the Zhenjin Mine.

Not far away, the fifth tribe, which has been free from Wakanda all the year round, lives in snow-capped mountains. The temperament of summer and winter is chaotic. It is distinguished by region, but not far apart can cause completely different temperatures. The scene is also the change brought about by Zhenjin Mine.

   This time, it was not only a disaster for the military, but also a disaster for Wakanda. Because the latter was being watched by the more terrifying guy, Downey watched them completely, and wouldn't let it go without taking the Zhenjin Mine into his hands.

"Break out the military, or slaughter the military, have exposed Wakanda's position. The whole world is not a fool. After a trip to Africa, few came back alive. All fools know that there is a problem. But Wakanda's technological prowess makes it unrealistic to beat the whole world, but self-protection is more than enough to provide an opportunity for me to personally attack Wakanda next time."

   In the thinking along the way and the expectations of many high-level military officials, the troops in front have already exchanged fire with the border tribes.

   Your own soldier was killed, the military's vanguard would not be polite and immediately opened fire after confirming the target.

   The gunshots sounded dense, and many soldiers took up their weapons and fired at the black Aboriginals on the opposite side. In the eyes of these soldiers, the "primitive" tribal costumes of the opponents turned into ridiculous things like clowns.

Da da da!

   The soldiers' gazes solidified, and they looked at the opposite side dumbfounded.

  The warriors of the frontier tribes have set off their robes-like costumes long ago, and their actions are unified and concentrated. In front of them, a series of translucent light blue barriers suddenly appeared, like virtual projections simulated by high-tech.


   The soldiers are a little dazed, the backward indigenous people actually have virtual projection technology? It's too contradictory. Is this really Africa? Or East Africa is labeled as poverty and backwardness! How can high-tech emerge?

   The next second, something that made them even more stunned appeared.

   Dense bullets hit these seemingly false barriers with a burst of light noises. These metal bullets were visibly blocked by the naked eye and fell sparsely to the ground. Soldiers observing with electronic telescopes can still see that many warheads have become flat, and it is clear that they have hit hard objects.

   These "virtual projections" are more than one meter high, when they greeted these bullets, there was no change, and even a small ripple did not appear.

   The soldiers looked terrified and speechless.

   Even idiots knew that they had hit the iron plate. When this scene was transmitted back to the command post, all the senior officers suddenly felt bad.

   Wakabi slowly walked out of the neat army and yelled in Wakanda. All the Wakanda warriors began to shout, the voices getting louder and louder!

   The soldiers raised their spears neatly and pointed the spears firmly at the soldiers, the sunlight shone with cold light.

The breeze is blowing, touching the wisps of green grass on the ground, and the entire grassland begins to dance with the breeze. The smell of grass and unknown plants that belongs to the grassland is slowly permeating, stretching the landlord to all strangers. Passion.

   That is the smell poured out with death and blood.

Wakabi yelled again, everyone began to yell, and everyone's spears began to shine, and after a tenth of a second, a beam of light blasted out of the spears with a chirp, passing through at an astonishing speed. To the military soldier in consternation.

   In an instant, screams one after another, and many soldiers fell to the ground one after another.

"what happened?"

   "Fight back, fight back!"

The elite soldiers resisted the fear of the unknown and the loss of the huge gap between ideals and reality. They took up their weapons to counterattack. The gunshots sounded again, but it was Wakanda fighters dedicated to defense have long since stood up. , Stop all the bullets.

   More fighters fired behind the protective barrier.

   Wakabi stared at these strange visitors indifferently, faintly excited. He is a hawk, and he originally advocated external expansion, but King Tichaka's accumulation of power is very heavy, so he can only talk about it at the meeting. If he goes to war against the outside world without authorization, it is undoubtedly a betrayal of the kingdom.

   "How can these indigenous people who can't even build houses have these weapons?!"

   In the command post, someone screamed in disbelief! Not only him, but many people also didn't believe it when they saw this scene! Energy weapons, even the most advanced military equipment, are not miniaturized. How can this group of indigenous people have it?!

   People from the military look at Wakanda as they look at the ignorant natives. Similarly, Wakanda looks at the military like they look at primitive people.

   "Gun? This kind of kinetic energy weapon is too primitive." Wakabi looked at the massacre with a sneer on his face.

   Wakanda's energy weapons are based on vibrating gold that can release energy. This is a technological level of crushing, which is the most helpless and depressing.

  You know that the opponent is also a flesh and blood body, and you will die with one shot, but you just can't beat the opponent.

  The spirited expedition seems to have evolved into a massacre.

   This is just the beginning. The first troops are fighting and withdrawing. The army's large troops are coming at the fastest speed under the command of the headquarters. They guessed that these indigenous weapons should be provided by a certain force, and the number was not large.

   Relying on their size, crushing them, and torturing information.

   Downey followed the crowd and beckoned, and dozens of unmanned locomotives slowly drove to his side.